Raw variables derived from Echoview Data File Format files

Files (*.evd) containing Echoview Data File Format data

Echoview can derive the following variables from .evd files:

  • Power dB pings
  • Sv pings
  • TS pings
  • angular position pings
  • DataType* multibeam pings
  • position GPS fixes
  • heading data
  • line data depth
  • roll data
  • pitch data
  • vessel logs
  • Power dB wideband pings
  • Sv wideband pings
  • TS wideband pings
  • angular position wideband pings
  • Power dB pulse compressed wideband pings
  • Sv pulse compressed wideband pings
  • TS pulse compressed wideband pings
  • angular position pulse compressed wideband pings

Acoustic variables may also include Tn and (channel m) identifiers.


  • n is an integer representing the transducer number
  • m is an integer representing the channel number


  • * Exported multibeam acoustic data type from the Notes page of the Variable Properties dialog box.
  • See also Wideband variable note about no data, bad data and thresholding.

See also

About the Echoview Data File Format
Calibration settings for Echoview Data File Format data
Echoview Data File Format files