
The Center_of_mass is an analysis export variable available in exported integration analyses.

It reports the center of "mass" (m) of the domain. It is calculated by considering the average of all sample depths weighted by sample sv values in the domain which was analyzed. The exported Center_of_mass is equivalent to the 'Centre of mass' as discussed by Urmy et al (2012).


Center of mass equation equivalent to Mean location


CM is the Center_of_mass (m).
z is the depth (m) of a sample in the analysis domain.

is the sample volume-backscattering coefficient at z.

Sv (dB re 1m-1) is the (mean) Volume backscattering strength of the sample at z.

Notes: Thresholded Sv (dB) values are handled as 0 in the linear domain.

See also

About analysis
About analysis variables