Echogram tools toolbar
There are several categories of buttons available on the Echogram tools toolbar when an echogram is active. These can include:
- Selection tools - to make selections
- Region tools - to define, edit or classify regions
- Transect edit tool - edit transects on echograms, or cruise track windows
- Line and surface tool
- to create, edit and draw lines on single beam echograms
- to create surfaces and virtual surfaces on multibeam echograms
- Tape measure tool - to measure the distance on echograms
- Pan tool - to pan in single beam echograms and the Dataflow window
- Synchronize window tool - to place or remove windows into an auto-synchronization group
- Mouse pointer duplication - shows the mouse pointer on secondary windows
- Captions may be shown for applicable tools. The caption shown next to the Line and Surface tool is the name of an echogram's active line, the caption shown next to the Region classification tool is the currently selected class. The display of tool captions is set on the Preferences page of the Echoview configuration dialog box.
- Echogram windows remember their active Echogram tools.
Selection tool buttons
Rectangle tool
The Rectangle tool is for drawing a rectangular selection on the echogram. It is used mostly for zooming or defining regions.
To make a selection using the Rectangle tool:
- Click the Rectangle tool.
- Click and drag on the echogram to form a selection over the relevant area.
- Click on the echogram again to disregard the selection.
Note: The Rectangle tool is also used as the "select" tool. It is used to select a region.
Horizontal band tool
The Horizontal band tool enables you to make a selection which extends the entire width of the echogram at a defined depth. The selection includes areas beyond the current window border.
To make a selection using the Horizontal band tool:
- Click the Horizontal band tool.
- Click and drag on the echogram to define the desired selection.
- Click on the echogram again to disregard the selection.
Tip: This is a fast way to define horizontal regions of defined depth across echograms of any size.
Vertical band tool
The Vertical band tool enables you to make a selection which extends the entire depth of the echogram at a defined time/GPS position. The selection includes areas beyond the current window border.
To make a selection using the Vertical band tool:
- Click the Vertical band tool.
- Click and drag on the echogram to define the desired selection.
Note: The time or GPS position will be displayed in the ping status/GPS area. - Click on the echogram again to disregard the selection.
Tip: This tool is especially useful for defining bad ping regions.
See also: Using cruise tracks: Define a region.
Parallelogram tool
The Parallelogram tool is used to make a selection on the echogram in the shape of a series of parallelograms. It is mostly used to select an area parallel to the bottom reflection in preparation for performing a line pick or defining a region.
To make a selection using the Parallelogram tool:
- Click the Parallelogram tool.
- Click and drag on the echogram in a vertical direction to the desired depth.
Note: This depth will be maintained as you make subsequent selections in the horizontal direction. - Progressively click on the echogram from left to right to indicate the nodes of the desired selection;
- OR -
Click and drag and release at the desired node.
Note: To clear a selection, press ESC or on the Shortcut (right-click) menu, click Clear selection.
Polygon tool
The Polygon tool allows you to make a selection of any shape.
To make a selection using the Polygon tool:
- Click the Polygon tool.
- Progressively click and/or drag on the echogram to indicate the nodes of the desired selection.
- Close the polygon by choosing Close Polygon from the Shortcut menu (right-click);
- OR -
Double-click to define a final node and close the selection.
Note: To clear a polygon which is not yet closed, press ESC or on the Shortcut (right-click) menu, click Clear polygon drawing.
Region tool buttons
Region edit tools
The Region edit tools are used to change the boundaries of a previously defined 2D region. The displayed icon shows the current selected tool. To use that tool, click the icon. To change tools use the Region edit tool arrow to select the:
Nodes tool to move, add and delete nodes and line segments;
Draw tool to redraw parts of the region; or
Nudge tool to nudge (place indentations in) parts of region boundary.
See Editing regions for more information.
Transect edit tool
The Transect edit tool is used to modify the extents of a transect.
To use this tool:
- Click on the transect to modify then select the icon.
- Click and drag the end of the transect to shorten or lengthen the extent along the track (in cruisetrack display) or along the bottom of the echogram.
- Click on different tool to end the use of the Transect edit tool.
See Using transects for more information.
Classification tool
The Region classification tool is used to quickly assign classes to 2D regions on an echogram. Under the list arrow an icon indicates the current region class for the tool. The Region classification tool arrow allows you to select a different region class, create a new region class using the Region Class Properties dialog box and classify with Rules.
To assign a class to a region:
- Click the Region classification tool arrow.
- Select the required class from the list.
Note: The currently selected class is indicated by a bullet. - Select the desired region(s).
Note: The Class for the Region classification tool changes in response a region Class change in the Region Browser.
See About region class, Region Class Properties dialog box, and Classify regions for more information.
Classification tool
The Target classification tool is used to quickly assign a Target class to selected targets on multibeam target echograms. The displayed icon shows the current Target class. To use that Target class, click the icon. The Target classification tool arrow allows you to select a different target class, or create a new target class using the Target Class Properties dialog box.
To assign a Target class to a target:
- Click the Target classification tool arrow.
- Select the required class from the list.
Note: The currently selected class is indicated by a bullet. - Point to a target (it will be highlighted) and click.
- The Target classification tool is only available when multibeam target variables are displayed.
- Target class assignations can be viewed on the Target Metadata window.
See Target properties from multibeam data for more information.
Line and Surface tool
Line tool
The Line tool is available for single beam echograms. Tools include:
- A list of lines in the EV file
- New Editable Line
- New Virtual Line
- Active Line Properties
To draw a new line:
- Click the Line and Surface tool arrow and select None.
- Progressively click on the echogram from left to right (or right to left) to indicate the nodes of the line.
- OR -
Click and drag and release at the desired node.
Note: Nodes are removed if you click over a section of line that you have already drawn. - When the line is complete, on the Shortcut (right-click) menu, click Create New Line.
- To clear a line drawing before defining the line, press ESC on the Shortcut (right-click) menu, click Clear line drawing.
- To draw a new editable line using a source line and other line settings refer to Creating, editing, renaming and deleting lines.
- To modify sections of an editable line refer to Creating, editing, renaming and deleting lines - Recalculate or repick a selection.
- To extend an editable line during live viewing refer to the Source page of the Line Properties dialog box
See also Editing an existing line, Finding a break in a line, About lines, Creating, renaming and deleting lines.
Surface tool
The Surface tool is available for multibeam echograms. Tools include:
- a list of surfaces in the EV file
- New Surface
- New Virtual Surface
- Active Surface Properties.
See also About surfaces, Creating, renaming and deleting surfaces, Multibeam Variable Properties: Surfaces page - Active surface.
Tape measure tool
The Tape measure tool is used to measure the distance between two or more points on an echogram.
See About measuring distance for more information.
Pan tool
The Pan tool is used to pan around single beam echograms and the Dataflow window. To stop using the Pan tool select another echogram tool.
See also:
Synchronize window tool
The Synchronize window tool is used to place or remove echogram or other supported windows into or from an auto-synchronization group.
Mouse pointer duplication
The Mouse pointer duplication tool toggles the setting to Show the mouse pointer on secondary windows (Mouse pointer duplication), in the Echoview configuration dialog box (Interface page).