New for users of data from Simrad echosounders

Note: Simrad is a subsidiary of Kongsberg. See also New for users of Kongsberg echosounders

This page summarizes the new features, improvements and other changes that have been implemented in Echoview 5.4 which specifically affect the use of data from Simrad echosounders.

Support for line depth data read from Ex60 *.raw files

We are pleased to introduce support for line depth data in Ex60 *.raw files. Line depth data can be read from NMEA strings $PSIMP and $IIDBS and read from the Heave field of the ping record. Line depth data may also be read from the NMEA GPGGA string. This can be displayed as a line to show the relative depth of the GPS antenna.

ME70 support for angular position pings formed beams

We introduce support for an angular position pings formed beams variable that can be derived from Simrad ME70 data.

Support for Simrad SX90 data

We are pleased to extend support to Simrad SX90 data logged with the latest version of the Simrad SX90 software. For more information refer to Simrad data files: SX90.

Support for line depth data read from ME70 data files

We are pleased to introduce support for line depth data in ME70 data files. Line depth data can be read from NMEA strings $PSIMP and $IIDBS and read from the Heave field of the ping record. Line depth data may also be read from the NMEA GPGGA string. This can be displayed as a line to show the relative depth of the GPS antenna.

Support for line depth data read from SX90 data files

We are pleased to introduce support for line depth data in SX90 data files. Line depth data may be read from the NMEA GPGGA string. This can be displayed as a line to show the relative depth of the GPS antenna.

Separate position GPS fix variables for NMEA data

Echoview now derives NMEA string specific position GPS variables from Simrad Ex60, ME70, SX90 data files.

Client specific GPS formats can be supported. Please contact Echoview support with a request to support your data format if needed. We will require a complete specification of the data format in order to evaluate the proposal.

Support for raw heave lines read from Ex60 *.raw files

We are pleased to introduce support for raw heave lines derived from heave data in Ex60 *.raw files. Heave data is separated from sounder detected bottom data. This support fixes a bug that affected Ex60 sounder-detected bottom lines that incorporated heave.

Note: Heave data may come from other areas of the Ex60 file format.

See also: New features in Echoview 5.4 for a description of changes that may affect you but are not specific to data from Simrad echosounders.