Exporting in Echoview

Echoview allows you to export the underlying data from raw and virtual variables, echograms as images and analyses. Refer to the pages linked in the sections below for details.

If you are exporting to overwrite a file, ensure it is not open in or locked by another application.

The Messages dialog box displays the time it took to complete your export.

Export analysis

Export analyses are available from the Echogram and Scene menus and includes:

  • Analysis by Regions
  • Analysis by Cells
  • Analysis by Regions by Cells
  • Analysis by Region Classes by Cells, To ICES CSV

The exports and analysis variables available may depend on the modules that are licensed and the type of echogram you are exporting from.

Other analysis exports include those for detected or analyzed data in a selection, region or window from echograms, cruise tracks, graphs, tables and scenes.


  • Export results will be affected by many of the settings in the EV File Properties dialog box and the Variable Properties dialog box for each echogram.
  • Calibration settings for analysis exports are specific to each variable, and are not included in export data.
  • Data management tips:
    • To ensure that you have a permanent record of the calibration settings for your export, create a read-only folder to store your export data.
    • For each export, save a copy of the EV file to the folder path of the export.
  • For each export, there are mandatory analysis variables but you may also select optional analysis variables to output additional information related to the analysis and analysis domain. For more information refer to About analysis variables.
  • See also Export and copy to image files.

Export data

Data read in by Echoview can be exported.

See also

Importing in Echoview
Special Export Values
About analysis variables
Export variable lists
Using Echoview
Data processing workflow