Transect shortcut menu options

You can find these transect options in the expanded Transect shortcut (right-click) menu item on an echogram or cruisetrack display (for Sv acoustic variables).

The context sensitive options change with the selection, the ping, or transect under the mouse pointer.

Transect shortcut menu option


Define Transect

Create a new transect from a selection made with the vertical band tool.

Delete Transect

Delete the transect containing the selected ping.

Delete Transects In Selection

Delete all transects with pings intersecting the selection.

Start Next Transect Here

Change the start of the next transect to the ping under the mouse pointer.

Start Transect Here

Terminate the transect at the selected ping.

Stop Previous Transect Here

Change the end of the previous transect to the ping under the mouse pointer.

Stop Transect Here

Terminate the transect at the selected ping.

See also

About transects
Using transects