Simrad Ex500 sample range calculation

Sample range is calculated on the basis of settings displayed on the Calibration page of the Variable properties dialog box as follows:

Let the samples be numbered 0 to n-1 with sample 0 nearest the transducer. Then:

Ri = R0 + T × (i + 1)


i    = the sample number (0 to n-1)
Ri  = is the range (meters) to ith sample
R0 = is the value of SimradStartSampleRange (meters) displayed on the Calibration page of the Variable properties dialog box
T   = is the value of SimradSampleResolution (meters) displayed on the Calibration page of the Variable properties dialog box


  • For Ex500 data files (.DGn or .ek5) the range to the first sample corresponds to R0+T.
  • SimradSampleResolution is displayed in centimeters on the Calibration page of the Variable properties dialog box. Echoview converts this to meters for use in the above equation.

See also

Simrad Ex60 Sample Range Calculation