
If no Properties name Option is given, this Action returns a PairsList of each Properties name with its value. This can only be performed with single Objects.

Otherwise, if a Properties name Option is given, this Action returns a PairsList of each Object's name with its value. This can be done with an Object or ObjectList.

In either case, if a second (assignment or value modifier) Option and an Argument are also given, then the value changes, and the names of the modified Objects are output.

Refer to unpacking the Properties Action for more details.

Applies to the Document, Transducer and Variable Objects.


ObjectsMatcher | Properties [Option [Option | Argument]]


Output the properties for a variable as a PairsList.

> Calibration subset | Properties

4DBackground | SeaAndSky |

4DConstrainMinimumSampleSize | true |

4DDownsamplePings | true |


Output the PairsList for a Properties Option, then change the value.

> Region statistic | Properties ThresholdedValuesSetTo

Region statistic | Zero

> Region statistic | Properties ThresholdedValuesSetTo = | NoData

Region statistic

Output the PairsList for a single setting for all applicable variables, then change the value for all of them.

> * | Properties ThresholdedValuesSetTo

Fileset1: angular position raw pings T1 | Zero |

Fileset1: Power dB raw pings T1 | Zero |

Fileset1: Sv raw pings T1 | Zero |


> * | Properties ThresholdedValuesSetTo = | NoData

Fileset1: angular position raw pings T1 | Fileset1: Power dB raw pings T1 | Fileset1: Sv raw pings T1 | ...

Add (or subtract) a numerical PairsList value.

> * | Properties CustomLineDisplayThickness += | 1

Fileset1: angular position raw pings T1 | Fileset1: Power dB raw pings T1 | Fileset1: Sv raw pings T1 | ...

Change a color value.

> Ev File | Properties EchogramLineColorBad

Ev File | (255,0,255)

> EchogramLineColorBad = | 255,0,0

Ev File

Options that require integer values will always floor assigned real numbers.

> Calibration subset | Properties CustomGridLabelFontSize = | 8.8

Calibration subset

> Calibration subset | CustomGridLabelFontSize

Calibration subset | 8

SpacedList values that contain spaces require quotes.

> Ev File | Properties PingStatusNames 2 = | "High SNR"

Ev File

> PingStatusNames

Ev File | "" "" "High SNR" "" "" ""

See also

About the command interface
EV File Properties dialog box
Transducer Properties dialog box
Using the command interface
Using the console
Variable Properties dialog box