BioSonics split-beam beam compensation

Echoview implements the BioSonics split-beam beam compensation algorithm according to specifications supplied by BioSonics. The BioSonics split-beam beam compensation model describes a 3D parabola in beam width ratio coordinates. The algorithm corrects BioSonics single target TS with a beam compensation function. The beam compensation model used by BioSonics generally compensates accurately down to about -6 dB for most transducer types. Please contact BioSonics directly if further details are required.

The BioSonics split-beam beam compensation algorithm is:

TS corrected = TS uncorrected + CorrBioSonics





TS corrected

Corrected TS (dB re 1 m2) - see compensated_TS

TS uncorrected =

TS of detected single target (dB re 1 m2) - see uncompensated_TS

CorrBioSonicsSplitBeam =

BioSonics split-beam beam compensation function in dB.


CorrBioSonicsSplitBeam = 2*B( θ, φ)

where B( θ, φ)+ is defined as:






  • B(θ,φ) is negative.
  • B(θ,φ) is equivalent to the Bn column in Visual Analyzer’s target output file.

This simplifies to:

Corr Bio


θ = Single target major and minor axis angles in degrees.

θy is the single target minor axis angle.

θx is the single target major axis angle.

φ = Transducer major and minor axis angles in degrees.

φy is the  transducer full beam width minor axis angle.

φx is the  transducer full beam width major axis angle.

See also

Single target detection algorithms
Single target detection (split beam method)