COM object EvTransectGroup

EvApplication > EvFileCollection > EvFile > EvTransectGroupCollection > EvTransectGroup


View the COM map and the COM summary.

The EvTransectGroup object corresponds to a transect group, and gives you access to information about and the ability to modify selected settings on the Transect group properties dialog box.

The EvFile.TransectGroups [] property lists all the transect groups in an EV file and is an EvTransectGroupCollection.

EvTransectGroup methods and properties:





boolean ExportTransects(string ExportPath)


Exports the transects of a transect group. Refer to transect group table for details on each field.


EvTransectGroup snippet


(read-write) string Name


Get or set the Name of the transect group on the General page of the Transect Group Properties dialog box.


Transect group snippet.

Dim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication")


Sub main

    Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("YourEVFilePathAndName.EV")

    ' Export the variables data without transects for reference
    ' This also conveniently also causes all the data to be cached so we indirectly test invalidation later
    Dim sv: Set sv = vEvFile.Variables.FindByName("Fileset 1: Sv raw pings T1")
    Dim platform: Set platform = vEvFile.Platforms.Item(0)

    sv.ExportIntegrationByCellsAll("YourExportIntegration by cells (initial).csv")

    Dim transectGroup
    Set transectGroup = vEvFile.TransectGroups.Import("YourTransectGroupToImport.csv")

    ' Should have 1 transect group equal to the transect group return
    If vEvFile.TransectGroups.Count <> 1 OR Not vEvFile.TransectGroups.Item(0) Is transectGroup Then
        MsgBox("Expected document to only contain the imported transect group")
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Try changing name and notes
    transectGroup.Name = "Survey 2023-04-03"
    transectGroup.Notes = "Survey used for testing purposes"

    If transectGroup.Name <> "Survey 2023-04-03" Then
        MsgBox("Failed to set transect group name")
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If transectGroup.Notes <> "Survey used for testing purposes" Then
        MsgBox("Failed to set transect group notes")
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Fetch transect group by name
    Dim transectGroup2: Set transectGroup2 = vEvFile.TransectGroups.FindByName("Survey 2023-04-03")
    If Not transectGroup2 Is transectGroup Then
        MsgBox("Failed to find transect group by name")
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Assign the imported transect group to the platform so it's used by analysis
    platform.TransectSource = transectGroup
    if Not platform.TransectSource Is transectGroup Then
        MsgBox("Failed to assign transect group to platform")
        Exit Sub
    End If

    sv.ExportIntegrationByCellsAll("BaselineExportIntegration by cells with transects.csv")

    ' Export transects
    transectGroup.ExportTransects("YourExportWithTransectGroupSurvey 2023-04-03.transect.csv")

    ' Delete transect group
    If vEvFile.TransectGroups.Count <> 0 Then
        MsgBox("Failed to delete transect group")
        Exit Sub
    End If

    sv.ExportIntegrationByCellsAll("ReturnToBaselineExporIintegration by cells without transects.csv")
End Sub


(read-write) string Notes


Get or set the Notes of the transect group on the General page of the Transect Group Properties dialog box.


EvTransectGroup snippet

See also

COM object hierarchy