About ping position

The position of a ping, in longitude and latitude, depends upon the platform configuration:

Platform has ... Ping position is ...

Fixed position

at the position of the platform's system reference point
as specified on the Position page of the Platform Properties dialog box.

position determined by GPS fixes

at the position of the GPS antenna
as specified on the Position page of the Platform Properties dialog box.


  1. this is not necessarily the position of the transducer. See About transducer geometry for details.
  2. the position of the GPS antenna at any point in time is:
    • specified by a GPS fix if there is such a fix at that time, or
    • interpolated linearly between the immediately earlier and later GPS fixes if they exist, or
    • extrapolated linearly from the two preceding fixes if there is no fix later than the ping time, or
    • extrapolated linearly from the two following fixes if there is no fix earlier than the ping time
  3. the position of a ping may not be available after processing. See About ping position status and Processing GPS data.

The ping position can be seen on the Echoview status bar, or in data export files, and importantly, is used in creating 3D objects.

See also

About echograms
About ping status

About ping position status