Raw variables derived from RD Instruments Workhorse data files

Echoview can derive the following raw variables from RD Instruments Workhorse data files:

  • echo intensity raw beam pings Tx

  • current velocity component Ref referenced (axis)

  • current velocity component Ref referenced (error on current velocity)


x    = the transducer number 1 to 4

Ref = the reference point for depth/range data. 'earth referenced' indicates that depth/range data in the raw variable has been corrected for instrument mounting position.
'Instrument referenced' indicates that depth/range data in the raw variable has not been corrected for instrument mounting position.

axis = the coordinate axis of the velocity component (for example west-east, south-north, down-up)

See also:

RD Instruments Workhorse data files
Calibrating RDI data