About the Code operator
The multi-threaded Code operator, allows you to apply a Python® script from a source file to specified operands. The supported Python NumPy and SciPy modules offer a wide range of open-source scientific computing and numerical integration capabilities. The Code operator is available under a licensed Advanced Operators module.
Echoview can display a program to edit a new Python file or Python program files may be created outside of Echoview and specified for the Code operator.
The Internet offers many learning materials for the Python language. These include:
Python and associated modules/site packages are installed and uninstalled with Echoview by the Echoview installer. Code operator code can specify other site packages; these are installed separately.
The Python3 executable (.exe) file is located in the same folder as the Echoview executable file. Echoview installed Python version details are displayed under the Python section of the Echoview Configuration dialog box.
See also
Code operator
Using the Code operator
Example Python scripts