Example scripts for COM automation

The example scripts below demonstrate COM automation via .vbs scripts and via web page implementing VBscript. See also: Echoview example scripts in VBS, Python, R, Perl, and Matlab.

To run scripts in Echoview you will need to have a Automation module license.

If you have any trouble with the examples below please contact Echoview for support.


COM script example


A single export

A single export.

Multiple exports from multiple variables

Multiple exports from multiple variables.

Multiple exports from multiple variables in multiple EV files

Multiple exports from multiple variables in multiple EV files.

Multiple exports from multiple variables in all EV files in a folder

Multiple exports from multiple variables in all EV files in a folder.


Lists the variables in any open EV files.


Picks a line on a particular variable in a particular file and exports an .evl file for the picked line.

Statistical combination variable change operand

Changes an operand for the Statistical combination operator.

Web page COM Uses an Internet Explorer web page script to list all the variables in a selected EV file.

Multiple scripts in different languages - a WSF example

Windows Script File (.wsf) with one job and two scripts (VBScript and JScript).

The examples can be edited to create your own scripts. The text in maroon are the strings that will need to be changed to suit your own files and export needs.

A single export

To try the sample VBS script:

  1. Save the following code to a file called A single export (COM) .vbs
  2. Run A single export (COM) .vbs

This script will open FileA.EV located in C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\EVFiles folder. The variable Sv Q1 telegrams T1 will be processed and an Integration by Regions will be exported to the output folder Script1Output. The output file will be called: FileA.EV-Sv1-ARIN.csv.

Note that the output folder must exist prior to running the script or the export will fail.

A single export (COM).vbs

' A single export
' Open the EV file
     Dim EvApp: Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication")
     Dim EvFile: Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile("C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example scripts\EVFiles\FileA.EV")
     If EvFile Is Nothing Then
         MsgBox "Failed to open EV file"
         ' Get the variable
         Dim Var: Set Var = EvFile.Variables.FindByName("Sv Q1 telegrams T1")
         If Var Is Nothing Then
             MsgBox "Failed to find variable"
             Dim VarAc: Set VarAc = Var.AsVariableAcoustic
             If VarAc Is Nothing Then
                 MsgBox "Variable is not acoustic"
                 ' Export the variable
                 If Not VarAc.ExportIntegrationByRegions("C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example scripts\Script1Output\FileA-Sv1-ARIN.csv", Nothing) Then
                     MsgBox "Failed to export by regions"
                 End If
             End If
         End If
     End If
     ' Tidy up

Multiple exports from multiple variables

To try the sample VBS script:

  1. Save the following code to a file called Multiple exports from multiple variables (COM).vbs
  2. Open one or more EV files in Echoview.
  3. Run Multiple exports from multiple variables (COM).vbs

This script will open FileA.EV located in C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example scripts folder. The script will do an Integration by Regions and an Integration by Cells on two variables: Sv Q1 telegrams T1 and Sv Q2 telegrams T2.

Note that the output folder must exist prior to running the script or the export will fail.

Multiple exports from multiple variables (COM) .vbs

' Multiple exports from multiple variables
' The main program
Dim EvApp: Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication")
Dim EvFile: Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile("C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example scripts\EVFiles\FileA.EV")
If EvFile Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "Failed to open EV file"
End If
Export("Sv Q1 telegrams T1")
Export("Sv Q2 telegrams T2")
' A subroutine to export the named variable
Sub Export(VarName)
        Dim Var: Set Var = EvFile.Variables.FindByName(VarName)
        If Var Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "Failed to find variable '" & VarName & "'"
                Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim VarAc: Set VarAc = Var.AsVariableAcoustic
        If VarAc Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "Variable '" & VarName & "' is not acoustic"
                Exit Sub
        End If
        If Not VarAc.ExportIntegrationByRegions("C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example scripts\Script1Output\FileA-" & Left(VarName, 2) & Right(VarName, 1) & "-ARIN.csv", Nothing) Then
                MsgBox "Failed to export '" & VarName & "' by regions"
        End If
        If Not VarAc.ExportIntegrationByCells("C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example scripts\Script1Output\FileA-" & Left(VarName, 2) & Right(VarName, 1) & "-ACIN.csv", Nothing) Then
                MsgBox "Failed to export '" & VarName & "' by cells"
        End If
End Sub

Multiple exports from multiple variables in multiple EV files

To try the sample VBS script:

  1. Save the following code to a file called Multiple exports from multiple variables in multiple EV files (COM).vbs
  2. Open one or more EV files in Echoview.
  3. Run Multiple exports from multiple variables in multiple EV files (COM).vbs

This script will open FileA.EV and FileB.EV located in C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example scripts\EVFiles folder. The script will run two exports on two variables in two EV files.

Note that the output folder must exist prior to running the script or the export will fail.

Multiple exports from multiple variables in multiple EV files (COM).vbs

' Multiple exports from multiple variables in multiple EV files
Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim EvApp: Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication")
ExportFromFile "C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example scripts\EVFiles\FileA.EV"
ExportFromFile "C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example scripts\EVFiles\FileB.EV"
' A subroutine to export from the named file
Sub ExportFromFile(FileName)
        Dim EvFile: Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile(FileName)
        If EvFile Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "Failed to open EV file '" & FileName & "'"
                Exit Sub
        End If
        ExportVariable EvFile, "Sv Q1 telegrams T1"
        ExportVariable EvFile, "Sv Q2 telegrams T2"
End Sub
' A subroutine to export the named variable
Sub ExportVariable(EvFile, VarName)
        Dim Var: Set Var = EvFile.Variables.FindByName(VarName)
        If Var Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "Failed to find variable '" & VarName & "' in EV file '" & EvFile.FileName & "'"
                Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim VarAc: Set VarAc = Var.AsVariableAcoustic
        If VarAc Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "Variable '" & VarName & "' is not acoustic in EV file '" & EvFile.FileName & "'"
                Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim OutFileName: OutFileName = CreateFileName(EvFile.FileName, VarName, "ARIN")
        If Not VarAc.ExportIntegrationByRegions(OutFileName, Nothing) Then
                MsgBox "Failed to export '" & VarName & "' by regions from EV file '" & EvFile.FileName & "'"
        End If
        OutFileName = CreateFileName(EvFile.FileName, VarName, "ACIN")
        If Not VarAc.ExportIntegrationByCells(OutFileName, Nothing) Then
                MsgBox "Failed to export '" & VarName & "' by cells from EV file '" & EvFile.FileName & "'"
        End If
End Sub
' A function to create the output file name
Function CreateFileName(FileName, VarName, OpName)
        Dim FolderName: FolderName = "C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example scripts\Script1Output\"
        Dim File: Set File = fso.GetFile(FileName)
        CreateFileName = FolderName & Left(File.Name, Len(File.Name) - 3) & "-" & Left(VarName, 2) & Right(VarName, 1) & "-" & OpName & ".csv"
End Function

Multiple exports from multiple variables in all EV files in a folder

To try the sample VBS script:

  1. Save the following code to a file called Multiple exports from multiple variables in all EV files in a folder (COM) .vbs
  2. Open one or more EV files in Echoview.
  3. Run Multiple exports from multiple variables in all EV files in a folder (COM) .vbs

This script will run the same set of export tasks on the same set of variables in EVERY EV file in the input folder.

Multiple exports from multiple variables in all EV files in a folder (COM) .vbs

' Multiple exports from multiple variables in all EV files in a folder
Dim FolderName: FolderName = "C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example Scripts\EVFiles"
Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim Files: Set Files = fso.GetFolder(FolderName).Files
Dim EvApp: Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication")
For Each File In Files
        ExportFromFile FolderName & "\" & File.Name
' A subroutine to export from the named file
Sub ExportFromFile(FileName)
        If (UCase(Right(FileName, 3))  ".EV" Or UCase(Right(FileName, 12)) = " (BACKUP).EV") Then
                Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim EvFile: Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile(FileName)
        If EvFile Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "Failed to open EV file '" & FileName & "'"
                Exit Sub
        End If
        ExportVariable EvFile, "Sv Q1 telegrams T1"
        ExportVariable EvFile, "Sv Q2 telegrams T2"
        ExportVariable EvFile, "Sv Q3 telegrams T3"
End Sub
' A subroutine to export the named variable
Sub ExportVariable(EvFile, VarName)
        Dim Var: Set Var = EvFile.Variables.FindByName(VarName)
        If Var Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "Failed to find variable '" & VarName & "' in EV file '" & EvFile.FileName & "'"
                Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim VarAc: Set VarAc = Var.AsVariableAcoustic
        If VarAc Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "Variable '" & VarName & "' is not acoustic in EV file '" & EvFile.FileName & "'"
                Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim OutFileName: OutFileName = CreateFileName(EvFile.FileName, VarName, "ARIN")
        If Not VarAc.ExportIntegrationByRegions(OutFileName, Nothing) Then
                MsgBox "Failed to export '" & VarName & "' by regions from EV file '" & EvFile.FileName & "'"
        End If
        OutFileName = CreateFileName(EvFile.FileName, VarName, "ACIN")
        If Not VarAc.ExportIntegrationByCells(OutFileName, Nothing) Then
                MsgBox "Failed to export '" & VarName & "' by cells from EV file '" & EvFile.FileName & "'"
        End If
        OutFileName = CreateFileName(EvFile.FileName, VarName, "ABIN")
        If Not VarAc.ExportIntegrationByRegionsByCells(OutFileName, Nothing) Then
                MsgBox "Failed to export '" & VarName & "' by regions by cells from EV file '" & EvFile.FileName & "'"
        End If
End Sub
' A function to create the output file name
Function CreateFileName(FileName, VarName, OpName)
        Dim FolderName: FolderName = "C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example scripts\Script1Output\"
        Dim File: Set File = fso.GetFile(FileName)
        CreateFileName = FolderName & Left(File.Name, Len(File.Name) - 3) & "-" & Left(VarName, 2) & Right(VarName, 1) & "-" & OpName & ".csv"
End Function


To try the sample VBS script:

  1. Save the following code to a file called ListVariables.vbs
  2. Open one or more EV files in Echoview.
  3. Run ListVariables.vbs

This script demonstrates:

  • Connecting to Echoview.
  • Testing for an Echoview COM license.
  • Logging to the message window and script log.
  • Traversing the object hierarchy.
  • Accessing variables according to type.


' List variables
' Attach to Echoview
 Dim EvApp: Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication")
 If Not EvApp.IsLicensed Then
     MsgBox "Echoview is not licensed for COM scripting"
 End If
' List files
 Dim FileIndex
 for FileIndex = 0 to EvApp.EvFiles.Count-1
     Dim EvFile: Set EvFile = EvApp.EvFiles.Item(FileIndex)
    ' List variables
    EvApp.Log  "EV File '" & EvFile.FileName & "' contains " & EvFile.Variables.Count & " variables"
    Dim VarIndex
    for VarIndex = 0 to EvFile.Variables.Count-1
        Dim Var: Set Var = EvFile.Variables.Item(VarIndex)
        ' Report variable type
        Dim Description: Description = " is of unspecified type"
        If Not Var.AsVariableAcoustic Is Nothing Then
            Description = " is acoustic"
        If Not Var.AsVariableVirtual Is Nothing Then
            Description = Description & " and virtual"
        End If
        Elseif Not Var.AsVariableVirtual Is Nothing Then
           Description = " is virtual"
        End If
        EvApp.Log Var.Name & Description


To try the sample VBS script:

  1. Save the following code to a file called PickLine.vbs.
  2. Open one or more EV files in Echoview.
  3. Run PickLine.vbs

Note: The output folder 'Picked Lines' must exist prior to running the script or the export will fail.

This script demonstrates:

  • Opening and using a text log file.
  • Opening and closing an EV file.
  • Using a VBS script subroutine.
  • Finding a named variable.
  • Picking a line.
  • Exporting the line to an .evl file.


 ' Pick Line
 Dim ScriptsFolder: ScriptsFolder = "C:\Echoview\Example Scripts\Example Scripts\"
 Dim FSO: Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Dim fOut: Set fOut = FSO.OpenTextFile("PickLine.txt", 2, true) 
 Dim EvApp: Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication")
 fOut.WriteLine "Echoview version: " & EvApp.Version & " at " & Date & " " & Time
 ' Open the EV file
 Dim EvFile: Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile(ScriptsFolder & "EVFiles\FileA.EV")
 If EvFile Is Nothing Then
     fOut.WriteLine "Could not open EV file - " & EvApp.GetLastLogMessage
 End If
 fOut.WriteLine "EV file '" & EvFile.FileName & "'"
PickLine "Sv Q1 telegrams T1"
 ' Close EV file and quit
 If Not EvApp.CloseFile(EvFile) Then
 fOut.WriteLine EvApp.GetLastLogMessage
 End If
    ' Pick line in the variable
     Sub PickLine(VarName)
         ' Get the variable
         Dim Var: Set Var = EvFile.Variables.FindByName(VarName)
         If Var Is Nothing Then
             fOut.WriteLine EvApp.GetLastLogMessage
             Exit Sub
         End If
         Dim VarAc: Set VarAc = Var.AsVariableAcoustic
         If VarAc Is Nothing Then
             fOut.WriteLine Var.Name & " is not an acoustic variable"
             Exit Sub
         End If
         ' Pick Line
         Dim Line: Set Line = VarAc.PickLine(VarName & " - Picked Line")
         If Line Is Nothing Then
             fOut.WriteLine EvApp.GetLastLogMessage
             Exit Sub
             fOut.WriteLine "'" & Line.Name & "'"
         End If
         ' Export line
         Dim FileName: FileName = ScriptsFolder & "Picked Lines\" & VarName & ".evl"
         If Line.Export(FileName) Then
             fOut.WriteLine "Exported to '" & FileName & "'"
             fOut.WriteLine EvApp.GetLastLogMessage
         End If
     End Sub


To try the sample VBS script:

  1. Save the following code to a file called StatCombinationChangeOperands.vbs.
  2. Run StatCombinationChangeOperands.vbs


This script demonstrates:

  • Opening an EV file (that contains the Statistical combination variable).
  • Specifying and setting the acoustic variable Sv pings for Operand 1.


'               Statistical combination operator change operand              
'Open the EV file
Dim EvApp: Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication")
Dim EvFile: Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile("C:\YourFolder\Stat Combo line.EV")
strLineName = "Statistical Combination 1"
strOpName = "Sv pings"
If EvFile Is Nothing Then
   MsgBox "Failed to open EV file"
End If
'Look for the Statistical combination variable
Dim Line: Set Line = EvFile.Variables.FindByName(strLineName)
If Line Is Nothing Then
   Msgbox "Failed to find '" + strLineName + "'"
End If
'Look for the operands of the Statistical combination variable
Dim Op: Set Op = EvFile.Variables.FindByName(strOpName)
If Op Is Nothing Then
   Msgbox "Failed to find '" + strOpName + "'"
End If
'Specify new operand 1 for the Statistical combination variable
Line.SetFullName "Pomatoceros"
Msgbox "New name: " + Line.Name
Msgbox Line.OperatorName + " (" + CStr(Line.Operator) + ") operand 2: " + Line.GetOperand(2).Name
Line.SetOperand 1, Op
Msgbox Line.OperatorName + " (" + CStr(Line.Operator) + ") operand 1: " + Line.GetOperand(1).Name

COM automation web page

This example uses an ActiveX object. Use an internet browser that supports ActiveX. You may need to customize the security settings in the internet browser.

Various security settings affect the execution of ActiveX objects in web pages. The default settings may safeguard against exploitation by embedded ActiveX objects and implement a Medium-Low security level. If the sample script below does not function, select a Low security level setting.

To try the sample web page:

  1. Save the following code to a file named Web page COM.html
  2. Open Web page COM.html in Internet Explorer
  3. Click Open or Connect to Echoview.
  4. Click Browse and select an EV file.
  5. Click List variables
  6. A page lists the variables in the EV file that was opened and closed.

Note: This html script executes once; it connects to Echoview, opens and then closes the EV file and lists the variables in the EV file. To list variables from another EV file use the Internet Explorer Back arrow and follow the script steps again.

Web page COM.html

<script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript">
Dim FSO: Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim EvApp: Set EvApp = Nothing
Sub OpenEchoview()
    If EvApp Is Nothing Then
        Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication")
    End If
End Sub
Sub DisconnectEchoview
    Set EvApp = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ListVariables()
    If EvApp Is Nothing Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim FileName: FileName = document.getElementById("txtEVFile").value
    If FileName = "" Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim EvFile: Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile(FileName)
    If Not EvFile Is Nothing Then
        Dim BaseName: BaseName = FSO.GetFileName(FileName)
        Document.Writeln "<HTML><TITLE>Variables in " & BaseName & "</TITLE>"
        Document.Writeln "<BODY>"
        Document.Writeln "<H1>" & BaseName & "</H1>"
        Document.Writeln "<UL>"
        For v = 0 To EvFile.Variables.Count - 1
            Dim Var: Set Var = EvFile.Variables(v)
            If Not Var Is Nothing Then
                Dim MeasurementCount: MeasurementCount = ""
                Dim VarAc: Set VarAc = Var.AsVariableAcoustic
                If Not VarAc Is Nothing Then
                    MeasurementCount = " (" & CStr(VarAc.MeasurementCount) & " pings)"
                End If
                Document.Writeln "<LI>" & Var.Name & " " & MeasurementCount & "</LI>"
            End If
        Document.Writeln "</UL>"
    End If
    Document.Writeln "</BODY>"
End Sub
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1">
<input name="btnOpenConnect" type="button" id="btnOpenConnect" value="Open or Connect to Echoview" onClick="OpenEchoview()">
<input name="btnDisconnect" type="button" id="btnDisconnect" value="Disconnect from Echoview" onClick="DisconnectEchoview()">
<input name="txtEVFile" type="file" id="txtEVFile" size="100">
<input name="btnListVariables" type="button" id="btnListVariables" value="List Variables" onClick="ListVariables()">

See also

About automating Echoview
COM object hierarchy