About the best bottom candidate line pick
Echoview offers a line picking algorithm that uses information from surrounding pings to constrain the bottom detection candidates. You will notice much more accurate and consistent line picking using the default settings for this algorithm, and there is also the option to fine-tune the line pick settings for data sets where the defaults don't work.
The Best bottom candidate line pick algorithm is available for creating an editable bottom line or a virtual bottom line.
For an editable line, settings are entered under Single beam on the Lines and Surfaces page of the EV File Properties dialog box.
For a virtual line created with the Best bottom candidate line pick operator, settings are entered on the Best bottom candidate line pick page of the Line Properties dialog box.
The images above, compare the performance of the Maximum Sv line pick algorithm (at left) against the Best bottom candidate line pick algorithm (at right) for two very challenging data sets. None of the lines have been edited in any way, and the default settings were used for the detection.
See also
Best bottom candidate settings
Best bottom candidate line pick algorithm