Exporting matrix variable data

Matrix data may be exported to a CSV file. The file can't be added to a fileset or imported by Echoview. Note, the output file may exceed the data limits of third party viewing applications. Excel has a larger grid limit for its .xlsx file format and the internet documents workarounds for handling very larger CSV files.

Dataflow window

Select the matrix variable, right-click and on the Shortcut menu, select Export, Data Values...

Table window

Select the matrix variable table, on the Table menu, select Export to CSV...


  • Raw matrix variables can only be displayed as a general summary table. Column headings will thus be different from those displayed from exporting matrix variable data from the Dataflow and Table windows.
  • Export to CSV... is subject to the same exclusions and thresholding as single beam and multibeam CSV exports.

CSV file format

Each row of data represents sample information for the selected matrix pings.

Data type

File extension

Sv pings matrix formed beams


TS pings matrix formed beams


angular position pings matrix formed beams


unspecified dB pings matrix formed beams


The header row includes headers for:




Sequential ping number

Note: Echoview numbers pings sequentially beginning with 0 for the first ping in an echogram.


Distance (nmi) from the first GPS fix in the data file.


Distance (nmi) traveled according to the vessel log at the time the ping was transmitted.


dd/mm/yyyy for the segment.


HH:mm:ss for the segment.


The millisecond (0.999) at which the ping was transmitted.


The latitude (degrees) of the GPS antenna at the time the ping was transmitted.


The longitude (degrees) of the GPS antenna at the time the ping was transmitted.


The heading of the platform at the time the ping was transmitted

Note: Heading values are taken from the heading variable selected on the Attitude page of the Platform Properties dialog box.


Range (m) of the nearest sample in the ping (measured along the beam-axis).


Range (m) of the farthest sample in the ping (measured along the beam-axis).


Number of beams in this ping.


Number of beams along the minor sector.


Number of samples in each beam of this ping.


A number identifying the ping mode.


The name of the variable which was exported.


The angular distance (°) between the clockwise edge of the first beam and the counterclockwise edge of the last beam in the major sector at a minor angle of zero.


The angular distance (°) between the clockwise edge of the first beam and the counterclockwise edge of the last beam in the minor sector at a major angle of zero.

Datafile_ping_number The number, if any, assigned to the ping in the original data file from which Echoview read the data.

List of data values

Note: No title in the header row of the file


On the remainder of this line, the data values for each sample are structured sequentially per sample, per minor beam index, per major beam index.

Example: Consider a ping with 4 samples, 3 minor beams and 2 major beams, indexed as {sample_index, minor_index, major_index}.

The resulting output order is as follows:
















See also

About matrix data
About tables: Matrix
About exporting data