New for users of data from Simrad echosounders

This page summarizes the new features, improvements and other changes that have been implemented in Echoview 8 which specifically affect the use of data from Simrad echosounders.

Simrad EK80 *.raw file format

Support continues to expand for *.raw data files from the Simrad EK80 wideband echosounder. Additions in Echoview 8 include:

  • Single Target Detection - wideband Variable Properties, Graph page Wideband target frequency response settings: Averaged result for selected targets or One line per target.
  • Single target frequency response graph, Shortcut menu, (toggle) Show Average alternates between Wideband target frequency response settings.
  • Export Single target frequency response graph data changes:
    • the Individuals setting may include Maximum beam compensation frequency data.
    • the Average setting displays average and standard deviation data.
  • Arithmetic line, Best Bottom Candidate Line Pick and Maximum Sv Line Pick operators now support Complex acoustic and Pulse compressed complex acoustic operands.
  • Support for *.raw data from the Simrad ES80 instrument.
  • Support for NMEA $AGRMC and $AGGLL data.
  • Preliminary support for files recorded by newer EK80 transducer models, including ES38-7, ES38-10, and ES38-18/200-18C.
  • Narrowband (CW) variables can use the value for AbsorptionCoefficient when it is specified in an ECS file to override the automatic calculation of AbsorptionCoefficient from acidity, temperature, salinity and depth.
  • The calculated AbsorptionCoefficient is displayed under Ping (from file) on the Details dialog box and the Ping page of the Information dialog box.
  • New data types for Complex angular position and Pulse compressed complex angular position.
  • Simrad EK80 CW data files no longer use frequency dependent table calibration settings.
  • Corrected angular position values for Simrad EK80 CW data files from three sector element transducers.
  • Sa correction for Simrad EK80 CW data is now being read and used for calibration.
  • Updated Sv to TS/TS to Sv operators to use the effective pulse length for Simrad EK80 data.
  • Echoview now reads Transceiver impedance from the data file and introduces support for the calibration setting TransceiverImpedance.
  • Echoview now supports linear decreasing chirp data.

Please note: The correctness of sample values from this data format are still in the process of being verified in this release. Echoview will continue to be updated for any changes that are made to Simrad's EK80 file format as this new technology develops. Please contact if you have any questions about using EK80 data files in Echoview or suggestions for processing wideband/broadband data.

ME70 Sv pings formed beam variable

A single frequency is no longer displayed in the Sv pings formed beam echogram title, the multibeam data is derived from the set of single beam data.

Simrad SU90 Echocheck support

Echocheck now supports the Simrad SU90 *.raw file format.

Power variable support

Introducing Power dB raw pings variable support for these Simrad file formats:

  • Simrad Ex60
  • Simrad ME70
  • Simrad Ex70
  • Simrad EK15

Simrad SX90 files and ping mode

Echoview compares recorded beam mode to recorded tilt and bearing angles. When beam mode is inconsistent with the tilt and bearing angles, Echoview assigns ping mode by inferring it from the tilt and bearing angles.

See also: New features in Echoview 8 for a description of changes that may affect you but are not specific to data from Simrad echosounders.