About Layer_depth_max

Layer_depth_max is an analysis export variable.

It reports the maximum depth of the cell (layer) which was analyzed (m). This is exported in depth mode only.

This variable is exported only if it is selected on the Export page of the EV File Properties dialog box.

Lin- referenced grid

Where a line-referenced grid is specified, layer numbering is relative to the grid's reference line. For further information refer to Layer numbering in export files.

The value of Layer_depth_max is determined by considering the extents of the reference line-based grid used for the bottom boundary of the layer, and taking the maximum. This applies to spreadsheet and database exports.

For a Water surface (depth of zero) line, the depth reflects the actual depth of the cell. For reference lines that vary in depth along the line, the reported Layer_depth_max may not reflect the actual depth of the cell, rather it is indicative of the maximum of the line extents of the bottom boundary of the layer (within the times of the echogram data).


  • When exporting from different variables that use the same line-referenced grid, the Layer_depth_max values will be the same despite the variables having different geometries (e.g., depth, range, or ping times).
  • A line-referenced grid may extend beyond the echogram data but be within the times of the echogram data. As a result, some cells in a layer may only cover a part of the echogram data and the export may report a value for Layer_depth_max based on an extrapolation of the layer.

See also

About analysis
About analysis variables

About Layer_depth_min

About Layer_range_min

About Layer_range_max