Ping Subset

This operator allows you to create a variable containing a subset of the pings in another variable.

You enter the processing settings for this operator on the Ping subset page of the Variable Properties dialog box. The Ping range or Ping ranges can be specified by number, time or distance traveled.

See also: The Effect of No data samples on the Wideband Frequency Response graph page.

Echoview accepts operands of the following data types as input:

Operand 1

  • Angular position
  • Boolean
  • Color
  • Complex angular position
  • Complex power dB
  • Complex Sv
  • Complex TS
  • Current velocity
  • Linear
  • Matrix angular position
  • Matrix Sv
  • Matrix TS
  • Matrix unspecified dB
  • Multibeam angular position
  • Multibeam boolean
  • Multibeam color
  • Multibeam magnitude
  • Multibeam phase
  • Multibeam Sv
  • Multibeam targets
  • Multibeam TS
  • Multibeam unspecified dB
  • Power dB
  • Pulse compressed complex angular position
  • Pulse compressed complex power dB
  • Pulse compressed complex Sv
  • Pulse compressed complex TS
  • Single targets
  • Sv
  • Target length
  • TS
  • Unspecified dB


The Ping Subset Variable Properties dialog box pages include (common) Variable Properties pages and these operator pages:

Operands page

Ping Subset page




Select whether the ping ranges will be specified by ping number, time or distance (in meters or nautical miles), then specify the operand ping ranges to be used. Ranges are separated by commas. Invalid ping ranges prompt a warning message.


Specify pings by their numbers in order. Single numbers or ranges may be used. An unterminated range spans to the last ping.

e.g. 5,7, 9-20, 25-

Time (valid Ranges from 1970 to 2050)

Specify pings by one or more time ranges in abbreviated ISO 8601 format. Note that the `=` sign is used to indicate a continuing range between the specified start and end times.

e.g. 2012-6-28 12:30=13:45, 16:00=

You can write times in full, or you use these abbreviation rules:

Rule Specification Abbreviation Description
Omit leading zeros 1970-01-02 03:04:05.06 1970-1-2 3:4:5.06 Leading zeros may be omitted, except in the subsecond.
Omit trailing zeros 1970-1-1 0:0:0.000 1970 An incomplete time is filled in with the minimums (1 for month or day, and 0 for time).
Omit leading duplicate fields 2012-1-20 = 2012-1-22 2012-1-20 = --22 Omitted year, month and day fields (abbreviated as --) take their value from the most recent specified date.
Omit unused date separators 2012-1-20 11:15 = -- :45 2012-1-20 11:15 = :45 If the date is omitted then the dashes are not needed.
Distance (m)

Distance specification is entered as a start distance, a dash and a stop distance.

e.g. 0-9.5

Distance (nmi)

Distance specification is entered as start distance, a dash and a stop distance.

e.g. 2.58-4.00

Include the ping ranges

Exclude the ping ranges

Select whether the specified ranges are included or excluded.


The Pings section lists the actual pings included or excluded, next to the corresponding ranges.

See also

About virtual variables
Operator licensing in Echoview