
This operator compares data point values from two variables.

Operand 2 can be set to behave as a Maximum threshold or a Minimum threshold on the Threshold page of Variable Properties dialog box.

Under a Maximum threshold setting, if the value of a data point in Operand 1 is greater than the corresponding data point value from Operand 2 then the output data point is set to a threshold value entered on the Threshold page. Otherwise it is set to the value of the data point from Operand 1.

Under a Minimum threshold setting, if the value of a data point in Operand 1 is less than the corresponding data point value from Operand 2 then the output data point is set to a threshold value entered on the Threshold page. Otherwise it is set to the value of the data point from Operand 1.

Echoview accepts operands of the following data types as input:

Operand 1

Operand 2

  • Linear
  • Multibeam magnitude
  • Multibeam phase
  • Multibeam Sv
  • Multibeam TS
  • Multibeam unspecified dB
  • Power dB
  • Sv
  • TS
  • Unspecified dB
  • Linear
  • Multibeam magnitude
  • Multibeam phase
  • Multibeam Sv
  • Multibeam TS
  • Multibeam unspecified dB
  • Power dB
  • Sv
  • TS
  • Unspecified dB


  • If Operand 1 is linear, Echoview will only accept operands with linear data types for Operand 2.
  • If Operand 1 is dB then Operand 2 must be dB, i.e. Sv, TS or unspecified dB.
  • The virtual variable created by this operator will always be the same data type as Operand 1.
  • Output for ping 0 is no data for the case where the Operand 2 variable is made up of all no data pings.


The Threshold Variable Properties dialog box pages include (common) Variable Properties pages and these operator pages:

Operands page

Threshold page



Use Operand 2 as the Maximum threshold

When this setting is selected, this operator behaves as a Maximum threshold operator.

The value of a data point in Operand 1 is compared to the value of the corresponding data point in Operand 2.

When the value of Operand 1 is greater than that of Operand 2, the output data point is set to the value specified for Set thresholded values to, otherwise it is set the value of the data point from Operand 1.

Use Operand 2 as the Minimum threshold

When this setting is selected, this operator behaves as a Minimum threshold operator.

The value of a data point in Operand 1 is compared to the value of the corresponding data point in Operand 2.

When the value of Operand 1 is less than that of Operand 2, the output data point is set to the value specified for Set thresholded values to, otherwise it is set the value of the data point from Operand 1.

Set thresholded values to

Select required output for Operand 1 thresholded values.

See also

About virtual variables
Operator licensing in Echoview