New in Echoview 3.50
for users of data from Furuno echosounders

This page summarizes the new features, improvements and other changes that have been implemented in Echoview 3.50 which specifically affect the use of data from Furuno scanning sonars.

Furuno FSV (Research version) data calibration files can have a variable number of beams

Echoview introduces support for a variable number of beams for Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) data .ecb calibration files. When using such files on the Calibration 2 page of the Variable properties dialog box it is highly recommended that Check applicability is used also. The sonar data format and the calibration file format is not supported in Echoview 5.0

View target-locked data in the region inspection window - restrictions apply.

The Furuno FSV-30 module is required to view target-locked data in the Region Inspection window.

See also: New in Echoview 3.50 for all users for a description of changes that may affect you but are not specific to data from Furuno echosounders.