Transducer geometry illustrated

The settings from the Platform Properties dialog box and the Transducer Properties dialog box provide the reference points and planes for fish track geometry.

The Platform: Specifying position and attitude on the earth

Moving platform

  • Specify a GPS data source for latitude and longitude.
    • Can specify X, Y location of the GPS antenna on the platform.
    • Can specify an associated Distance data source.
    • Can specify a Heading data source.
  • Specify Altitude of platform system reference point.

Fixed platform

  • Specify Latitude and longitude.
    • Can specify the Fixed heading (North) or a Heading data source.
  • Specify Altitude of platform system reference point.

Z coordinate of the water level

  • Specify Z coordinate of the water level in relation to the Altitude of the platform system reference point. The value of the Z coordinate of the water level represents the water level at the start time of the echogram data.

Heave source

  • Specify heave data source for the platform.

Note: Roll and Pitch data are not applied to the platform but may be applied to raw variables.

The Transducer: Specifying location and orientation on the platform

Transducer location

X and Y values specify the location of the transducer with respect to the X, Y plane of the platform.

The Z value is the transducer vertical offset with respect to the Altitude of the platform system reference point.

Transducer orientation

Values for Elevation, Azimuth and Beam rotation describe the orientation of the transducer on the platform.

Example: One horizontal transducer on a fixed platform

Fixed transducer across a river

Figure 1: Google Map display for the location of a transducer on a fixed platform. Up is North.

Map view fixed platform

Figure 2: Schematic (map view) for a fixed platform with a transducer at an Azimuth of 190 degrees.

Platform Position and Transducer Location

Platform Position settings

  • Fixed platform
  • Latitude = 60.518541. Longitude = -151.163664
  • Altitude of platform = 0 m.
  • Z coordinate of the water level = 0 m.
  • Heading source = Heading Fixed North

Transducer Location settings

  • Current transducer locations X = 0 m, Y = 0 m. These are set under the Location, Transducer section in Figure 3.
  • Current transducer location Z = 0.5 m. This is set under the Location, Transducer section in Figure 3.

Fixed platform transducer location

Figure 3: One transducer on a fixed platform, visualized as multibeam. Transducer Properties dialog box: Geometry page, containing Orientation and Location settings.

Transducer Orientation

Transducer Orientation settings

  • Elevation = 85 degrees is displayed as the vertical angle of the pink-colored circle around the dark grey transducer in Figure 3.
  • Azimuth = 190 degrees is displayed as the horizontal angle of the teal-colored circle around the dark grey transducer in Figure 3.
  • Beam rotation = 0 degrees is displayed as zero degrees rotation of the wide, purple fan from the dark grey transducer in Figure 3.
Scene, Fish track: Direction_horizontal, Direction_vertical

Multibeam curtain for fixed transducer

Figure 5: Map view (up is North) of an imaging sonar ping curtain in a Scene. The beam fan is oriented correctly and located under the water.

Fish tracks for fixed platform transducer

Fish track directions

Figure 6: (Top) Fish tracks in single target echogram derived from multibeam target detection on imaging sonar data.
(Bottom) Fish track export data showing Direction_horizontal (degrees) and Direction_vertical (degrees).

Planes and reference directions for Direction_horizontal and Direction_vertical

Planes and reference directions for fish tracks

Figure 7: Fixed platform Direction_horizontal and Direction_vertical reference planes and directions.

See also

About transducer geometry
About platforms
Sound Metrics notes