New in Echoview 3.30
for users of data from BioSonics echosounders

This page summarizes the new features, improvements and other changes that have been implemented in Echoview 3.30 which specifically affect the use of data from BioSonics echosounders.

Error in handling zero InitialBlanking corrected

When the InitialBlanking setting was zero Echoview introduced an offset of one sample thickness to the data. This has now been corrected, and Echoview supports zero InitialBlanking presenting all data at the correct range, with the exception of the first sample which is discarded. See BioSonics data files for further details on the InitialBlanking parameter and its uses.

This is unlikely to affect many data files. InitialBlanking is ordinarily non-zero. To see if a particular data file has been affected use Echocheck, it will report the value of InitialBlanking stored in any data file.

See also: New features in Echoview 3.30 for a description of changes that may affect you but are not specific to data from BioSonics echosounders.