New for users of data from DIDSON imaging sonars

This page summarizes the new features, improvements and other changes that have been implemented in Echoview 4.60 which specifically affect the use of data from DIDSON sonars.

New TVG range coefficient calibration setting

Echoview is pleased to introduce a TVG range coefficient setting for DIDSON Sv variables on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box. The setting allows you to tune the TVG range coefficient - to reflect recording conditions or for other purposes. Refer to Multibeam magnitudes to Sv for more information.

User-defined multibeam replay rate keyboard shortcuts

The new user-defined shortcuts for selected Echoview actions can improve your workflow. Refer to DIDSON data files - Notes for more information.

Discrepancy between DIDSON file times and Echoview ping times

A discrepancy between DIDSON times in the file and Echoview ping times will occur when the Sonar time is incorrectly setup. The workaround for incorrectly setup Sonar time is to use a Time Offset on the Fileset Properties dialog box. For more information about this issue refer to DIDSON data files - Notes.

See also: New in Echoview 4.60 for all users for new features and improvements that will also benefit users of DIDSON sonars.