About the Formula operator
The Formula operator offers a flexible and simple environment to create custom mathematical and logical expressions to process data. The result is a virtual variable.
A Formula virtual variable on the Dataflow window allows you to:
- Select input operands on the Operands page of the Variables Properties dialog box.
- Enter an expression f(p, s) using Edit Formula on the Formula page of the Variable Properties dialog box.
Within the Formula editor window, elements are selected and inserted from the Elements toolbar with the Shortcut menu. Information about the structure of your expression and the input operands is displayed in the Structure panel and the Input panel.
Refer to:
- About the Formula editor window for more detailed information about the requirements, tools and functions of the Formula editor.
- Creating a formula for information about how to construct and test a formula or expression.
- Example of a mathematical expression for information about creating a 3x3 convolution expression.
- Example of a multiple variable expression using logical operators for information about creating multi-frequency classification rules.
See also
About the Formula editor window
Creating a formula
Example of a mathematical expression
Example of a multiple variable expression using logical operators
Formula operator