New Surface dialog box

This New Surface dialog box is used to specify a surface to be detected with a multibeam bottom detection algorithm.

To display the New Surface dialog box:

  1. Select a multibeam acoustic variable (Sv or TS or unspecified dB) on the Dataflow window.
  2. On the Shortcut menu, select New, Surface, or drag in the Surface pick from current variable item from the Dataflow Toolbox.

- OR -

  1. Display a multibeam echogram.
  2. Click the Line and Surface tool arrow and select New Surface.

Available settings include:




Create a new surface

Enter a name for the surface.

Overwrite existing surface

Specify an existing surface to overwrite.




Pick from current variable

The multibeam surface detection will be applied to the current variable.

The Properties button displays the Multibeam tab of the Lines and Surfaces page of the EV File Properties dialog box. The displayed settings configure the multibeam bottom detection algorithm.

All pings [number]

Select to specify all pings for the detection. The number pings in the variable is displayed with the setting.

Ping range

Select to specify a ping range under From and To.


Select the visibility option for the surface:

  • Visible on current echogram only
  • Visible on all echograms

Note: (Detected) Surface visibility may be subsequently specified via the Surfaces page of the (acoustic) Variable Properties dialog box.


  • You can only detect a 3D bottom surface if GPS data are available.
  • Each surface has its own 3D Object Properties dialog box where the name and appearance can be edited and details about the 3D object are available.
  • To view the surface you may:
  • You can resample a 3D bottom surface with a different resolution using Shortcut menu, Resample for a detected surface object on the Dataflow window.
  • If the detected bottom surface appears unusual please refer to known 3D surface detection problems.

See also

About surfaces
Detecting surfaces