Simrad Ex60 data (*.raw, *.ek60, *.ek6); Simrad Ex70 *.raw data; Simrad EK15 *.raw data and Simrad ME70 *.raw data details
The Details dialog box lists the following information that is specific to Simrad Ex60 data (*.raw, *.ek60, *.ek6); Simrad Ex70 *.raw data; Simrad EK15 *.raw data and Simrad ME70 *.raw data.
Single beam
Ping from file
Channel ID
Channel ID fields from the data file. This information enables you to match the derived single beam variable to a beam in the derived multibeam variable. |
Sound speed | Logged sound speed (m/s) |
Transducer draft | Logged transducer draft (m) |
Sample interval | Single beam sample interval (s) |
Transmit power | Single beam transmit power (W) |
Pulse duration | Single beam pulse duration (ms) |
Transducer gain | Single beam transducer gain (dB) This is not displayed for Angle data, see Transducer gain. |
Absorption coefficient | Logged absorption coefficient (dB/m) This is not displayed for Angle data. |
Sa correction | Single beam Sa correction (dB) Displayed for Sv data only. |
Minor-axis steered angle
The ME70 Alongship beam steering angle (degrees) of the beam for the derived single beam variable. Note: Exported EVD data for single beam variables may include steered angles from the first ping. |
Major-axis steered angle
The ME70 Athwartship beam steering angle (degrees) of the beam for the derived single beam variable. Note: Exported EVD data for single beam variables may include steered angles from the first ping. |
On all raw variable echograms:
- File name
- Minor-axis beam width (degrees)
- Major-axis beam width (degrees)
- Frequency (kHz)
On angle echograms only:
- Minor-axis angle offset (degrees)
- Major-axis angle offset (degrees)
- Minor-axis angle sensitivity
- Major-axis angle sensitivity
On Sv and TS echograms:
- Two-way beam angle (dB re 1 Steradian)
Per ping calibration based on settings for Beam 0.
Fileset |
Displays the filest for the data files. |
Calibration source | Displays the transducer used as the Calibration source. |
Calibration from file | Beam calibration read from the file:
- Beam number and Beam Angle (degrees)
Beam calibration
Per beam calibration is used to calculate derived raw variables and apply TVG.
Displays the beam number of the beam. |
Displays the beam's transducer. |
Minor-axis beam steering angle |
The ME70 Alongship beam steering angle (degrees) for the beam. |
Major-axis beam steering angle
The ME70 Athwartship beam steering angle (degrees) for the beam. |
Calibration source | Displays the transducer used as the Calibration source. |
Calibration from file |
Beam calibration read from the file:
See also
Details dialog box
Simrad ME70 data files
Simrad Ex60 data files
Ek6 data files
Simrad Ex70 data files
Simrad EK15 data files
About Echocheck