Echoview status bar

The status bar is found at the bottom of the Echoview window. Like the Information toolbar and Details dialog box, the status bar contains information about the area directly beneath the mouse pointer.

All panels on the status bar are blank if your mouse is not within an echogram, cruise track or alongtrack window.

An example status bar is shown below:

Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 3
Panel 4
Panel 5
Panel 6


Information displayed


On single beam echograms this panel displays:

  • the name of the active line

  • the mode of the echogram (depth or range)

  • the depth/range at which the ping beneath the mouse pointer and the active line intersect

  • the line status at the point where the line intersects with the ping beneath the mouse pointer
  • a short lived message about the change to a setting of a selected operand in a 3 color maximum virtual variable, e.g., Change display properties for operand 1, Operand 1 display color minimum, Operand 1 display color range

On multibeam echograms this panel displays:

  • the number of the beam you are pointing to, and

  • the angle of the beam relative to the central axis of the transducer.
    Note: The angle is independent of the transducer's orientation.

On multibeam targets echograms this panel displays the target major axis angle (and minor axis angle when available) for the target beneath the mouse pointer (these angles are measured from the central axis of the transducer).

Note: The angle is independent of the transducer's orientation.

On echograms for ping modes 3, 4 or 5 (H, V or S-mode) this panel displays the important properties that differ according to the mode and where the cursor is pointing.

Ping mode





Mode: Stop range (m): Bearing angle (°): Beam number: Angle of beam (°) relative to the central axis of Beam 0.



Mode: Stop range (m): Tilt angle (°): Bearing angle (°): Beam number: Angle of beam(°) relative to the central axis of Beam 0.



Mode: Stop range (m): Tilt angle (°): Beam number (°): Angle of beam (°) relative to the central axis of Beam 0.

Note: In a North-up display, the Beam angle is reported relative to North.

On cruise track and alongtrack windows, this panel is blank by default but shows area calculations for rectangular and polygon selections (see Area of a polygon) and length calculations (see Alongtrack length) for vertical selections/regions.

On Scenes this panel displays the name of the 3D object beneath the mouse pointer after the last double-click or right-click.

For the Regions window this panel displays the tally and region type of selected region items.

For items on a menu or Shortcut menu (right-click), the panel displays brief menu item usage text.


While the Message dialog box is closed this panel displays the message icon for the last message sent to the Message dialog box.

Click the panel to open or close the Message dialog box.


This panel displays details of an active Echolog application. It contains the name of the machine which is running the Echolog application and the rate of data transfer.

Click the panel to open or close the Live viewing dialog box.


This panel displays the name of the data file from which the raw variable displayed in the echogram or alongtrack window was derived.

Note: On alongtrack windows this panel is blank unless the mouse is directly over a GPS fix.


On echogram windows this panel displays the geographic position of the ping beneath the mouse pointer.

On cruise track and alongtrack windows this panel displays the geographic position of the pixel beneath the mouse pointer.


  • The pixel beneath the mouse pointer may represent one or more data points.

  • The geographic position will be provided as latitude/longitude or eastings/northings depending on the Map Projection selected on the Mapping page of the EV File Properties dialog box. (Refer to What is affected by transducer geometry.)

  • The geographic position represents the following:

    • for echogram windows the position of the GPS antenna at the time the ping was transmitted

    • for cruise track and alongtrack windows the position of the GPS antenna at the time the GPS fix was logged.


On echogram windows this panel displays the date and time of the ping beneath the mouse pointer. Click on it to format the date and time with the Go To feature.

On cruise track and alongtrack windows this panel displays the date and time the GPS fix beneath the mouse pointer was logged. This panel is blank unless the mouse pointer is directly over a GPS fix.

See also

Echoview information toolbar
Details dialog box
Understanding echograms
About echograms