Raw variables derived from Furuno data files

FSV-25 scanning sonar data files (.nc)

Echoview can derive the following variables from .nc files based on the netCDF4 convention:

  • Sv beamformed pings Hn
  • Sv beamformed pings Vn
  • TS beamformed pings Hn
  • TS beamformed pings Vn
  • heading data
  • pitch data
  • roll data


  • H and V are ping mode descriptors
  • n is an integer

See also: FSV-30 (Research version) data exported to ICES SONAR-netCDF4 note.

FSV-30 (Research version) data files (.fsv)

This transducer model is sometimes abbreviated to Furuno FSV-30R.

Echoview can derive the following variables from .fsv files:

  • magnitude beamformed pings M
  • Sv beamformed pings M
  • position GPS fixes
  • heading data


M = Mode identifier, being one of: H1, H2, V1, V2, H1L, H2L, V1L, V2L, S1, S2, S1L, S2L

Where: H, V and S are ping mode descriptors, L denotes low gain (the absence of 'L' denotes high gain) and a digit denotes the channel number.

FQ80 echosounder data files (.hac)

Echoview can derive the following variables from Furuno FQ80 .hac files.

  • angular position pings Tx from files named PingAn01.hac
  • Sv small-cell pings Tx from files named SCSVn06.hac or SSVn03.hac
  • single target detections pings Tx from files named TSn04.hac
  • position GPS fixes from files named pos.hac

x = transducer number
n = channel number

ETR-30N data files

Echoview can derive the following variables from ETR-30N data files.

  • Sv pings F from files named HF*.bin or LF*.bin
  • angular position pings F from files named Ph*.bin
  • position GPS fixes from files named LL*.bin
F identifies the frequency used, being one of:
for high frequency
for low frequency

FCV-30 data files

Echoview can derive the following variables from FCV-30 data files:

  • Sv pings (channel A)
  • position GPS fixes
  • TS pings (channel B)
  • angular position pings (channel C)

FCV-38 data files

Echoview can derive the following variables from FCV-38 data files, where x is the transducer number:

  • Power dB split beam pings
  • Sv split beam pings Tx
  • TS split beam pings Tx
  • angular position split beam pings Tx
  • position GPS fixes
  • heading data
  • roll data
  • pitch data

See also

Furuno data files
Calibration settings for Furuno FQ80 data
Calibration settings for Furuno FSV-25 data
Calibration settings for Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) data
Calibration settings for Furuno ETR-30N data
Calibration settings for Furuno FCV-30 data
Calibration settings for Furuno FCV-38 data