Viewing region inspection data in 3DView

3DView is a freeware 3D Viewer which can read the volume data set files produced when inspecting regions.

A volume data set consists of a header file (.dat) and a data file (.raw). 3DView can only read the data file, but you will need the information in the header file to open it.

To view a volume data set in 3DView:

  1. Open the header file in a text editor (Notepad for example)
  2. Note the three values under Resolution.
  3. Run 3DView.
  4. On the File menu, click Open.
  5. Select the folder in which you saved the volume data set files.
  6. Under Files of type select Raw Volume Data (*.raw).
  7. Select a file and click OK.
  8. On the Raw Volume Data Import dialog box:
    1. Enter the three values you noted above under Width (X), Height (Y) and Slices (Z) in the same order as they appeared din the header file
    2. Ensure that Bits per voxel is 8
    3. Ensure that the reported Actual file size and Expected file size are equal
    4. Click OK.

3DView is delivered with documentation in the file 3DView Instructions.pdf. This document provide a useful introduction to its many features.

See also

Viewing 3D objects outside Echoview
About inspecting 3d regions

Export Region Inspection Data dialog box
Region gridding algorithms