Simrad Ex500 sample range calculation
Sample range is calculated on the basis of settings displayed on the Calibration page of the Variable properties dialog box as follows:
Let the samples be numbered 0 to n-1 with sample 0 nearest the transducer. Then:
Ri = R0 + T × (i + 1)
i = the sample number (0 to n-1)
Ri = is the range (meters) to ith sample
R0 = is the value of SimradStartSampleRange (meters) displayed on the Calibration page of the Variable properties dialog box
T = is the value of SimradSampleResolution (meters) displayed on the Calibration page of the Variable properties dialog box
- For Ex500 data files (.DGn or .ek5) the range to the first sample corresponds to R0+T.
- SimradSampleResolution is displayed in centimeters on the Calibration page of the Variable properties dialog box. Echoview converts this to meters for use in the above equation.