About motion correction (Dunford method)

Biomass estimates calculated using acoustic echo-integration, are improved if the changes in the pointing direction for the transducer between transmission and reception (effects of pitch and roll) are accounted for.

Echoview offers a Motion correction operator based on algorithms developed by Dunford. Dunford's simplified algorithms are only valid for circular transducers and transducers whose main lobe approximates to that of a circular transducer. Changes in motion are captured in pitch data and roll data. These data are used to calculate the motion correction. The motion correction operator corrects backscatter values only; it does not perform corrections to the geometry of the data. Hence the output virtual variable has the same data type and geometry, as the input acoustic variable.

The restrictions applied and the requirements to correctly use this operator are discussed in the Using the Motion correction operator page.

See also

Using the Motion correction operator
Motion correction (Dunford method) algorithms
About virtual variables