New in Echoview 4.20
for users of data from BioSonics echosounders

This page summarizes the new features, improvements and other changes that have been implemented in Echoview 4.20 which specifically affect the use of data from Biosonics echosounders.

Algorithm correction on Biosonics data files page

An error in the documentation of the Calculation of Sv and TS: Formula for TS was corrected from 40 log (counts) to the correct value of 20 log (counts). The algorithm used by Echoview was and is correct, only the documentation of the algorithm was in error.

In addition the definition for counts and how they are obtained is clarified.

See also: New in Echoview 4.20 for all users for a description of changes that may affect you but are not specific to data from BioSonics echosounders.