FQ80 pulse duration
The pulse duration (ms) used in Echoview is derived using the following equation:
cw = wave count. This value is assigned by Echoview based on the pulse length mode read from the *.hac file in the Channel folder.
If pulse length mode equals: |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Then wave count is: |
10 |
32 |
100 |
f = acoustic frequency Hz (read from the *.hac file in the Channel folder)
ct = pulse duration coefficient. The *.hac file in the Channel folder contains three pulse duration coefficients: a short value, medium value, and long value. Echoview selects one of these values based on the pulse length mode read from the *.hac file in the Channel folder.
If pulse length mode equals: |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Then this pulse duration coefficient value is selected: |
short |
middle |
long |