Creating single target detection variables from split-beam data

Before you begin

The reliability of detected single targets depends on the correct configuration of calibration and transducer geometry settings for the first (and second) operand. In many cases the input operands are raw variables. When the operands are virtual variables, the rules under the inheritance of properties provide a path to the original raw variable at the start of a chain of virtual variables.


To create a single target detection virtual variable from split beam data:

  1. Open the Dataflow window.

  2. On the Shortcut (right-click) menu, click New then Variable to display the New variable dialog box.

  3. On the New Variables dialog box:

    1. In the Name box, enter a name for the single target virtual variable.
    2. In the Operator list, select a split-beam single target detection operator.
  4. Click OK to display the Variable Properties dialog box.

  5. On the Operands page:

    1. In the Operand 1 list, select a TS variable.
    2. In the Operand 2 list, select the related angular position variable.
  6. Click the Single Target Detection tab.

  7. On the Single Target Detection page:

    1. In the Single target detection parameters section, enter required single target detection settings. See Single target detection page for settings information. See Method 1 or Method 2 for algorithm information.
    2. In the Exclusion section, select exclusion lines (if required).

Note: This page contains default settings to begin with. If the resulting echogram does not contain as many single targets as you expect, relax some of the constraints on this page. See Tuning single target detection algorithms for more information.

  1. Click the Data tab.

  1. On the Data page:

    1. In the Minimum threshold section and Maximum threshold section, select the desired options (if any) and enter threshold settings.
    2. In the Filter single targets section, select the desired options (if any) and enter filter settings.
  2. Click OK.

To display the single target virtual variable you created; on the Dataflow window, double-click the new virtual variable.

See also

About single target detection
Single target detection algorithms
Simrad and Echoview single target detection terminology