Calibration names used by transducer specific raw variables
Calibration names are used in Calibration sources and ECS files. Calibration values used by Echoview are displayed on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box or Details dialog box. Use an ECS file to modify calibration values. The following are specific to particular data formats.
- Used by raw acoustic variables
- Used by raw variables that can have logging or processing settings
- ASL Environmental Sciences data format
- BioSonics data format
- Echoview Data File Format
- Furuno data format
- HTI data format
- Sonic data format
- Nortek data format
- PAS HARP data format
- Simrad SM2000 data format
- Simrad EK80 data format
- Simrad omnisonar netCDF data format
- Simrad MS70 data format
- A default value is used when a setting's value is outside the valid range.
- Changes in calibration settings used for range calculations may shift ping data in the depth dimension but will not automatically adjust the position of regions and lines. You should review any existing regions and lines to ensure they are still valid. For more information refer to Range calculation effects on regions and lines.
Used by raw acoustic variables
See also:
Calibration settings for data formats
Common calibration names
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
Simrad defines Angle Offset as the offset angle from the acoustical axis. The value is estimated during calibration. If no calibration takes place, the value 0 is used. There may be an Angle Offset for the Major-axis and/or the Minor-axis angles. See also: Beam angles |
0 |
° |
Transducer beamwidth offset β0 ° |
Simrad defines Angle Sensitivity as a parameter that is used in the conversion of the raw angle samples into mechanical degrees for fore-and-aft and athwartship directions. It represents the ratio of electrical degrees to mechanical degrees for the current transducer. This ratio is not used with single beam transducers, and the value is set to 0. There may be an Angle Sensitivity for the Major-axis and/or the Minor-axis angles. See also: Beam angles Used by:
21.9 |
Transducer angle sensitivity (electric/geometric) Λβ ° |
(Apply Simrad) Calibration correction Default value is ApplyCalibrationCorrection = false. Used with: |
false |
The recorded transducer-specific gain that is used in Simrad Ek60 Power to Sv and TS algorithms.
Note: A deprecated alias is Ek60TransducerGain. |
26.5 |
dB |
On-axis gain G0 dB re 1 |
Refer to MinorAxisAngleOffset. |
0 |
° |
Transducer beamwidth offset α0 ° |
Refer to MinorAxisAngleSensitivity. |
21.9 |
Transducer angle sensitivity (electric/geometric) Λα ° |
The Simrad Bandwidth is used determine the value of filter corrections in the Ek500 Power to Sv or TS calculation. Values include: Unknown, Auto, Narrow and Wide. |
Unknown |
Used explicitly by EchoListener data files. |
300 |
The Sa correction factor is determined during the calibration process of Simrad Ex60 or Simrad EK80 CW echosounders. The value represents the correction required to the Sv constant to harmonize the TS and Sa (NASC) measurements. Sa corrections are only determined during a calibration, otherwise they are zero. A deprecated alias is EK60SaCorrection. |
0 |
dB |
The Sampling frequency, together with the SoundSpeed and TransmittedPulseDuration, is used to calculate the sample thickness. |
kHz |
10 |
cm |
0 |
m |
20 |
Used by raw variables that can have logging settings
See also:
Calibration settings for data formats
Common calibration names
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
Logging value for the Absorption coefficient. |
0.01 |
dB m-1 |
Logging value for the Sound speed. |
1500 |
m s-1 |
2000 |
W |
Transmit acoustic power pat W | ||
Logging value for the Transmitted power. |
2000 |
W |
Logging value for the Two-way beam angle. |
-20.6 |
dB re 1 sr |
Ek5 Sv gain Used in EK500 Power to Sv and TS - to calculate the transducer peak gain. |
26.5 |
dB |
On-axis gain G0 dB re 1 |
Ek5TSGain |
Ek5 TS gain Used in EK500 Power to Sv and TS - to calculate the transducer peak gain. |
26.5 |
dB |
On-axis gain G0 dB re 1 |
Logging value for the Ek5SvGain. |
26.5 |
dB |
Ek5TSGainLogging |
Logging value for the Ek5TSGain. |
26.5 |
dB |
Logging value for the pulse duration. A deprecated alias is TransmittedPulseLengthLogging. |
1 |
ms |
Logging value for the Wavelength. |
0.0394737 |
m |
0.0394737 |
m |
Acoustic wavelength λ m | ||
The Simrad Pulse length is used to determine the value of filter corrections in the Ek500 Power to Sv or TS calculation. Values include: Unknown, Short, Medium, Long. |
Unknown |
Logging value for the Simrad Draft for Simrad Sv and TS variables based on Q telegrams and single target variables based on E telegrams and only when these variables include a logged draft. We strongly recommend logging data with transducer depth set to 0 and using Echoview's transducer geometry to model the draft. Note: There may be slight differences in single target or fish track exported analyses when comparing the analyses pre and post Echoview 5. |
0 |
m |
ASL Environmental Sciences data format
See also:
Calibration settings of ASL Environmental Sciences data
Common calibration names
AZFP Sv and TS
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
Value for a read from an associated AZFP .XML or .cfg file if it is present in the data folder. |
0.0227 |
V dB-1 |
Value for ELmaxread from an associated AZFP .XML or .cfg file if it is present in the data folder. |
128.3 |
dB |
Value for VTX read from an associated AZFP .XML or .cfg file if it is present in the data folder. |
91.9 |
Transmit voltage uet V |
Value for TVR read from an associated AZFP .XML or .cfg file if it is present in the data folder. |
172.3 |
dB |
A setting for an AZFP Sv calibration offset constant. |
0 |
dB |
A setting for an AZFP TS calibration offset constant. |
0 |
dB |
SoundSpeed may be read from an associated AZFP .XML or .cfg file if it is present in the data folder. |
1500 |
m s-1 |
Water sound speed cw m s-1 |
TwoWayBeamAngle may be read from an associated AZFP .XML or .cfg file if it is present in the data folder. |
-20.600000 |
dB re 1 sr |
Equivalent two-way beam angle Ψ dB re 1 sr |
BioSonics data format
See also:
Calibration settings for BioSonics data
Common calibration names
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
Dt4PowerSetting |
Note: Post-Echoview 3.00 the calibration setting Dt4PowerSetting is used and the Calibration offset setting is set to zero. Pre-Echoview 3.00 the Calibration offset setting was used to represent the BioSonics PS (Power setting) value - Echoview was unable to read the BioSonics PS at that time. |
0 |
dB |
CalibrationOffsetSv |
A setting for the BioSonics Sv transducer constant that can be used in the BioSonics Sv equation. |
0 |
dB |
CalibrationOffsetTs |
A setting for the BioSonics TS transducer constant that can be used in the BioSonics TS equation. |
0 |
dB |
ReceiveSensitivity |
DT4 Receive sensitivity (RS) read from the data file and used in BioSonics DT4 Sv and TS equations. |
dB |
SourceLevel |
DT4 Source level (SL) read from the data file and used in BioSonics DT4 Sv and TS equations. |
dB |
Source level SL dB re 1 μPa at r0 (the reference range) |
Echoview Data File Format
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
CalibrationOffsetSv |
An offset value used in the Echoview Data File Format Power to Sv equation. |
0 |
dB |
CalibrationOffsetTs |
An offset used in the Echoview Data File Format Power to Sv equation. |
0 |
dB |
Furuno FCV-38 data format
See also:
Calibration settings for Furuno FCV-38 data
Common calibration names
Furuno FCV-38 equations for power, Sv, TS and angular position
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
GainCorrection is read from the data file and used to calculated the received power for Version 2 data. |
0.000 |
dB |
MajorAxis3dbBeamAngle is assigned the value for beamwidth_receive_major read from the data file. |
7.10 |
° |
Transducer beamwidth α-3 dB ° |
MajorAxis3dbBeamAngleTransmit |
FCV-38 instrument information about the major axis 3 dB angle transmit value. It is not used in the calculation of the raw variables but may be of use elsewhere. |
° |
MajorAxisAngleSensitivity |
MajorAxisAngleSensitivity is read from the dta file and used to calculate angular position angles. |
MinorAxis3dbBeamAngle is assigned the value for beamwidth_receive_minor read from the data file. |
7.10 |
° |
Transducer beamwidth β-3 dB ° |
MinorAxis3dbBeamAngleTransmit |
FCV-38 instrument information about the minor axis 3 dB angle transmit value. It is not used in the calculation of the raw variables but may be of use elsewhere. |
° |
MinorAxisAngleSensitivity |
MinorAxisAngleSensitivity is read from the data file and used to calculate angular position angles. |
The FCV-38 effective PulseDuration read from the data file, and used to calculate Sv. |
1.000 |
ms |
Pulse duration τ s |
TransmitReceiveCoefficient read from Furuno FCV-38 *.nc Version 2 data files and used to calculate the received power. |
0 |
dB |
The Furuno TransmittedPower (W) is read from the data file. |
2000 |
W |
Transmit acoustic power pat W |
The TwoWayBeamAngle is read from the data file and used to calculate the Sv. |
-20.6 |
dB re 1 sr |
Equivalent two-way beam angle Ψ dB re 1 sr |
Furuno FSV-25 data format
See also:
Calibration settings for Furuno FSV-25 data
Furuno FSV-25 Sv and TS equations according to the netCDF4 convention.
Furuno FSV data files
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
The absorption coefficient read from an absorption coefficient-frequency table recorded in the Furuno FSV-25 data file. Where a frequency is between two frequencies in the table, Echoview linearly interpolates for the absorption coefficient. If a frequency is outside of the tabled frequencies, the absorption coefficient used is of the closest table frequency. |
0.010 |
dB m-1 |
Absorption coefficient αa dB m-1 |
Frequency determined from transmit_frequency_start and transmit_frequency_ stop data read from the file.
38 |
kHz |
Acoustic frequency f Hz |
GainCorrection is determined during the calibration process. This factor accounts for differences between the theoretical response and the observed response during calibration. |
0.0000 |
dB |
MajorAxis3dbBeamAngle is assigned the value for beamwidth_receive_major of Beam 0, read from the Furuno FSV-25 data file. |
7.10 |
° |
Transducer beamwidth α-3 dB ° |
MinorAxis3dbBeamAngle is assigned the value for beamwidth_receive_minor of Beam 0, read from the Furuno FSV-25 data file. |
7.10 |
° |
Transducer beamwidth β-3 dB ° |
The pulse duration read from the Furuno FSV-25 data file. |
1.000 |
ms |
Pulse duration τ s |
Receive sensitivity read from the Furuno FSV-25 data file. |
-48.8 |
dB |
SoundSpeed |
The sound speed read from the Furuno FSV-25 data file. |
1500 |
m s-1 |
Water sound speed cw m s-1 |
Source level read from the Furuno FSV-25 data file. |
205.6 |
dB |
Source level SL dB re 1 μPa at r0 (the reference range) |
Can be used to calculate Furuno FSV-25 Sv and TS values. |
Standard |
The TwoWayBeamAngle is calculated using values for sound speed, frequency and transducer radius read from the Furuno FSV-25 data file. |
-20.6 |
dB re 1 sr |
Equivalent two-way beam angle Ψ dB re 1 sr |
Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) data format
See also:
Calibration settings for Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) data
Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) magnitudes and Sv equations
Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) data files
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
The absorption coefficient read from the Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) data file. |
0.010 |
dB m-1 |
Absorption coefficient αa dB m-1 |
The frequency is read from the Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) data file. |
38 |
kHz |
Acoustic frequency f Hz |
Echoview evaluates the H-mode MajorAxis3dbBeamAngle value when Furuno FSV 30 (Research version) angle and angle weight data are recorded in the file. The MajorAxis3dbBeamAngle is equivalent to Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) beamwidth_receive_major. The equations are specific to Furuno FSV 30 (Research version) data. MajorAxis3dbBeamAngle may be used for the calculation of TwoWayBeamAngle. |
7.10 |
° |
Transducer beamwidth α-3 dB ° |
Echoview evaluates the H-mode MinorAxis3dbBeamAngle value when Furuno FSV 30 (Research version) angle and angle weight data are recorded in the file. The MinorAxis3dbBeamAngle is equivalent to Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) beamwidth_receive_minor. The equations are specific to Furuno FSV 30 (Research version) data. MinorAxis3dbBeamAngle may be used for the calculation of TwoWayBeamAngle. |
7.10 |
° |
Transducer beamwidth β-3 dB ° |
Echoview evaluates the H-mode MinorAxis3dbBeamAngleTransmit value when Furuno FSV 30 (Research version) angle and angle weight data are recorded in the file. MinorAxis3dbBeamAngleTransmit is equivalent to Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) beamwidth_transmit_minor. The equations are specific to Furuno FSV 30 (Research version) data. MinorAxis3dbBeamAngleTransmit may be used for the calculation of TwoWayBeamAngle. |
7.10 |
° |
The pulse duration read from the Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) data file. |
1.000 |
ms |
Pulse duration τ s |
SoundSpeed |
1500 |
m s-1 |
Water sound speed cw m s-1 |
Source level is read from the Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) data file. |
205.6 |
dB |
Source level SL dB re 1 μPa at r0 (the reference range) |
Standard |
The TwoWayBeamAngle is read from the Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) data file. For H-mode Sv data, where MajorAxis3dbBeamAngle, MinorAxis3dbBeamAngle and MinorAxis3dbBeamAngleTransmit data are available in the data file, the TwoWayBeamAngle is calculated. |
-20.6 |
dB re 1 sr |
Equivalent two-way beam angle Ψ dB re 1 sr |
HTI data format
See also:
Calibration settings for HTI data
Common calibration names
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
HtiAequip |
Aequip. Used by HTI version 0.0 .INT files (you will need to calculate the value for Aequip). For other HTI file types Aequip-related calculations are handled by Echoview. See also HTI integrated data: Notes. |
1.00E-06 |
BeamPatternFactor |
This is the Beam_Pattern_Factor used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. |
0.016 |
dB |
ChirpBandwidth |
This is the Chirp_Bandwidth used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. |
0 |
kHz |
MajorAxisAngleRatio |
This is the Horizontal ratio used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. | -16 | ||
MinorAxisAngleRatio |
This is the Vertical ratio used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. |
-26 | ||
ReceiverGain20Log |
This is the Receiver_Gain_20_Log read from a *.smp file, where settings and data are stored together, and is used as Receiver_Gain in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. Where a *.cfg file accompanies a *.smp file, this is the Receiver_Gain read from the *.cfg file and used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. |
-6 | ||
ReceiverGain40Log |
This is the Receiver_Gain_40_Log read from a *.smp file, where settings and data are stored together, and used as Receiver_Gain in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. Where a *.cfg file accompanies a *.smp file, this is the Receiver_Gain read from the *.cfg file and used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. |
-6 | ||
SamplingFrequency |
Can be read from a HTI .raw file. See also SamplingFrequency (defined). |
44.1 |
kHz |
SoundSpeed |
SoundSpeed can be read from version 1.06 SMP files. Other HTI data file types may not record SoundSpeed or may record it in associated *.cfg or *.cal files. |
1500 |
m s-1 |
Water sound speed cw m s-1 |
SourceLevel |
This is the Source_level_n used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. |
205.6 |
dB |
Source level SL dB re 1 μPa at r0 (the reference range) |
ThroughSystemGain20Log |
This is the Log_20 Through System Gain used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. |
-151 |
ThroughSystemGain40Log |
This is the Log_40 Through System Gain used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. |
-171 |
TvgCrossover20Log |
This is the Tvg_Crossover used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. |
-11.2 |
TvgGain20Log |
This is read from a *.smp file, where settings and data are stored together, and used as Tvg_Gain in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. Where a *.cfg file accompanies a *.smp file, this is the Tvg_Gain read from the *.cfg file and used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. |
20.98 |
dB |
TvgGain40Log |
This is read from a *.smp file, where settings and data are stored together, and used as Tvg_Gain in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. Where a *.cfg file accompanies a *.smp file, this is the Tvg_Gain read from the *.cfg file and used in the HTI sample data to Sv, TS and angular position equations. |
20.98 |
dB |
- Version Echoview 5.3 or earlier required the calculation of Aequip for version 0.0 .INT files.
Sonic data format
See also:
Calibration settings for Sonic data
Common calibration names
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
A setting that can offset the Sv value. It may be useful when you need to adjust the Sv value for calibration sphere procedures or for Sv to TS conversions. |
0 |
dB |
A setting that can offset the TS value. It may be useful when you need to adjust the TS value for calibration sphere procedures or for TS to Sv conversions. |
0 |
dB |
62.8 |
Sonic KFC-6000/KSE-300 coefficient used with Sonic split-beam beam compensation. The coefficient is a function of the transducer radius and wavelength. |
3.5 |
Sonic KFC-6000/KSE-300 coefficient for the distance between array centers. It is used in the calculation of Sonic KFC-6000/KSE-300 angles. |
2.0 |
Sonic KFC-6000/KSE-300 T/R factor. |
62.8 |
Nortek data format
See also:
Calibration settings for Nortek data
Nortek Power, Sv and TS equations
Common calibration names
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
AbsorptionCoefficient |
An AbsorptionCoeffcient is calculated when AbsorptionDepth, Salinity, Temperature, Acidity, Frequency and SoundSpeed are available. The equation used is described by Francois & Garrison (1982). The calculated AbsorptionCoefficient value is not displayed on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box but is displayed in the Calibration section of the Details dialog box. You can override the calculated value by specifying an AbsorptionCoefficient value in an ECS file or you can recalculate the AbsorptionCoefficient by specifying different environmental values in an ECS file. Values read from the ECS file and used by the variable are displayed in the Calibration page and the Details dialog box. |
0.01 |
dB m-1 |
Absorption coefficient αa dB m-1 |
The AbsorptionDepth is calculated from Pressure, Salinity, Temperature and Acidity values read from the data file. |
250 |
m |
The Nortek configured transmit length read from the data file. |
1 |
ms |
Pulse duration τ s |
The Nortek nominal sound speed is 1500 m s-1 and it is used to calculate the sample range. To modify the sound speed use an ECS file. |
1500 |
m s-1 |
Water sound speed cw m s-1 |
The TransmittedPower is read from the PL value recorded in the data file. |
2000 |
W |
Transmit acoustic power pat W |
PAS HARP data format
See also:
Precision Acoustics Systems data files
Calibration settings for PAS data
Common calibration names
Calibration Information dialog box
These calibration settings are used in equations outlined in Precision Acoustics Systems data files.
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
Channel gain (dB) |
40 |
dB |
Static gain (G1) (dB) |
-112 |
dB |
Source level (dB) |
215 |
dB |
2048 |
1990 |
400 |
960 |
-139700 |
-129700 |
2049 |
1991 |
Simrad SM2000 data format
See also:
Calibration settings for SM2000 data
Common calibration names
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology and ECS file example |
Default value |
Units |
A beamforming calibration setting that specifies the Number of beams to form. |
128 |
A beamforming calibration setting that specifies the Sector. Note: Another beamforming setting is Sound speed (a common calibration setting). |
120 |
° |
SM2000 Transducer head setting for the Head type (deg). Typical Head values:
None |
SM2000 Transducer head setting for the Head Radius (m). |
0 |
m |
SM2000 Transducer head setting for the Head spacing (deg). |
0 |
° |
Simrad EK80 data format
The Simrad EK80 data format uses calibration settings that are drawn from common and other transducer specific settings.
See also:
Calibration settings for Simrad EK80 data
Common calibration names
About transmitted pulse
Calibration Information dialog box
The following are Simrad EK80 specific settings.
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology |
Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
CW and FM variables may use a calculated value for AbsorptionCoefficient based on environmental data read from the file. Environmental data includes water Temperature, Salinity, Acidity, AbsorptionDepth, SoundSpeed and Frequency. The equation used is described by Francois & Garrison (1982). The calculated value is not displayed on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box, but is displayed under the Calibration section on the Details dialog box. The calculated value can be overridden by specifying an AbsorptionCoefficient value in an ECS file, or can be recalculated by specifying other values for the environmental quantities via an ECS file. Values read from the ECS file and used by the variable are displayed in the Calibration page and the Details dialog box. FM variables may also make use of a table of absorption coefficients with AbsorptionCoefficientTableWideband. |
0.01 |
dB m-1 |
Absorption coefficient αa dB m-1 |
A space or semicolon-separated sequence of AbsorptionCoefficient values, used in conjunction with the frequencies in FrequencyTableWideband. Echoview computes the relative position of the given frequency between the closest entries in FrequencyTableWideband. Then for the (positionally) corresponding absorption coefficients in AbsorptionCoefficientTableWideband, it derives an interpolated value for the AbsorptionCoefficient. |
None | dBm-1 | ||
Read from EK80 data file and used as depth in the Francois & Garrison (1982) equation. The Francois & Garrison (1982) equation calculates the absorption coefficient using acidity, temperature and salinity, frequency and depth. |
250 |
m |
The acidity or pH read from EK80 data file. See Common calibration names: Acidity. The Francois & Garrison (1982) equation calculates the absorption coefficient using acidity, temperature and salinity, frequency and depth. |
8.0 |
The EffectivePulseDuration is calculated using the EK80 matched filter. EffectivePulseDuration is used in the calculation of continuous wave Sv and wideband Sv raw variables and may be modified using an ECS file. For EK80 CW data recorded as non-complex data, the EffectivePulseDuration may be calculated using the TransceiverSamplingFrequency. A deprecated alias is EffectivePulseLength. |
1 |
ms |
Effective pulse duration τeff s |
A sequence of TwoWayBeamAngle values, used in conjunction with the frequencies in FrequencyTableWideband. Echoview computes the relative position of the given frequency between the closest entries in FrequencyTableWideband. Then for the (positionally) corresponding two-way beam angle in EquivalentTwoWayBeamAngleTableWideband, it derives an interpolated TwoWayBeamAngle. |
SaCorrectionFactor is read from EK80 CW data and is used in the EK80 CW Power to Sv equation. The Sa correction factor is determined during the calibration process of EK80 CW instruments. The value represents the correction required to the Sv constant to harmonize the TS and Sa (NASC) measurements. Sa corrections are only determined during a calibration, otherwise they are zero. A deprecated alias is EK60SaCorrection. |
0 |
dB |
Wideband end frequency. |
38 |
kHz |
Wideband start frequency. |
38 |
kHz |
Simrad frequency-dependent Frequency read from an instrument calibrated EK80 data file. FrequencyTableWideband frequency values at array positions are correlated with associated wideband table array data. See Common calibration names: FrequencyTableWideband and Array position and element number note. |
Hz |
Simrad frequency-dependent Gain read from an instrument calibrated EK80 data file. Array values/interpolated values are used in place of the TransducerGain. See Common calibration names: GainTableWideband and Array position and element number note. |
dB |
Simrad frequency-dependent AngleOffsetAlongship read from an instrument calibrated EK80 data file. See Common calibration names: MinorAxisAngleOffsetTableWideband and Array position and element number note. |
° |
Simrad frequency-dependent AngleOffsetAthwartship read from an instrument calibrated EK80 data file. See Common calibration names: MajorAxisAngleOffsetTableWideband and Array position and element number note. |
° |
Simrad frequency-dependent BeamWidthAlongship read from an instrument calibrated EK80 data file. Array values/interpolated values are used in place of the MinorAxis3dbBeamAngle. See Common calibration names: MinorAxisBeamWidthTableWideband and Array position and element number note. |
° |
Simrad frequency-dependent BeamWidthAthwartship read from an instrument calibrated EK80 data file. Array values/interpolated values are used in place of the MajorAxis3dbBeamAngle. See Common calibration names: MajorAxisBeamWidthTableWideband and Array position and element number note. |
° |
The NumberOfTransducerSegments is read from data files recorded from wideband transceivers. It records the number of transducer segments for the beam. The value is used in the calculation of EK80 received power.
The PulseCompressedEffectivePulseDuration is calculated using the EK80 auto-correlated matched filter. PulseCompressedEffectivePulseDuration is used in the calculation of pulse compressed wideband Sv raw variables and Single target detection - wideband virtual variables and may be modified using an ECS file. A deprecated alias is PulseCompressedEffectivePulseLength. |
1 |
ms |
Read from the EK80 data file. See Common calibration names: Salinity. The Francois & Garrison (1982) equation calculates the absorption coefficient using acidity, temperature and salinity, frequency and depth. |
32 |
ppt |
Water salinity sw psu (practical salinity unit) |
Read from the EK80 data file. See Sampling frequency. |
44.10 |
kHz |
Read from the EK80 data file. See Common calibration names: Temperature. The Francois & Garrison (1982) equation calculates the absorption coefficient using acidity, temperature and salinity, frequency and depth. |
10 |
°C |
Water temperature tw °C |
TransceiverImpedance |
This is the Simrad transceiver impedance recorded under the Transceiver element of the data file. This impedance represents the internal electrical resistance of the WBT unit and is used for the calculation of received power. Note: Some versions of EK80 files may not record an impedance under the Transceiver element. In such cases a value of 1000 Ohms is used. Please contact Simrad for further information. |
1000 |
Ω |
TransducerImpedanceTableWideband |
This is a Simrad transducer impedance. The EK80 Calibration XML file can record a frequency-dependent array under the Impedance element. Echoview also reads such data, when it is present in an EK80 .raw file. However, Echoview does not use the data for EK80 calculations. The calibration setting is hidden but is available to ECS files and EVD files for the sake of completeness. See also ECS and EVD issue for TransducerImpedanceTableWideband. |
1000 |
Ω |
TransceiverSamplingFrequency may be read from the EK80 data file. It may be recorded when data is saved as non-complex data at reduced sampling rate or a reduced file size. TransceiverSamplingFrequency is used to calculate the decimated sampling frequency and the EffectivePulseDuration. Note: An instrument-specific TransceiverSamplingFrequency may be used when RxSampleFrequency is not be present in the data file. |
1500 |
kHz |
Read from the EK80 data file. See Common calibration names: TransducerGain. |
26.5 |
dB |
On-axis gain G0 dB re 1 |
Determined from Channelmode read from the EK80 data file. TransducerModeActive is true for active ping data (Channelmode=0). TransducerModeActive is false for passive ping data (Channelmode=1). An example is to filter active or passive pings (refer to the Glossary) with the Calibration subset operator by setting limits around the Channelmode value. |
True |
Read from the EK80 data file. See Transmitted power. |
2000 |
W |
Transmit acoustic power pat W | |
Simrad EK80 data files may record PulseDuration values under alternative names. A deprecated alias is TransmittedPulseLength. |
1 |
ms |
Pulse duration τ s |
A space or semicolon-separated sequence of PulseDuration values used in conjunction with PulseDurationLookupSaCorrection or PulseDurationLookupTransducerGain. Can be used in an ECS file to handle pings from a survey with different pulse durations. This setting is available to Simrad Ex60 and Simrad CW and wideband systems. |
ms |
A space or semicolon-separated sequence of SaCorrection values. Echoview uses the PulseDurationLookupSaCorrection value corresponding to the PulseDurationLookupKey that matches PulseDuration to within 1%. Otherwise it uses the default Sa correction. This setting is available to Simrad Ex60 and Simrad EK80 CW systems. |
dB |
A space or semicolon-separated sequence of TransducerGain values. Echoview uses the PulseDurationLookupTransducerGain value corresponding to the PulseDurationLookupKey that matches PulseDuration to within 1%. Otherwise it uses the default transducer gain. This setting is available to Simrad Ex60 and Simrad EK80 CW and wideband systems. |
dB |
TvgRangeCorrection is Simrad EK80. Which applies a half pulse length correction to the Sv variable only. |
Simrad EK80 |
Two-way beam angle is read from the file and is used in the calculation of Sv. Additionally, for FM variables, you can customize the two-way beam angle with EquivalentTwoWayBeamAngleTableWideband. |
-21 |
Equivalent two-way beam angle Ψ dB re 1 sr |
- FrequencyTableWideband frequency values at array positions are correlated with associated wideband table array data. FrequencyTableWideband values can be changed through an ECS file. Numerical ordering should be maintained, otherwise frequency values from the array may be applied incorrectly to your wideband table data. When the number of wideband table array elements don't match those in FrequencyTableWideband, Echoview sends a message to the Messages dialog box and Echoview will use equations for the single frequency case.
- Where the wideband table has a missing frequency (and therefore a missing calibration value), Echoview calculates a calibration value using linear interpolation between known data either side of the missing frequency.
- When FrequencyTableWideband doesn't overlap with the ping frequency range, the table is not loaded or used.
Simrad omnisonar netCDF data format
The Simrad omnisonar netCDF data format uses calibration settings that are drawn from common and other transducer specific settings.
See also:
Calibration settings for Simrad omnisonar netCDF data
Common calibration names
Calibration Information dialog box
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology and ECS file example |
Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
AbsorptionCoefficient |
Absorption coefficient is used in the calculation of Sv and TS with respect to the netCDF4 convention. |
0.01 |
dB m-1 |
Absorption coefficient αa dB m-1 |
EffectivePulseDuration | The EffectivePulseDuration is read from the data file and used in the calculation of Sv. |
1.000 |
ms |
Effective pulse duration τeff s |
Frequency |
Frequency read from file. |
38.0 |
kHz |
Acoustic frequency f Hz |
FrequencyEnd |
End frequency read from file and used in the calculation of wavelength. |
38.0 |
kHz |
FrequencyStart |
Start frequency read from file and used in the calculation of wavelength. |
38.0 |
kHz |
MajorAxis3dbBeamAngle |
7.10 |
° |
Transducer beamwidth α-3 dB ° |
MajorAxis3dbBeamAngleTransmit |
Major -axis component of the transmitted cone angle (aka Tilt). Tilt angle is used in the calculation of Sv and TS. |
7.10 |
° |
MinorAxis3dbBeamAngle |
7.10 |
° |
Transducer beamwidth β-3 dB ° |
MinorAxis3dbBeamAngleTransmit |
Minor-axis component of the transmitted cone angle (aka Tilt). Tilt angle is used in the calculation of Sv and TS. |
7.10 |
° |
PulseDuration |
Nominal transmit duration is read from the data file and may be used in the calculation of Sv when EffectivePulseDuration is unavailable. |
1.000 |
milliseconds |
Pulse duration τ s |
SoundSpeed |
sound speed is used in the calculation of Sv and TS. |
1500 |
m s-1 |
Water sound speed cw m s-1 |
SourceLevel |
Transducer source level read from the file. |
205.6 |
dB |
Source level SL dB re 1 μPa at r0 (the reference range) |
TransducerGain |
Transducer gain is read from the file and used in the calculation of Sv and TS. |
26.5 |
dB |
On-axis gain G0 dB re 1 |
TransmittedPower |
Transmit power read from the file used in the calculation of Sv and TS. |
2000 |
W |
Transmit acoustic power pat W |
TvgRangeCorrection |
TvgRangeCorrection is assigned as Standard. |
None |
- |
TwoWayBeamAngle |
Two-way beam angle is read from the file and is used in the calculation of Sv. |
-20.6 |
dB re 1 steradian |
Equivalent two-way beam angle Ψ dB re 1 sr |
Simrad MS70 data format
The Simrad MS70 data format uses calibration settings that are drawn from common and other transducer specific settings. The data format is similar to the Simrad ME70 data format, that in its turn is based on the Simrad Ex60 data format. For further information refer to Simrad data files.
Raw matrix variables display a per ping calibration on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box.
Multibeam variables output by the Secetor select or Maximum intensity - matrix operators, display per ping calibration on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box. Such multibeam variables display both per ping calibration and per beam calibration on the Calibration and Beam calibration sections of the Details dialog box.
See also:
Calibration settings for Simrad MS70 data
Common calibration names
Calibration Information dialog box
Format specific settings are included:
Calibration setting name |
Help file terminology and ECS file example | Default value |
Units |
ICES CRR No. 326 Term, Symbol, and Units (Refer to Demer et al. (2015)) |
Read from MS70 data file and used as depth in the Francois & Garrison (1982) equation. The Francois & Garrison (1982) equation calculates the absorption coefficient using acidity, temperature and salinity, frequency and depth. |
250 |
m |
See also
Using Echoview in the calibration process
Calibration settings for virtual variables
About time varied gain