New for users of data from BioSonics echosounders

This page summarizes the new features, improvements and other changes that have been implemented in Echoview 6 which specifically affect the use of data from BioSonics echosounders.

DT4 version 2.3 file format

Echoview has extended the support for BioSonics DT4 version 2.3 of the file format. Note, now that more precise GPS time data is available from the file, distance calculations and other quantities that use distance calculations may change slightly.

DT4 calibration

Calibration values on the Detail window for BioSonics DT4 calibration settings are now correct. Previously values in the Details window were different from the values displayed on the Calibration page.

The Calibration page now displays ReceiveSensitivity and SourceLevel which are read from the data file and can be modified.

Heading, pitch and roll data for the .dt4 file format

Echoview may read heading, pitch and roll data logged with DT4 files. Heading NMEA data can also be read. For more information refer to BioSonics data files.

Bug fix: DT4 Position variable times

DT4 Position (GPS) variable millisecond times are now correct. Previously an incorrect algorithm output the wrong millisecond times.

See also: New in Echoview 6 for all users for new features and improvements that will benefit users of BioSonics echosounders.