About target-locked ping pairs

A target-locked ping-pair consists of two pings, one in an H-mode variable and the other in a V-mode variable which are considered as a single scan for the purposes of target-locked school detection and target-locked integration. They may be simultaneous (i.e. at exactly the same time and in ping group 0) or alternate (i.e. one following the other and in ping group 1 or 2).

Target-locked ping pairs are identified in a variable as follows:

  1. if a Target-locked variable is specified on the Data page of the Variable properties dialog box then consider each ping in the variable, and
    1. if the ping is in ping group 0, and there is a ping in the Target-locked variable also in ping group 0 and at exactly the same time, then these two pings are a target-locked ping pair, or
    2. if the ping is in ping group 1, and there is a ping in the Target-locked variable following this ping but before the next ping (if any) which is in ping group 2, then these two pings are a target-locked ping pair, or
    3. if the ping is in ping group 2, and there is a ping in the Target-locked variable preceding this ping but after the previous ping (if any) which is in ping group 1, then these two pings are a target-locked ping pair, or
    4. otherwise the ping is not in a target-locked ping pair.

Note: School detection on target-locked data applies some further criteria to target-locked ping pairs. That is, not all target-locked ping pairs identified in this manner will necessarily be accepted for school detection.

See also

About scanning
Target-locked school detection

Target-locked integration
Scan Position algorithm
About frames