Using Echosim 60

Before you begin

Before starting Echosim 60 you must:

  1. Ensure that all .raw files (and any associated .out or .bot) which are to be accessed during the simulation are named using the following formats:

    Lxxxx-Dyyyymmdd-Thhmmss-Ee60.raw (or .out / .bot)

    - OR -





any alphanumeric text



any four characters



year of logging



month of logging



day of logging



hour of logging



minute of logging



second of logging



the model number of the echosounder (e.g. EK60 ) or logging software (e.g. ER60) that was used to create the file

  1. Have Echolog 60 running on the computer that will log the data before you configure and use Echosim 60.

Starting Echosim 60

Start Echosim 60 from the Windows Start menu.

Configuring Echosim 60

To configure Echosim 60:

  1. In the Read from folder box, enter or choose the folder in which the .RAW (and optionally .OUT or .BOT) files that Echosim will use to simulate live viewing are stored. Echosim will read these files as if it was the Simrad instrument hearing data from the echosounder.

    If the Read from folder contains .OUT or .BOT files (sounder-detected depth information) you can use Echodepth during the live viewing simulation.

  2. In the Survey folder box, enter or choose the folder into which Echosim will create the new data files. This must be the same as the EK60 survey folder identified in the Echolog 60 Settings dialog box. The Survey folder receives data as if it was the EK60 survey folder and saves the data to .RAW (and .OUT / .BOT if selected) files accordingly. The new files will be time-stamped with the current date and time, not the date and time of the original data.

  3. In the Delay (ms) box, enter the delay between consecutive packets of data being sent to the logger.

Echosim 60 operation

To simulate live viewing of Simrad data files using Echosim 60:

  1. Click Start to start Echosim 60.
    You can display additional information about the files being transferred and the progress of the transfer by clicking Show Details.

  2. Start Echoview.

  3. If the Live Viewing dialog box appears (see Note), click the logger and on the Shortcut menu select Start live viewing.

  4. If the Filesets window appears (see Note), select the variables you wish to live view.

  5. Live view the echograms in Echoview.

  6. Click the Stop button in Echosim at any time to stop Echosim 60.

Echosounder displays the data that is being simulated.

Note: Live viewing can be started automatically and/or a live viewing template may display variables.

See also

About Echolog 60
About Echodepth

Using Echolog 60

About live viewing