New for users of data from BioSonics echosounders

This page summarizes the new features, improvements and other changes that have been implemented in Echoview 5.4 which specifically affect the use of data from BioSonics echosounders.

DT4 file format support

Support for selectable sampling rates introduced in Visual Acquisition 6.0.6.  With the right sampling rate you can collect BioSonics split beam data up to 1000m in range. For more information refer to BioSonics data files.

Position variable enhancement and additional NMEA support

Echoview can derive individual position GPS variables from NMEA strings in BioSonics DT4 files. For more information refer to BioSonics data files.

Client specific GPS formats can be supported. Please contact Echoview support with a request to support your data format if needed. We will require a complete specification of the data format in order to evaluate the proposal.

Raw line support

Echoview can derive raw line variables from BioSonics DT4 files. Raw lines may also be read from the NMEA GPGGA string. This can be displayed as a line to show the relative depth of the GPS antenna.

See also: New in Echoview 5.4 for all users for new features and improvements that will benefit users of BioSonics echosounders. For more information refer to BioSonics data files.