COM object EvVariableAcoustic
EvApplication > EvFileCollection > EvFile > EvVariablesCollection > EvVariableBase As EvVariableAcoustic
View the COM map and the COM summary. |
The EvVariableAcoustic object gives access to information on and actions with an acoustic variable in an EV file. You can also use the EvVariableBase object to gain access to further information on and actions for the variable.
The EvFile.Variables[] property lists all the variables in an EV file and is an EvVariablesCollection.
The EvFileset.Variables[] property that lists all variables in a fileset in an EV file and is an EvVariablesCollection.
The EvVariableAcoustic classes, methods and properties are also used by EvVariableVirtual especially when dealing virtual variables.
Some EvVariableAcoustic methods and properties can also be used by EvVariableBase especially when dealing with other Echoview variables.
EvVariableAcoustic classes:
EvVariableAcoustic methods and properties:
Description |
AddExporter (EExporterType ExporterType) SummaryCreates a new exporter based on an exisiting and suitable acoustic variable for the exporter type specified by an enum from EExportType. The resulting exporter is an EvVariableBase object. Parameters
ExampleThis code snippet demonstrates the use of AddExporter with several exporter type enums and a Sv or TS variable as the exporter operand. Dim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") vEchoviewCom.Log("AddExporter running log") 'Specify an EV file. Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("YourEVFile.EV") 'Specify an acoustic variable Dim vSvVar: Set vSvVar = vEvFile.Variables.FindByName("Fileset 1: Sv raw pings T1") 'Create a new exporter, with vegetation analysis exporter type enum = 1 with an Sv variable operand. Dim vNewExporter: Set vNewExporter = vSvVar.AddExporter(1) If Not vNewExporter Is Nothing THen vEchoviewCom.Log("Created vegetation analysis exporter '" + vNewExporter.Name + "' from Sv var") Else vEchoviewCom.Log("Failed to create vegetation analysis exporter from Sv var") End If 'Create a new exporter, ICES analysis export type enum = 6 with and Sv variable operand. Set vNewExporter = vSvVar.AddExporter(6) If Not vNewExporter Is Nothing THen vEchoviewCom.Log("Created eExportTypeICESAnalysisExport exporter '" + vNewExporter.Name + "' from Sv var") Else vEchoviewCom.Log("Failed to create eExportTypeICESAnalysis exporter from Sv var") End If if vNewExporter.ExportType <> 6 Then vEchoviewCom.Log("Failed to export type, expect 6 got " + CStr(vExportObj.ExportType)) Else vEchoviewCom.Log("Verified export type is eExportTypeICESAnalysis") End If ' 'Create a new exporter, with vegetation analysis exporter type enum = 1 with an TS variable operand. Dim vTSVar: Set vTSVar = vEvFile.Variables.FindByName("Fileset 1: TS raw pings T1") Set vNewExporter = vTSVar.AddExporter(1) If Not vNewExporter Is Nothing THen vEchoviewCom.Log("Created vegetation analysis exporter '" + vNewExporter.Name + "' from TS var") Else vEchoviewCom.Log("Failed to create vegetation analysis exporter from TS var") End If See also: EvExporter example. |
AddVariable (EOperator Operator) SummaryCreates a new virtual variable (including virtual lines) specified by the enum EOperator for a variable. The resulting virtual variable is an EvVariableBase object. Parameters
ExampleThis code snippet demonstrates:
Dim oEchoviewCom: Set oEchoviewCom = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim oEvFile: Set oEvFile = oEchoviewCom.OpenFile("c:\Echoview script tests\temp.ev") Dim oSvVar: Set oSvVar = oEvFile.Variables.FindByName("Sv raw pings T1") If oSvVar Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Failed to find 'Sv raw pings T1'." WScript Quit End If Dim iVar For iVar = 0 To oEvFile.Variables.Count - 1 Dim oVar: Set oVar = oEvFile.Variables(iVar).AddVariable(91) If oVar Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Failed to create variable on " + oEvFile.Variables(iVar).Name ElseIf Not oVar.AsVariableVirtual Is Nothing Then If Not oVar.SetOperand(1, oSvVar) Then MsgBox "Failed to set operand on " + oVar.Name End If End If Next |
AsVariableAcoustic() SummaryDetermines if the variable is an acoustic variable. ParametersNone. Return
AsVariableBase() SummaryDetermines if the variable is a base variable. All variables come under the base variable grouping so this method will always return EvVariableBase. ParametersNone. ReturnEvVariableBase. |
AsVariableVirtual |
AsVariableVirtual() SummaryDetermines if the variable is a virtual variable. ParametersNone. Return
ClassifyBottom |
ClassifyBottom (string Name, int FirstPing, int LastPing, boolean ShowOnIntegram) SummaryRuns a bottom classification on an Sv variable, and can display the bottom points integram on the Sv echogram. Notes:
ReturnTrue if a bottom classification is successful. Note: There may be legitimate reasons for an unsuccessful bottom classification. Example |
ClassifyRegion |
ClassifyRegion (EvRegion Region) SummaryApply a classification-by-rule to the specified region(s) in the acoustic variable. Notes:
ReturnReturns the number of regions changed (by the classification). Returns zero for no regions changed. Exampleoption explicit MsgBox "Echoview COM Classify all Regions" Dim EvApp Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim EvFile Set EvFile = EvApp.EvFiles.Item(0) Dim Var: Set Var = EvFile.Variables.FindByName("Sv pings").AsVariableAcoustic() If Var Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Failed to find variable" ' Classify all regions Dim numRegions numRegions = Var.ClassifyRegion(Nothing) MsgBox "Number of regions classified: " & numRegions End If |
ClassifyRegionAll SummaryApply a classification-by-rule to all analysis regions in the acoustic variable. Notes:
ReturnReturns the number of regions changed (by the classification). Returns zero for no regions changed. ExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("YourEVFile.ev") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("YourVariableName") vEvVariable.ClassifyRegionAll |
CloseAssociatedViews (enum EViewType) SummaryCloseAssociatedViews supports the feature Window menu, Close All, WindowType. The WindowType (Echogram, Table, Graph or Cruise track) is specified by the value of the enum EviewType. Close all views of a specified WindowType or use the default (either by not specifying a value or by entering 0) to close all WindowType. ReturnTrue, if successful. ExampleOpen Echoview, open an EV file, open an echogram for an acoustic variable and close all open windows of any type. Dim EvApp : Set EvApp = GetObject(,"EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim EvFile : Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile("PathToYourFile.EV") Dim EvVariable : Set EvVariable = EvFile.Variables.Item(0) EvVariable.GoToPing 4 , 1 EvVariable.CloseAssociatedViews |
Create3dFishTracks(string GroupName, int FirstPing, int LastPing); SummaryCreate 3D fish tracks from the current variable. Parameters
Return |
Create3dSingleTargets(string TargetsName, int FirstPing, int LastPing) SummaryCreate 3D Single targets from the current variable. Parameters
Return |
CreateCurtain(string CurtainName, int FirstPing, int LastPing, int PingSamplingFactor) SummaryCreate a curtain from the current variable. The current variable determines the type of 3D curtain that is created. Optional parameters allow you to constrain the curtain. Parameters
ReturnExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("C:\EV files\Multibeam SM2000.EV") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("magnitude beamformed pings") vEvVariable.CreateCurtain "Curtain1", 0, 50, 100 |
CreateLineRelativeRegion(string RegionName, EvLine Line1, EvLine Line2, int FirstPing, int LastPing) SummaryCreate a line relative region on the current variable. Parameters
Return |
(read-only) EVariableDataType DataType SummaryGet the data type that the variable contains. The data type is specified by the enum EVariableDataType. See also: Enum issue under VBS. |
DetectFishTracks(string Class, [int FirstPing], [int LastPing], [boolean DeleteExisting]) SummaryDetect fish tracks on the current single targets variable. Parameters
ReturnThe number of detected fish tracks. ExampleDetect fish tracks on a single targets variable for the 'FishTracks' region class, from ping 0 to the last ping and use Delete existing fish track with the assigned class first. See also the detection properties: EvFishTrackingAnglesAndRange, EvFishTrackingProperties and EvFishTrackingWeights. 'List all the variables after Dim statement Dim EvApp, EvFile, SingleTargets 'Open the EV file Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile("YourEVFile.EV") 'Get the variable that you want to detect fish tracks on Set SingleTargets = EvFile.Variables.FindByName("single targets") 'Detect fish tracks has three required parameters (Class, start ping, stop ping) 'and one optional parameter which is delete existing fish tracks which defaults to false SingleTargets.DetectFishTracks("FishTracks", 0, -1, true) 'Save the EV file EvFile.Save |
DetectSchools(string Class, [int FirstPing], [int LastPing], [boolean DeleteExisting]) SummaryPerform school detection on the current variable. See also: Detecting schools on single beam data or Detecting schools on multibeam data. Parameters
ReturnNumber of schools (the return is -1 if the detection failed). ExampleDetect schools on a single beam variable for the 'LargeSchools' region class, from ping 0 to the last ping and use Delete existing 2D regions with this class first. For a 3D school detection use a multibeam variable. 'List all the variables after Dim statement Dim EvApp, EvFile, SchoolVariable 'Open the EV file Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile("YourEVFile.EV") 'Get the variable that you want to detect 2D schools on Set SchoolVariable = EvFile.Variables.FindByName("Sv pings 1") 'Detect schools has three required parameters (Class, start ping, stop ping) 'and one optional parameter which is delete existing regions which defaults to false SchoolVariable.DetectSchools("LargeSchools", 0, -1, true) 'Save the file EvFile.Save |
DetectSurface(string SurfaceName, int FirstPing, int LastPing, double BetweenPingInterpolation) SummaryPerform bottom surface detection on the multibeam variable Parameters
Return |
DetectSurfaceFromLine(string SurfaceName, EvLine Line, int FirstPing, int LastPing, double MaxInterpolation, string IntensitySource) SummaryCreate a surface from a line on the current variable. Parameters
Return |
boolean ExportComplexData(string FileName, [integer FirstPing], [integer LastPing], [double MaxFileSizeMB]) SummaryExports complex data from a complex data variable to a *.complex.csv file or a *.mat file. Optional ping subset from the variable and file size can be specified. Parameters
ReturnTrue, when successful. ExampleDim evFile: Set evFile = OpenEvFile("c:\YourFile.EV") ' Export pulse compressed data Dim pulseCompressedSvVar: Set pulseCompressedSvVar = evFile.Variables.FindByName("Fileset 1: YourVariable") pulseCompressedSvVar.ExportComplexData OutputPath("sv t1 subset.complex.csv"), 0, 10 |
boolean ExportComplexDataForRegion(string FileName, EvRegion Region) SummaryExports complex data for a region on a complex data variable to a *.complex.csv file. Parameters
ReturnTrue, when successful. ExampleFor the definition of "pulseCompressedVar' refer to the ExportComplexData example. Dim evRegionFile: Set evRegionFile = OpenEvFile("c:\YourFile.EV") Dim pulseCompressedVar: Set pulseCompressedVar = evRegionFile.Variables.FindByName("Fileset 1: Sv pulse compressed wideband pings T1") 'Export complex data for a region Dim vEvRegionsCollection: Set vEvRegionsCollection = evRegionFile.Regions Dim vEvRegion: Set vEvRegion = vEvRegionsCollection.FindByName("Region 1") pulseCompressedVar.ExportDataForRegion OutputPath("ComplexRegionExport.CSV"), vEvRegion |
ExportData(string FileName, [integer FirstPing], [integer LastPing], [double MaxFileSizeMB]) SummaryExport the data values in the echogram. See also:
ReturnTrue, if successful. False, if unsuccessful (this can occur when you use the Cancel export button in Echoview during an export). |
ExportDataForRegion(string FileName, EvRegion) SummaryExport the data for a region to the given file name. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. Note: Exports to a nominated filename with a default .csv extension (if no extension is specified). Other file extensions such as .mat (MATLAB) can be specified. |
boolean ExportEchogramToImage(string FileName, int HeightInPixels, int StartPing, int StopPing) SummaryExport a selection from the acoustic variable echogram as an image. Note: You can also export an image of a cruise track window or an along track window or a selection on a virtual variable echogram under EvVariableBase. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. ExampleDim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("C:\Yourfile.EV") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("Sv raw pings T1") Dim vEvCruiseVariable: Set vEvCruiseVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("position GPS fixes") vEvCruiseVariable.ExportTrackToImage "C:\CruiseTrack Image.JPG", 400, 100 vEvVariable.ExportEchogramToImage "C:\Echogram Image.JPG", 500, 100, 500 |
boolean ExportEchogramToImageCustom(string FileName, int WidthInPixels, int HeightInPixels, EImageExportHorizontalExtent HorizontalExtentsMode, decimal HorizontalStart, decimal HorizontalStop, EImageExportVerticalExtent VerticalExtentsMode, decimal VerticalStart, decimal VerticalStop, EImageExportHorizontalExtent HorizontalSplitMode, double HorizontalSplitPoint) SummaryExport from an acoustic variable echogram as an image with custom settings. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. ExampleDim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("YourFilePath.EV") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("YourVariableName") Dim vEvRegionsCollection: Set vEvRegionsCollection = vEvFile.Regions Dim vEvRegion: Set vEvRegion = vEvRegionsCollection.FindByName("YourRegionName") ' pings and depth, no split vEvVariable.ExportEchogramToImageCustom "YourExportPath", 500,400,1,5700,5903,1,30.05,120.05,0,0 ' time and depth, no split vEvVariable.ExportEchogramToImageCustom "YourExportPath", 500,400,2,CDATE("2001-05-24 10:17:39"),CDATE("2001-05-24 10:21:03"),1,30.05,120.05,0,0 ' export image from region, no split vEvVariable.ExportRegionToImage "YourExportPath", vEvRegion, 1000,1000,0,0 ' pings and depth, with split image specified by number of pings vEvVariable.ExportEchogramToImageCustom "YourExportPath", 500,400,1,5700,5903,1,30.05,120.05,1,1000 Notes:
boolean ExportEVD(string FileName, [EEvdExportCompression CompressionLevel], [double MaxFileSizeMB]) SummaryExport variable data to an Echoview Data File Format file. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. False, if unsuccessful (this can occur when you use the Cancel export button in Echoview during an export). Example,Dim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("YourEvFile") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("Fileset1: Sv pings") vEvVariable.ExportEVD "D:\Exports\SvAtHighestCompression.evd", 1 See also: Enum issue under VBS and EvFile.ExportEVDAll. |
boolean ExportEVDRange(string FileName, EEvdRangeExportMode RangeMode, RangeStart, RangeStop, [EEvdExportCompression CompressionLevel], [double MaxFileSizeMB]) SummaryExport variable data with the specified measurement/ping range and file options to an Echoview Data File Format file. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. False, if unsuccessful (this can occur when you use the Cancel export button in Echoview during an export). Example,Dim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") vEchoviewCom.Log("EVD write - ST") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("c:\YourFolder\YourEVFile.ev") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("YourVariableName") 'vEvVariable.ExportEVDRange "C:\YourFolder\EVDexport.EVD", 0, 0, 10, 0 vEvVariable.ExportEVDRange "C:\YourFolder\EVDSubsetExport.EVD", 1, CDATE("1999-12-21 20:11:31"), CDATE("1999-12-21 20:11:32"), 0 See also: Enum issue under VBS. GoToPingRange Time snippet example for information about the Visual Basic function CDATE. EvFile.ExportEVDAll |
ExportFishTracksByCells(string FileName, EvRegionClass) SummaryExport the 'Fish tracks by cells' analysis results for a specified region class to the given file name. Parameters
Note: If a region class is specified only that region class will be exported. When not specified, all region classes are exported. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportFishTracksByCellsAll(string FileName) SummaryExport the 'Fish tracks by cells' analysis results for all region classes to the given file name. Parameters
Note: This method is an alternative for languages that do not support the optional parameter in ExportFishTracksByCells. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportFishTracksByRegions(string FileName, EvRegionClass) SummaryExport the 'Fish tracks by regions' analysis results for a region class to the given file name. Parameters
Note: If a region class is specified only that region class will be exported. When not specified, all region classes are exported. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportFishTracksByRegionsAll(string FileName) SummaryExport the 'Fish tracks by regions' analysis results for all region classes to the given file name. Parameters
Note: This method is an alternative for languages that do not support the optional parameter in ExportFishTracksByRegions. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportFrequencyDistributionByCells(string FileName, EvRegion) SummaryExport the 'Frequency distribution by cells' analysis results for a specified region to the given file name. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportFrequencyDistributionByCellsAll(string FileName) SummaryExport the 'Frequency distribution by cells' analysis results for all regions to the given file name. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportFrequencyDistributionByRegions(string FileName, EvRegionClass) SummaryExport the 'Frequency Distribution by regions' analysis results for a specified region class to the given file name. Parameters
Note: If a region class is specified only that region class will be exported. When not specified, all region classes are exported. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportFrequencyDistributionByRegionsAll(string FileName) SummaryExport the 'Frequency Distribution by regions' analysis results for all region classes to the given file name. Parameters
Note: This method is an alternative for languages that do not support the optional parameter in ExportFrequencyDistributionByRegions. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportFrequencyDistributionByRegionsByCells(string FileName, EvRegionClass) SummaryExport the 'Frequency distribution by regions by cells' analysis results of the specified region class to the given file name. Parameters
Note: If a region class is specified only that region class will be exported. When not specified, all region classes are exported. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportFrequencyDistributionByRegionsByCellsAll(string FileName) SummaryExport the 'Frequency distribution by regions by cells' analysis results for all region classes to the given file name. Parameters
Note: This method is an alternative for languages that do not support the optional parameter in ExportFrequencyDistributionByRegionsByCells. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportFrequencyDistributionBySingleRegion(string FileName, EvRegion) SummaryExport the 'Frequency distribution by regions' analysis results of a specified region of single target variable to the given file name. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. ExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("C:Temp\Single Targets Exercise 1.ev") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("single target detections E1 telegrams T1") Dim vEvRegionsCollection: Set vEvRegionsCollection = vEvFile.Regions Dim vEvRegion: Set vEvRegion = vEvRegionsCollection.FindByName("Region1") vEvVariable.ExportFrequencyDistributionBySingleRegion "C:\Temp\Output\Frequency dist ST region.CSV", vEvRegion Notes:
ExportGeoreferencedSamples(string FileName, [integer FirstPing], [integer LastPing], ) SummaryExport the data in a single beam echogram or multibeam echogram as georeferenced samples to a *points.csv or *mb.points.csv file. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. False, if unsuccessful (this can occur when you use the Cancel export button in Echoview during an export). ExampleDim strSbVar: strSbVar = "Sv raw pings T1" Dim strMbVar: strMbVar = "Sv pings formed beams" Dim strRegion: strRegion = "Region5" Dim strFolder: strFolder = "C:\folder\" Dim strEvFile: strEvFile = strFolder & "EvFile.ev" Dim strSbCsv: strSbCsv = strFolder & "" Dim strSbRegionCsv: strSbRegionCsv = strFolder & "data.points.csv" Dim strMbCsv: strMbCsv = strFolder & "" Dim EvApp: Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim EvFile: Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile(strEvFile) If EvFile Is Nothing Then Msgbox "Could not open '" & strEvFile & "'" WScript.Quit End If Dim EvSbVar: Set EvSbVar = EvFile.Variables.FindByName(strSbVar).AsVariableAcoustic() If EvSbVar Is Nothing Then Msgbox "Acoustic variable '" & strSbVar & "' not found" WScript.Quit End If If Not EvSbVar.ExportGeoreferencedSamples(strSbCsv, 0, 2) Then Msgbox "Failed to export variable '" & strSbVar & "' to '" & strSbCsv & "'" WScript.Quit End If Dim EvRegion: Set EvRegion = EvFile.Regions.FindByName(strRegion) If EvRegion Is Nothing Then Msgbox "Region '" & strRegion & "' not found" WScript.Quit End If If Not EvSbVar.ExportGeoreferencedSamplesForRegion(strSbRegionCsv, EvRegion) Then Msgbox "Failed to export variable '" & strSbVar & "' region '" & strRegion & "' to '" & strSbRegionCsv & "'" WScript.Quit End If Dim EvMbVar: Set EvMbVar = EvFile.Variables.FindByName(strMbVar).AsVariableAcoustic() If EvMbVar Is Nothing Then Msgbox "Acoustic variable '" & strMbVar & "' not found" WScript.Quit End If If Not EvMbVar.ExportGeoreferencedSamples(strMbCsv, 0, 2) Then Msgbox "Failed to export variable '" & strMbVar & "' to '" & strMbCsv & "'" WScript.Quit End If |
ExportGeoreferencedSamplesByRegions(string FileName, EvRegionClass, int FirstPing, int LastPing) SummaryExport the data from regions, specified by region class, in a single beam echogram as georeferenced samples to a *points.csv file. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. ExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.EvFiles.Item(0) Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("Sv Q1 telegrams T1") Dim vEvRegionClass: Set vEvRegionClass = vEvFile.RegionClasses.FindByName("Class1") vEvVariable.ExportGeoreferencedSamplesByRegions "C:\Temp\test.CSV", vEvRegionClass, -1, -1 |
ExportGeoreferencedSamplesForRegion(string FileName, EvRegion Region) SummaryExport the data in a region on a single beam echogram as georeferenced samples to a *points.csv file. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. ExampleSee Example: ExportGeoreferencedSamples. |
ExportHAC(string FileName, int StartPing, int StopPing, boolean CompressedTuples) SummaryExport the data from the current variable in the HAC format. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. Example' Turn on stricter error checking Option Explicit ' Change these to the appropriate variable name and export path/filename-prefix for your files Const strAccName = "Sv raw pings T1" Const strExportBase = "c:\test\hac_export_test-" MsgBox "This script assumes you already have one EV file open in Echoview." & vbCrLf & "It must contain a variable named '" & strAccName & "'." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "It will export to files starting with: ' " & strExportBase & "'." ' Connect to Echoview Dim EvApp Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication") ' Get the first EV file of those that are open Dim EvFile Set EvFile = EvApp.EvFiles.Item(0) ' Find the variable with the name set above Dim AcVar Set AcVar = EvFile.Variables.FindByName(strAccName).AsVariableAcoustic() ' Now export to HAC with a variety of settings. AcVar.ExportHAC strExportBase & "default" AcVar.ExportHAC strExportBase & "startping_only.hac", 100 AcVar.ExportHAC strExportBase & "stop_ping_only", -1, 20 AcVar.ExportHAC strExportBase & "compressed_all_pings.hac", -1, -1, True ' Note you can also check the return value of this method, to see if it ' succeeded or not. You need to use parentheses around the parameters ' when calling something for a return value. If Not AcVar.ExportHAC(strExportBase & "start_and_stop_ping.hac", 5, 20) Then MsgBox "Error exporting '" & strExportBase & "start_and_stop_ping.hac'.", vbOk + vbError, "Error" End If ' Close the EV file EvApp.CloseFile(EvFile) |
boolean ExportICESCSVByCells(string FileName, EIcesCsvExportDataValue eDataValue, EIcesCsvExportLogOrigin eLogOrigin, string DataSaCategory) SummaryExports SV by Cells data to the ICES CSV file format. Preconfiguration of the Sv echogram, EV File Properties and Transducer Properties is advised. See Exporting ICES CSV data for more information. Parameters
ReturnTrue, when successful. ExampleDim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("C:\Temp\YourFile.EV") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("YourVariable") 'Mean_sv: start, middle, end vEvVariable.ExportICESCSVByCells "C:\Temp\YourFile_MeanSv_start.CSV", 0, 0, "Deep fish" vEvVariable.ExportICESCSVByCells "C:\Temp\YourFile_MeanSv_middle.CSV", 0, 1, "Deep fish" vEvVariable.ExportICESCSVByCells "C:\Temp\YourFile_MeanSv_end.CSV", 0, 2, "Deep fish" 'ABC: start, middle, end |
boolean ExportICESCSVRegionClassesByCells(string FileName, EIcesCsvExportDataValue eDataValue, EIcesCsvExportLogOrigin eLogOrigin, [EvRegionClass RegionClass]) SummaryExports Sv Regions by Region class by Cells data to the ICES CSV file format. The region class of the regions is output as a descriptor of the species in the region. Preconfiguration of the Sv echogram, EV File Properties and Transducer Properties is advised. See Exporting ICES CSV data for more information. Parameters
ReturnTrue, when successful. Example' Constants eIcesCsvExportDataValueABC = 1 eIcesCsvExportLogOriginMiddle = 1 ' Script Dim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject("", "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") vEchoviewCom.Log("ICES CSV EXPORT") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("C:\YourFolder\YourEVFile.EV") Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvFile.Variables.FindByName("Sv Processed 38kHz") Dim vEvRegionClass: Set vEvRegionClass = vEvFile.RegionClasses.FindByName("Region class 1") ' Export for Region class 1 vEvVariable.ExportICESCSVByRegionClassesByCells "C:\Temp\YourExportFile.CSV", eIcesCsvExportDataValueABC, eIcesCsvExportLogOriginMiddle, vEvRegionClass ' Export for all Region classes vEvVariable.ExportICESCSVByRegionClassesByCellsAll "C:\Temp\YourExportFile.CSV", eIcesCsvExportDataValueABC, eIcesCsvExportLogOriginMiddle |
ExportICESCSVByRegionClassesByCellsAll |
boolean ExportICESCSVByRegionClassesByCellsAll(string FileName, EIcesCsvExportDataValue eDataValue, EIcesCsvExportLogOrigin eLogOrigin) SummaryExports Sv Regions by all Region classes by Cells data to the ICES CSV file format. The region class of the regions is output as a descriptor of the species in the region. Preconfiguration of the Sv echogram, EV File Properties and Transducer Properties is advised. See Exporting ICES CSV data for more information. Parameters
ReturnTrue, when successful. ExampleRefer to the Example for ExportICESCSVRegionClassesByCells. |
ExportIntegrationByCells(string FileName, EvRegion) SummaryExport the 'Integration by cells' analysis results for a specified region to the given file name. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportIntegrationByCellsAll(string FileName) SummaryExport the 'Integration by cells' analysis results to the given file name. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportIntegrationByRegions(string FileName, EvRegionClass) SummaryExport the 'Integration by regions' analysis results for a region class to the given file name. Parameters
Note: If a region class is specified only that region class will be exported. When not specified, all region classes are exported. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportIntegrationByRegionsAll(string FileName) SummaryExport the 'Integration by regions' analysis results for all region classes to the given file name. Parameters
Note: This method is an alternative for languages that do not support the optional parameter in ExportIntegrationByRegions. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportIntegrationByRegionsByCells(string FileName, EvRegionClass ) SummaryExport the 'Integration by regions by cells' analysis results of the specified region class to the given file name. Parameters
Note: If a region class is specified only that region class will be exported. When not specified, all region classes are exported. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportIntegrationByRegionsByCellsAll(string FileName) SummaryExport the 'Integration by regions by cells' analysis results for all region classes to the given file name. Parameters
Note: This method is an alternative for languages that do not support the optional parameter in ExportIntegrationByRegionsByCells. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportIntegrationBySingleRegionByCells(string FileName, EvRegion) SummaryExport the 'Integration by regions by cells' analysis result for a specified region of an Sv variable to the given file name. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. ExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("C:Temp\biomass.ev") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("sv split beam pings (channel 3)") Dim vEvRegionsCollection: Set vEvRegionsCollection = vEvFile.Regions Dim vEvRegion: Set vEvRegion = vEvRegionsCollection.FindByName("Region2") vEvVariable.ExportIntegrationBySingleRegionByCells "C:\Temp\Output\integration region.CSV", vEvRegion Notes:
ExportIntegrationByTransects(string FileName) SummaryExport the results from the integration by transects to the given file. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportLine(EvLine Line, string FileName, int FirstPing, int LastPing) SummaryExport the specified line to a .csv or .evl file. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. Examples
ExportQPSSD(string FileName, int StartPing, int StopPing, boolean BelowColorMinTransparent, boolean AboveColorMaxTransparent, boolean NoDataTransparent) SummaryExport the data from the current variable in the QPS SD format. Paramenters
ReturnTrue, if successful. ExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("YourEvFile") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("Fileset1: Sv raw pings T1") vEvVariable.ExportQPSSD "D:\Exports\", 10, -1, True, True, True |
ExportRegionsLog |
ExportRegionsLog(string FileName, EvRegionClass, int FirstPing, int LastPing) SummaryExport the data for a Regions log book export to the given file name. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportRegionsLogAll |
ExportRegionsLogAll (string FileName, int FirstPing, int LastPing) SummaryExport the data from all classes for a Regions log book export to the given file name. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportRegionToImage |
boolean ExportRegionToImage(string FileName, EvRegion Region, int WidthInPixels, int HeightInPixels, EImageExportHorizontalExtent HorizontalSplitMode, double HorizontalSplitPoint)SummaryExport a region (on an acoustic echogram) as an image with custom settings for image dimensions and number of image files. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. ExampleSee ExportEchogramToImageCustom example. |
ExportSettings(string Filename) SummaryExport all Variable Properties dialog box settings and their values for a selected variable to a text file. Refer to the Export Option description for the output format. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. Exampleoption explicit Dim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("C:\YourFile.ev") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("Sv pings") vEvVariable.ExportSettings("c:\TEMP\SvPingsSettings.txt") |
boolean ExportSingleTargetCalibrationResults(string ExportFileName, EvRegion Region) SummaryExports the results from a Calibration Assistant calculation for a single target variable. The method cannot configure the Calibration Assistant settings, you must preconfigure those manually. The method explicitly requires an export file path and a valid region name under the EV file of interest. Results are exported to a text file as rows of ResultName, Value. Refer to the Calibration Assistant Target Summary and Two Way Beam Angle tabs and the result output section for descriptions of the result names.
ReturnTrue, if successful. ExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("PathToYourEVFile\YourEVFile.EV") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("Single target detection - split beam (method 2) 1") Dim vEvRegionsCollection: Set vEvRegionsCollection = vEvFile.Regions Dim vEvRegion: Set vEvRegion = vEvRegionsCollection.FindByName("Region 1") vEvVariable.ExportSingleTargetCalibrationResults "PathToYourExportFile\CalResultsScenario1.txt", vEvRegion |
ExportSingleTargetsByCells(string FileName, EvRegion) SummaryExport the 'Single targets by cells' analysis results for a specified region to the given file name. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportSingleTargetsByCellsAll(string FileName) SummaryExport the 'Single targets by cells' analysis results for all regions to the given file name. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportSingleTargetsByRegions(string FileName, EvRegionClass) SummaryExport the 'Single Targets by regions' analysis results for a specified region class to the given file name. Parameters
Note: If a region class is specified only that region class will be exported. When not specified, all region classes are exported. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportSingleTargetsByRegionsAll(string FileName) SummaryExport the 'Single Targets by regions' analysis results for all region classes to the given file name. Parameters
Note: This method is an alternative for languages that do not support the optional parameter in ExportSingleTargetsByRegions. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportSingleTargetsByRegionsByCells(string FileName, EvRegionClass) SummaryExport the 'Single targets by regions by cells' analysis results of the specified region class to the given file name. Parameters
Note: If a region class is specified only that region class will be exported. When not specified, all region classes are exported. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportSingleTargetsByRegionsByCellsAll(string FileName) SummaryExport the 'Single targets by regions by cells' analysis results for all region classes to the given file name. Parameters
Note: This method is an alternative for languages that do not support the optional parameter in ExportSingleTargetsByRegionsByCells. ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportSingleTargetsByTransects(string FileName) SummaryExport the results from the single target analysis by transects to the given file. Refer to Single target file format (*.target.csv) for the output file format. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. |
ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponse(string FileName, boolean ShowAverage, boolean ShowMinMax, double WindowSize, integer WindowUnit, double MaxTimeDifference, boolean ApplyBeamCompensation, EvVariableAcoustic Variable, [double FrequencyResolution]) SummaryExport the wideband frequency response (for one TS variable) to the given file name. The TS frequency response is calculated for all overlapping single targets in a Single target detection - wideband variable. Refer to the Example to see how the Single target detection - wideband variable and the export settings may be specified. The number of single targets affects the export time and file size (which may be too large for some third party applications). ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponseForRegion may deliver a shorter export time and a more manageable file size. See also Wideband Frequency Response Graph Properties. This function is available to EvVariableVirtual. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. False, if unsuccessful (this can occur when you use the Cancel export button in Echoview during an export). ExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") vEchoviewCom.Log("Single target wideband frequency response export test") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("C:\Temp\EK80FrequencyResponse.ev") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvSTVariable: Set vEvSTVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("Single target detection - wideband 1") Dim vEvTSVariable1: Set vEvTSVariable1 = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("Fileset1: TS pulse compressed wideband pings T1") vEvSTVariable.ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponse "C:\Temp\SingleTargetFrequencyResponse.csv", true, true, 0.4, 0, 1.0, true, vEvTSVariable1 |
ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegions(string FileName, boolean ShowAverage, boolean ShowMinMax, double WindowSize, integer WindowUnit, double MaxTimeDifference, boolean ApplyBeamCompensation, EvVariableAcoustic Variable, EvRegionClass Regionclass, [double FrequencyResolution]) SummaryExport the wideband frequency response of regions in a single target detection - wideband variable to a given file name. Specifying a region class can minimize export time and file size. See also Wideband Frequency Response Graph Properties. This function is available to EvVariableVirtual. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. False, if unsuccessful (this can occur when you use the Cancel export button in Echoview during an export). ExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("Path to your EV file") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("Single target detection - wideband 1") Dim vEvVariable2: Set vEvVariable2 = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("TS pulse compressed wideband pings T1") Dim vEvVariable3: Set vEvVariable3 = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("TS pulse compressed wideband pings T2") Dim vEvRegionClassesCollection: Set vEvRegionClassesCollection = vEvFile.RegionClasses Dim vEvRegionClass: Set vEvRegionClass = vEvRegionClassesCollection.FindByName("Region class 1") vEvVariable.ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegions "Path for export file", true, false, 0.4, 0, 1.0, false, vEvVariable2, vEvRegionClass vEvVariable.ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegionsAll "Path for export file", true, false, 0.4, 0, 1.0, false, vEvVariable2 |
ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegionsAll |
ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegionsAll(string FileName, boolean ShowAverage, boolean ShowMinMax, double WindowSize, integer WindowUnit, double MaxTimeDifference, boolean ApplyBeamCompensation, EvVariableAcoustic Variable, [double FrequencyResolution]) SummaryExport the wideband frequency response of all regions in a single target detection - wideband variable to a given file name. See also Wideband Frequency Response Graph Properties. This function is available to EvVariableVirtual. To reduce export time and file size consider using ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegions or ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponseForRegion. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. False, if unsuccessful (this can occur when you use the Cancel export button in Echoview during an export). ExampleRefer to the ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegions example. |
ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponseForRegion(string FileName, boolean ShowAverage, boolean ShowMinMax, double WindowSize, integer WindowUnit, double MaxTimeDifference, boolean ApplyBeamCompensation, EvRegion Region, EvVariableAcoustic Variable, [double FrequencyResolution]) SummaryExport the wideband frequency response (for one TS variable) to the given file name. The TS frequency response is calculated for all overlapping single targets in a Single target detection - wideband variable. Refer to the Example to see how the Single target detection - wideband variable and the export settings may be specified. See also Wideband Frequency Response Graph Properties. This function is available to EvVariableVirtual. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. False, if unsuccessful (this can occur when you use the Cancel export button in Echoview during an export). ExampleSee the ExportWidebandFrequencyResponse example for context and consider the following snippets: Dim vEvRegionsCollection: Set vEvRegionsCollection = vEvFile.Regions Dim vEvSelectedRegion: Set vEvSelectedRegion = vEvRegionsCollection.FindByName("Region 1") vEvSTVariable.ExportSingleTargetWidebandFrequencyResponseForRegion "C:\Temp\SingleTargetFrequencyResponseRegion.csv", true, true, 0.4, 0, 1.0, true, vEvSelectedRegion, vEvTSVariable1 |
boolean ExportSvWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegions(string FileName, boolean ShowAverage, boolean ShowMinMax, double WindowSize, integer WindowUnit, double MaxTimeDifference, EvRegionClass Regionclass, [double FrequencyResolution]) SummaryExport Analysis by Regions Wideband Frequency Response for regions of a specified region class from a Sv pulse compressed echogram, to the given file name. See also Wideband Frequency Response Graph Properties. This function is available to EvVariableVirtual. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. False, if unsuccessful (this can occur when you use the Cancel export button in Echoview during an export). ExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("Path to your EV file") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("Sv pulse compressed wideband pings T2") Dim vEvRegionClassesCollection: Set vEvRegionClassesCollection = vEvFile.RegionClasses Dim vEvRegionClass: Set vEvRegionClass = vEvRegionClassesCollection.FindByName("Region class 1") vEvVariable.ExportSvWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegions "Path for export file", true, false, 0.4, 0, 1.0, vEvRegionClass vEvVariable.ExportSvWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegionsAll "Path for export file", true, false, 0.4, 0, 1.0 |
boolean ExportSvWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegionsAll(string FileName, boolean ShowAverage, boolean ShowMinMax, double WindowSize, integer WindowUnit, double MaxTimeDifference, [double FrequencyResolution]) SummaryExport Analysis by Regions, Wideband Frequency Response for all regions from a Sv pulse compressed echogram, to the given file name. See also Wideband Frequency Response Graph Properties. This function is available to EvVariableVirtual. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. False, if unsuccessful (this can occur when you use the Cancel export button in Echoview during an export). ExampleRefer to the Example for ExportSvWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegions. |
boolean ExportSvWidebandFrequencyResponseForRegion(string FileName, boolean ShowAverage, boolean ShowMinMax, double WindowSize, integer WindowUnit, double MaxTimeDifference, EvRegion Region, [double FrequencyResolution]) SummaryExport Analysis by Regions Wideband Frequency Response for a selected region from a Sv pulse compressed echogram, to the given file name. See also Wideband Frequency Response Graph Properties. This function is available to EvVariableVirtual. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. False, if unsuccessful (this can occur when you use the Cancel export button in Echoview during an export). ExampleSee the ExportSvWidebandFrequencyResponseByRegions example for context and consider the following snippets: Dim vEvRegionsCollection: Set vEvRegionsCollection = vEvFile.Regions Dim vEvSelectedRegion: Set vEvSelectedRegion = vEvRegionsCollection.FindByName("Region 1") vEvVariable.ExportSvWidebandFrequencyResponseForRegion "C:\Temp\SvWidebandFrequencyResponseForARegion.csv", true, true, 0.4, 0, 1.0, vEvSelectedRegion |
ExportToIcesNetcdf |
boolean ExportToIcesNetcdf(string FileName) SummaryExportToIcesNetcdfAll exports data from a Furuno FSV-30 (Research version) *.fsv raw Sv variable to a *.nc file. Note, virtual variables are not supported by this method. Parameters
ReturnTrue when the export is successful. False when the export fails. ExampleDim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("YourEvFile") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("Fileset1: Sv raw pings T1") vEvVariable.ExportToIcesNetcdf "YourOutputPath\" |
ExportTrackToImage(string FileName, int WidthInPixels, int HeightInPixels) SummaryExport the Cruise track or Along track cruise track window as an image. Note: You can also export an image of a selection from an acoustic variable. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. Example |
ExportUnderlyingData(string FileName, int FirstPing, int LastPing) SummaryExport the underlying data for the current variable. Parameters
ReturnTrue, if successful. |
boolean GoToPing(ETimeDistanceGridMode Mode, Value) SummaryDisplays a single beam or multibeam echogram centered on the specified ping. This is similar to using Go to: Ping under the Go To dialog box. This method is available to EvVariableVirtual. Parameters
ReturnTrue when successful. Examples
boolean GoToPingRange(ETimeDistanceGridMode Mode, FirstPing, LastPing, [double StartRange], [double StopRange]) SummaryDisplays a ping range on a single beam echogram. This is similar to specifying a ping range under Go to: Ping of the Go To dialog box. Optionally, you can specify the start and stop range of the pings; this is similar to an echogram zoom-in. This method is available to EvVariableVirtual. Parameters
ReturnTrue when successful. ExamplesPing range with StartRange and StopRange snippet Dim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("C:\Temp\GoToPing.ev") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("SV T1") vEvVariable.GoToPingRange 4, 11690, 11720, 23.0, 40.0
boolean GoToRegion(EvRegion Region) SummaryDisplays a region on a single beam echogram. This method is available to EvVariableVirtual. Parameters
ReturnTrue when successful. ExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("C:\Temp\GoToPing.ev") Dim vEvVariablesCollection: Set vEvVariablesCollection = vEvFile.Variables Dim vEvVariable: Set vEvVariable = vEvVariablesCollection.FindByName("SV T1") Dim vEvRegion: Set vEvRegion = vEvFile.Regions.FindByName("Region 9") vEvVariable.GoToRegion(vEvRegion) |
(read-only) double MaxStopRange SummaryGet the maximum Stop range of all pings in the variable. Exampleoption explicit Dim EvApp Set EvApp = CreateObject("EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim EvFile Set EvFile = EvApp.EvFiles.Item(0) Dim Var Set Var = EvFile.Variables.FindByName("Sv pings") MsgBox "Minimum Start Range: " & Var.MinStartRange MsgBox "Maximum Stop Range: " & Var.MaxStopRange |
(read-only) int MeasurementCount SummaryGet the number of pings in the variable. |
(read-only) double MinStartRange SummaryGet the minimum Start range of all the pings in the variable. ExampleSee MaxStopRange (above). |
(read-write) string Name SummaryRead or assign the name of a specified variable. An empty string is not allowed. Invalid characters are handled with respect rules for name uniqueness. Notes:
ExampleDim vEchoviewCom: Set vEchoviewCom = GetObject(, "EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim vEvFile: Set vEvFile = vEchoviewCom.OpenFile("C:\Temp\YourEvFile.ev") Dim vVariableCollection: Set vVariablecollection=vEvFile.Variables Dim vVariable: Set vVariable=vVariableCollection.FindByName("Sv pings") MsgBox "The variable name is " + vVariable.Name |
boolean OpenView (enum EViewType) SummarySpecify which type of window to view. Available windows are cruise track, echogram, graph or table. To view default window for the target variable, use OpenView without parameter. Parameters
ReturnTrue when successful. ExampleDim EvApp : Set EvApp = GetObject(,"EchoviewCom.EvApplication") Dim EvFile : Set EvFile = EvApp.OpenFile("PathToYourFile.EV") Dim EvVariable : Set EvVariable = EvFile.Variables.Item(0) EvVariable.OpenView |
PickLine(string LineName, int FirstPing, int LastPing) SummaryPick a line for the current variable. Parameters
Return |
(read-only) EVariablePingMode PingMode SummaryGet the ping mode of the pings contained in the variable. The ping mode is specified by the enum EVariablePingMode. See also: Enum issue under VBS. |
(read-only) PositionVariable SummaryGet the position variable for the platform. |
(read-only) EVariableAcousticProperties Properties SummaryGet the Variable Properties of the current variable using the classes of the EvAcousticVariableProperties object. |
(read-only) boolean Useable SummaryReturns an indication as to whether the variable can be used or not.
(read-only) VariableType SummaryReturns an enum representing the type of variable that is represented by this object. |
See also
Scripting with COM objects
COM object hierarchy