New in Echoview 7.1 for all users

Welcome to Echoview 7.1!

Echoview Software is very pleased to announce the release of Echoview 7.1. We are committed to improving the depth and efficiency of your acoustic data processing, regardless of your processing methodology. We are pleased to introduce features that will improve processing speed and simplify your workflow.

New features are presented in these categories:

New features for all users

Key new features and enhancements
Other enhancements

New operators and operator enhancements
Scripting and COM objects
Documentation changes
Bug fixes

New features for all users


How it works


Key new features and enhancements

Specific echosounder and sonar changes

New or extended support for specific file formats.

Other enhancements

Frequency dependent calibration

Echoview introduces support for frequency dependent values of some common calibration settings that may be recorded for wideband data:

Supports wideband calibration.

Target frequency response graph

New Single target detection - wideband Variable Properties settings that specify the size of a target data window for Target Frequency Response graph calculations.

In effect, only data inside the data window is used for the graph. The settings are also supported under Echoview COM.

Can restrict data used for the target frequency response graph.

New Operators and Operator enhancements

Sonic split-beam beam compensation

Sonic split-beam beam compensation is now available for single target detection split beam variables.

A new beam compensation model.

Single target detection - wideband

New settings that specify the size of a target data window for Target Frequency Response graph calculations. In effect, only data inside the data window is used for the graph.

Cleaner target frequency response data.

Scripting and COM objects

For more information about the COM objects refer to Scripting with COM objects.

If you are interested to know more about COM automation, please contact us for further information.

Single target detection - wideband

Support for new settings under the Single target detection - wideband variable that specify that only data inside the data window is used for the Target Frequency Response graph.




Support for the Sonic split-beam beam compensation model with enum eBeamCompensationSonic = 5


COM changes to the EVariableDataType to support angular position wideband and pulse compressed complex angular position wideband variables.

  • Removed eDataTypePulseCompressedAngle
  • Added eDataTypeComplexAngle and eDataTypeComplexPulseCompressedAngle

As a result of these design changes, virtual variables connected to angular position wideband variables will need to be reconnected.

Documentation changes

Bottom classification practical notes

Observations about acoustic bottom classification that may useful for your equipment set up and recording and analysis.

COM breadcrumb and COM map update COM class and collection breadcrumbs at the top of COM pages are updated to show the entire class and collection path to EvApplication. The COM hierarchy map has been updated as well.

Live viewing shared folder

Restart Echolog after sharing a folder to ensure the broadcast of the 'shared' folder is sent to Echoview. For further information refer to Using live viewing: Access shared directories.

Module pages

Update and streamlining of module pages.

Operator settings and algorithms

Streamlined virtual variable documentation brings together in one place operator description, settings and algorithms.

Bug fixes

Ping and GPS fix

Cell analysis and export

For a ping at the end of an echogram, Echoview searches for the next valid fix. When a valid fix cannot be found, Echoview will interpolate. Previously, the search for a valid fix was restricted to within a 30 second gap.

The previous ping and GPS rules also caused bugs with onscreen integration and related cell export. The integration bugs are fixed by the change in ping and GPS rules.

See also

Echoview Release History