About the Filesets window
- Opening the Filesets window
- Fileset pages
- See also
The Filesets window is where you load data files into an EV file and inspect them, load Echoview Calibration Supplement (ECS) files for the data files, and find the raw variables Echoview derived from the data files.
Opening the Filesets window
- On the View menu, click Filesets.
- OR -
- click
on the Windows and dialog boxes toolbar.
- OR -
- Press F10.
Refer to the Fileset window shortcuts page for a list of keyboard shortcuts to navigate the Fileset window.
Fileset pages
Echoview utilizes fileset pages in the Filesets window to organize data files in your EV file. Click on a fileset to see information about it in the Details dialog box.
New EV files contain the Fileset 1 page by default. The Creating, renaming and deleting filesets page describes how to add subsequent filesets to your EV file.
Each fileset has these sections
Data files section
This section lists the data files in the fileset. It comprises the menu bar and the window.
Menu bar
Option |
Description |
Add |
Opens an explorer window for you to navigate to your echosounder data and add it to the fileset. See Loading data files. |
Remove |
Click on a data file, or select several data files in the window to activate this button. You cannot undo this action and will need to reload any deleted data files. |
Open the Data File Information dialog box for the data file you selected in the window. |
Folder |
Display the Folder field in the window. |
Open the Fileset Properties dialog box. |
The window organizes data files into these fields.
Field |
Description |
Name |
The file name and extension. |
Folder |
The location where Echoview is searching for the data file (see Missing data files). Toggle this column from the menu bar. |
Start date/time |
The date and time corresponding to the first ping in the data file. dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.ssss |
End date/time |
The date and time corresponding to the final ping in the data file. dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.ssss |
Adding data files
Drag and drop a data file into the window to load it into Echoview, or use the Add option in the menu bar. You can also select and add multiple files at once. If file with the same name exists, Echoview will skip it and open an error dialog box listing the omitted file(s).
Echoview can take time to read large data files. You will see the file loading icon next to the file name and not yet determined status message for the Start and End date/time field.
Data file information
Move your cursor over a data file to see information about it in the Details dialog box, or select it and click the Information option in the menu bar.
Corrupted data files
When you add a data file, Echoview checks the data and tries to correct errors in the file.
If Echoview corrects the problem, you will see a warning in the Message dialog box. Echoview may not reissue the warning if it uses an EVI file the next time you load that data file.
If Echoview is unable to correct the problem, you will see the error icon next to the file name in the window, and an error in the Message dialog box.
Missing data files
When you save an EV file, Echoview retains the paths to the data files in the filesets.
When you open a saved EV file, with paths to data files that do not exist, or have moved, Echoview will display a dialog box with a list of the missing data file(s). Close this dialog box to proceed to open the EV file.
In the filesets window, you will see
- an error icon
next to the file name, and
- the path where Echoview is expecting to find the file in the Folder field1.
Right-click on one or more of these data file(s) and select Browse For File... from the shortcut menu to open the explorer window and navigate to the file.
Locating the first file will prompt Echoview to find any subsequent missing files in the new location. Echoview utilizes the universal naming convention (UNC) path if it is available.
1Echoview uses the folder containing the EV file if you have selected the Ignore data-file paths option on the EV File page of the EV File Properties dialog box.
Calibration section
Use this section to specify an ECS file (see Echoview calibration supplement files) for your fileset, or to generate a new ECS file.
You may be able to copy the calibration settings from the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box or box Calibration Information dialog box into your ECS file.
Specifying an ECS file
Provide the path to the ECS file in the Calibration text box, or click the button to open an explorer window to browse for one.
If the path you provided does not contain an ECS file, you will see
- an error icon
next to the ECS file name
- a message in the Message dialog box
- raw variables (see Raw variables section) become unavailable
Creating a new ECS file
If the text box is empty, you can click the New button to create an ECS file for the fileset.
Echoview will automatically prompt you to open the new ECS file in a text editor.
Removing an ECS file
Click on the cross in the text box to remove the current ECS file from the fileset.
Raw variables section
This section lists the raw variables (e.g. Sv, TS, GPS fixes, vessel logs, raw lines and others) Echoview derived from your Data Files. It comprises a menu bar and the window.
Menu bar
Click on these menu bar buttons to organize the raw variables in the window.
Option |
Description |
Transducers |
Arrange variables in the window under these categories
Types |
Arrange variables in the window according to their data type. |
Collapse All or Expand All |
Collapse or expand the entire list in the window. |
Filter |
Type into the text box to display the raw variables that match your query. The search is case and space insensitive. Click on the cross in the text box to reset the filter. |
The Raw Variables menu bar has these shortcut buttons, which become available when you select one or more supported variables in the window. Use the mouse and Windows controls (SHIFT or CTRL or mouse pointer drag) to make a selection. Limited support is offered to open multiple Shortcut windows.
- The selected items may not remain selected after the windows open. It is known that some Echoview processes can remove the selection.
- Multiple Variable Properties are only available for supported settings.
Shortcut |
Supported variables |
Echogram |
Cruisetrack (Only available with a position variable.) |
Graphs |
Table |
Media |
4D |
Properties |
The corresponding to the variable. |
The window lists raw variables (see the Raw variables section) alphabetically within their category. You can organize them using the options from the menu bar.
Raw variable names
Each variable has a unique name followed by the frequency (if available) and the number of measurements of that data type, in parentheses. For example
- angular position pulse compressed wideband pings T1 (35-42 kHz, 208 pings)
- line data sounder detected bottom T1 (channel 1)(35 segments)
- sv compressed beamformed pings (400 kHz, 5782 pings)
- heading data GPVTG (9059 measurements)
- position GPS fixes (1012 fixes)
- vessel logs (5989 logs)
You can rename variables from the Notes page of the Variable Properties dialog box.
You can identify a variable by its name in EV file templates, when Scripting with COM objects or with the command interface.
Collapsing and expanding raw variable groups
The variables are organized by Transducers or Types (see menu bar).
Click on the + or - icon to the left of the category to expand or collapse the variables under it.
Variables that are hidden are still available in Echoview.
Making raw variables unavailable
Deselect the checkbox ☑ associated with a variable name to render it unavailable in Echoview.
Deselect the checkbox ☑ associated with a Transducer or Type (see menu bar) to render all variables under that category unavailable.
Virtual variables derived from unavailable raw variables will be disabled in Echoview. You can identify variables in this state from the
- variable status of the object shape in the Dataflow window,
- the Objects List (select the Dataflow window and press Ctrl+F), or
- the VariablesUsable Option.
See also
About Filesets
Creating, renaming and deleting filesets
About raw variables
Filesets window keyboard shortcuts
Workspace and docking: Panel and panes, Window menu items
Raw variables derived from text data files
Raw variables derived from ASL Environmental Sciences data files
Raw variables derived from BioSonics data files
Raw variables derived from Blueprint Subsea Oculus data files
Raw variables derived from BlueView data files
Raw variables derived from Sound Metrics data files
Raw variables derived from Furuno data files
Raw variables derived from HAC data files
Raw variables derived from HTI data files
Raw variables derived from Image data files
Raw variables derived from Sonic data files
Raw variables derived from Kongsberg data files
Raw variables derived from Precision acoustics data files
Raw variables derived from Navico Group Lowrance data files
Raw variables derived from Norbit data files
Raw variables derived from Nortek data files
Raw variables derived from R2Sonic data files
Raw variables derived from RD Instruments Workhorse data files
Raw variables derived from RESON data files
Raw variables derived from Simrad data files
Raw variables derived from Teledyne Odom data files
Raw variables derived from Video data files
Raw variables derived from Wassp data files