Details dialog box

The Details dialog box displays details about:

  • the sample under the mouse pointer in an echogram window or cruise track window
  • the dataflow object under the mouse pointer in the Dataflow window
  • the fileset and data file information under the mouse pointer in the Filesets window

Use the Shortcut menu > Select All and Copy to take the information to your favorite text editor.

To display the Details dialog box:

Click View to show or hide types of details. Use Expand/Collapse controls to change the display of details.


  • The Target (from file) category is displayed for single target data and converted multibeam target data.
  • Some data types may display empty (but potential) category headings.
  • Some details may be absent from data files and as a result will not be displayed.
  • The state of the Expand/Collapse controls are remembered for a window. However, the correlation between mouse pointer, the intended window and the Details section can become lost or incorrect when the mouse pointer travels across other windows or Messages window to the Details window.

To select the number of decimal places (DP) to display for the depth and range in the Details dialog box

  1. Click View, select Display precision.
  2. In the Display precision box, select the desired decimal places (DP) to display.

To lock/unlock the display of the Details dialog box

  • click the Lock Details button

- OR -

  • press CTRL+K

- OR -

  • on the Shortcut menu (right-click), select Lock Details

To copy the details from the locked display of the Details dialog box

  1. On the Shortcut menu (right-click), select Select All.
  2. Press CTRL+C
  3. Paste the selection into any application which accepts pasted text (for example a word processor or an e-mail editor)


Echogram window

Details for the sample under the mouse pointer on an active echogram window may include:




The Variable name.


Ping number.

Beam Beam number.
Beam Angle Beam angle.
Beam operand Source operand for the beam. A virtual variable may be created from beams from different operands.

Data Point

Sample number within the ping. See also: About start and stop ranges.

- OR -

Single target number within the ping.


The sample value varies with data type.

  • Sample value
  • Sv (dB); TS (dB); Linear; dB; Boolean value; Current velocity value; Color as R, G, B
  • Axis angles: Minor-axis angle, Major-axis angle
  • (Single target) TS value


Range of sample or single target.

Information about depth and range can be found on the About depth, range and altitude page.


Depth of sample.

Information about depth and range can be found on the About depth, range and altitude page.

Range (mid)

Information about mid values for sample depth and range can be found on the About start and stop ranges page.

Depth (mid)

Information about mid values for sample depth and range can be found on the About start and stop ranges page.

Depth (on axis)

Depth (on axis) of the single target. It is the Target_on_axis_depth.


Ping date. When a fileset Time Offset is specified, the original date is displayed under Date (orig).


Ping time. When a fileset Time Offset is specified, the original time is displayed under Time (orig).

Details in addition to the above sources of information are included for:

Cruise track window

Details for the samples under the mouse pointer on an open cruise track widow display include:




The Variable name.


Latitude, Longitude in decimal degrees.


Date and time along the cruise track. Note, a specified fileset Time Offset may contribute to this displayed time.


GPS source file name.

Dataflow window object

General dataflow object details may include:




The object or variable or line or exporter name.

Data type

Data type of the Variable.

Export type

Exporter type.


Variable category: Raw, Virtual or Editable (refer to Raw, virtual and editable variables).


Name of the platform associated with the object/variable.


Operator type.

Previous export path

File path of the last successful exporter export.


The number of measurements in the variable. Measurement names include:

  • Acoustic variables: Pings
  • GPS variables: Fixes
  • Vessel log variables: Logs
  • Heading, roll and pitch variables: Measurements
  • Bottom classification variables: Point data
  • Image variable: Images
  • Video variable: Videos
  • Raw, editable, virtual and heave lines: Segments


The average duration to calculate a ping for the variable.

This value may be useful as a diagnostic to identify variables that are slow to compute ping data.

(Several factors contribute to how long it takes to calculate a ping. Examples include the complexity of the algorithm or if the data is cached.)


The ping generation statistic (count). Pings are generated in Echoview on demand; for example, when an echogram is displayed or data is exported. The statistic can be used to set the ping cache limits to optimize your processing performance.

See also Reset Statistics: Generation.


A summary of the threshold settings for the acoustic variable.

Fileset window

Details from the Fileset Properties dialog box are displayed. See also File: Data file in the Fileset window.



Fileset name

The fileset name.

Derive raw variables

The fileset Derive raw variables setting value.

Data file count

The number of data files in the fileset.

Time offset

The fileset Time offset method and associated values:

  • No modification
  • Specified start time
    • Start time value
  • Add/Subtract
    • Time offset Days value
    • Time offset Hours value
    • Time offset Hours value
    • Time offset Minutes value
    • Time offset Seconds value
    • Time offset Milliseconds value

Create/associate transducers by frequency

The fileset Create/associate transducers by frequency setting value.


Available for echograms, cruise tracks and various dataflow window objects (ie., acoustic, position and sounder-detected depth line variables). Displays the Transect Properties for a transect under the mouse pointer.

Transect detail


Platform A platform name.*

Transect Group

The name of the transect group containing the transect.


The integer representing the index or transect number.


A unique name for the transect within the transect group.


Your customized description.

Start Date


Start Time


Stop Date


Stop Date


*Note: Depending on the Dataflow window object, Platform may also be found under the General list.


Displays available data in context with specified Platform settings and Mapping settings.

Navigation detail




Latitude coordinate for the ping.



Longitude coordinate for the ping.



The depth offset of the ping caused by heave.



Heading derived from the Heading variable.



Speed for the ping


GPS distance

Cumulative ping distance traveled from the start of the cruise track. Units are Grid sensitive. GPS distance displays a blank for Grid settings based on absent data.


UTM Zone

UTM Zone from the Mapping page of the EV File Properties dialog box.



Easting for the ping.



Northing for the ping.



Range detail


Data points

Number of samples or data points in the ping.

Start range

Start range of the ping.

Stop range

Stop range of the ping.

Data range

Data range of the ping.

*Note: The echogram for a matrix-derived virtual variable (e.g., Sector select) will also display Beam Count. This is the number of beams along the Major sector (25) or Minor sector (20), as specified by the user.


Target details include:

  • TS value (dB)#
  • Uncompensated TS value (dB) - included for single targets echograms
  • Range (m)
  • Depth (m) (see Notes)
  • Minor-axis angle (degrees)
  • Major-axis angle (degrees)
  • Length (cm)+*
  • Length across beams (cm)*
  • Uncompensated length (cm) - included for single targets echograms
  • Length (manual) (cm)*
  • Perimeter (cm)*
  • Area (cm2)*
  • Variation*
  • Compactness*
  • Thickness (cm)*
  • Range extent (cm)*
  • Pulse length at PLDL (normalized)#
  • Pulse length at 6 dB (normalized)#
  • Pulse length at 12 dB (normalized)#
  • Pulse length at 18 dB (normalized)#
  • Orientation (degrees)*
  • Class*

+ Target property from single beam data.

* Target property from multibeam data.

#Single target pulse properties.


  • #The target's TS value and often identical to TS_comp. The type of single target detection algorithm and the beam compensation used by the algorithm affect how the target TS value is evaluated and affect how the export variables TS_uncomp and TS_comp are evaluated. Check the relevant single target detection algorithm for details.
  • Depth is single target True_depth.

Target (from file)

File added to the fileset. This file contains multibeam target data in an Echoview single target data format. Such a file is commonly used to improve performance when working with multibeam targets.

Ping (from file)

Ping details pertinent only to the data file which contains the data point to which the mouse points. Different data files in the same fileset may have different settings. Echoview displays some of these values for your information only and uses other values in calculations and to adjust the data that are displayed on the echogram.

Ping tilt (H-mode and S-mode) and bearing (V-mode and S-mode) angles (refer to About ping modes) are shown for supported multibeam file formats.

Note: If a parameter also appears on the Calibration page of the Variables properties dialog box, Echoview does not automatically use the value displayed under Ping (from file). You must manually enter the value you want Echoview to use on the Calibration page of the Variables properties dialog box.

Beam or Beam calibration


Rendering details include data associated with multibeam replay.



Render time

The processing time required to generate each frame before it's displayed during playback.

Pings shown

Number of pings displayed during replay. Activates when pressing the play button.

Pings skipped

Number of pings skipped during replay. Activates when pressing the play button when looped multibeam replay has been specified.

Replay rate

Defines the replay rate for multibeam echograms. Echoview defaults to 'As logged in file'. Rate can be adjusted on the Echogram page of the EV File Properties dialog box.


The File section displays information about the data file under the mouse pointer. When a fileset Time Offset is specified, the original date/time is displayed under Date/time range (orig).


The section is responsive to samples on an echogram. The name of the data file is displayed.

In some cases, additional information from the file is displayed when it is used to calculate samples values.

Details are included for:


  • In some instances BioSonics .dt4 values can be unreliable. Refer to the BioSonics note for more information.
  • The File details are not displayed for virtual echograms.

Data file in the Fileset window

The section is responsive to the data files of the Fileset window. The displayed details come from the Data File Information dialog box that is accessible from the Data files section of the Filesets window.

See also General: Fileset window.



Data file name

Name of the data file under the mouse pointer.

Data file folder

The data file folder path.

Data file type

The file format/instrument type.

Date/time Range

The time span of the data in the file. (dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.ssss). When a fileset Time Offset is specified, the original Date/Time is displayed under Time (orig).

Data structure type

The data file's record structure name. Names are specific to the file format.

Data types

This collapsible pane lists the derived raw variables and the associated number of records in the data file.

Color display

Color display details include data from the Echogram Display page of the Variable properties dialog box.


Displayed values may include data from the Calibration page of the Variable properties dialog box for per ping calibration, or other associated values.


Grid details, from the Grid page of the Variable Properties dialog box, are displayed for Dataflow window Variable objects under the mouse pointer.


Exclusion line or exclusion surface details, from the Analysis page of the Variable Properties dialog box, are displayed for Dataflow window Variable objects under the mouse pointer.


Move your cursor over an acoustic variable in the dataflow object to display the settings on the data page of the Variable Properties dialog box for that variable.

  • Minimum threshold
  • Maximum threshold
  • Time-varied threshold
  • Minimum TS threshold - Calibration difference offset


The notes content, from the Notes page of the Variable Properties dialog box or the General page of the Sticky Note Properties dialog box, is displayed for dataflow objects, echogram windows and cruise track windows under the mouse pointer.

See also

Echoview toolbars