New for users of data from Simrad echosounders

This page summarizes the new features, improvements and other changes that have been implemented in Echoview 9 which specifically affect the use of data from Simrad echosounders.

Simrad SC90 file format support

Introducing support for the Simrad SC90 data format (.raw).

Simrad SH90, SC90, SU90, SX90

Sv values for Simrad SH90, SC90, SU90 and SX90 data file formats are calculated using the Simrad Ex60 Sv formula.

Simrad Ex60, Ex70

Echoview now supports Furuno $PFEC NMEA sentences for heading, pitch, roll and heave.

Simrad Ex60, ME70, EK80 and EK15

Echoview now supports $GPHDT NMEA sentences read from Simrad Ex60, ME70, EK80 and EK15 data files.

Simrad EK80

Ping display time is faster. The improvement varies with data type and time savings range from noticeable to significant.

Echoview and Echocheck now support *.raw files output by Simrad EK80 EKAuto systems.

Echoview supports EK80 CW data saved as Power/Angle data or Power/Angle data with a reduced sampling rate. Echoview can read TransceiverSamplingFrequency from such data files and use it to calculate an EffectivePulseLength.

Echoview reads NumberOfTransducerSegments from EK80 data files recorded from wideband transceivers and uses it in Received power calculations.

ECS file wideband table array values may be delimited by space or a semicolon.

Echoview now offers EK80 users a versatile and easy-to-use Wideband Frequency Response graph.

See also: New features in Echoview 9 for a description of changes that may affect you but are not specific to data from Simrad echosounders.