Echoview Data File Format files

Echoview can read data from Echoview Data File Format (*.evd) files. Such files may contain:

An .evd file consists of XML and (optionally compressed) binary data. Echocheck may be used to assess the validity of .evd files. Echoview Data File Format data are derived as raw variables. For further information refer to Export to Echoview Data File Format: Export behavior.

Calibration values

The file format can record calibration settings but their presence is not a requirement. It is advisable to check the calibration settings before data is exported to the Echoview Data File Format. Be aware that default calibration settings may be unsuitable for the data. For more information refer to Exporting to Echoview Data File Format.

Power to Sv and TS equations

Where a file has been written outside of Echoview, SinglebeamPing and Ek80ComplexPing Packet Types may have a ResultType with multiple values.

For example <PingData ResultType="Sv TS Power" StorageDataType="Power" ...

In such cases, the Echoview Fileset displays Sv, TS and Power variables where Sv and TS are calculated using Echoview Data File Format Power to Sv and Power to TS equations.

Exported Simrad EK80 data use Simrad EK80 Power to Sv and Power to TS equations.

Sample thickness is derived from StopRange, StartRange and SampleCount read from the data file.

EVD format version

The EVD format version number is recorded in the file as FormatVersion. The format version number consists of two parts separated by a full stop, i.e. M.m.
M is the Major version number. m is the minor version number.

Echoview 8 reads EVD files that are created under <FileInfo FormatVersion = "1.0" ... />

Echoview 9 reads EVD files that are created under FormatVersion="1.0" or FormatVersion="2.0"

Echoview 15 reads EVD files that are created under FormatVersion="1.0" or FormatVersion="2.0" or FormatVersion="2.1" or FormatVersion="2.2"

See also

Calibration settings for Echoview Data File Format data
Raw variables derived from Echoview Data File Format data
Export to Echoview Data File Format
Scripting support - export from a variable
Scripting support - export from a virtual variable