About 2D school detection

Echoview allows you to detect schools from single beam data, obtained while cruise scanning or from a fixed platform. A fixed platform and the echogram Grid can use water current speed data; this configuration may be more suitable for echogram data recorded by a mooring in moving water.

The resulting schools can be viewed as 2D regions on echograms. The detection properties of 2D regions can be seen on the Region Browser dialog box.

A single edge detection algorithm is available for use on single beam data. The detection can be applied when live-viewing data or during post-processing. Following a detection, region classification with rules can be applied.

Detected regions may be characterized with exported analysis variables.

In the example below, three schools are displayed along with the water surface and sea bottom. The three schools were detected using different threshold settings. The school on the right is selected.

Note: You can also import 2D regions from .evr files. See Importing regions for more information.

See also:

School Detection module
Using the School detection module
About 3D school detection
Detecting schools on single beam data