New for users of data from HTI echosounders

This page summarizes the new features, improvements and other changes that have been implemented in Echoview 5.0 which specifically affect the use of data from HTI echosounders.

Calibration from data files

We are pleased to introduce calibration support for HTI (*.smp) data. Echoview reads a number of calibration settings from this data format.

Note: Specific HTI .smp files that are calibrated using .cfg and .cal files, are supported when the .cfg and .cal files are in the same folder as the .smp file.

HTI *.ech import region bug fixed

Echoview 5 has restored support for HTI *.ech files. The unicode changes in Echoview 4.90 introduced a bug in the reading of HTI *.ech files which prevented the import of fish track regions from these files.

See also: New in Echoview 5.0 for all users for new features and improvements that will benefit users of HTI echosounders.