Biomass density estimator
Generates a mask, as a bitmap, that indicates if the biomass density is low enough to obtain reliable in situ TS values.
This is accomplished by:
- calculating the number of fish in the acoustic sampling volume (Nv, Sawada et al., 1993; see also Gauthier and Rose, 2001)
- then calculating the ratio of multiple echoes when measuring a single target (M)
- then testing the resulting values against their respective threshold values (nv_threshold and m_threshold respectively)
List of operands
Operand 1 - Single beam Sv mean (cell statistic)
Operand 2 - Single beam TS mean (cell statistic)
Operand 3 - Single beam Echo density (cell statistic)
See also: About the Cell Statistic operator, the Operator.eval method
""" Echoview Code Operator source file ======================================================================== Created by Echoview(R) 10.0.218 on Monday, 29 April 2019 See the Echoview help file for Code operator documentation and examples. NumPy User Guide: NumPy Reference: SciPy Reference Guide: Echoview(R) is a registered trademark of Echoview Software Pty Ltd. """ # Authorship information __author__ = "Echoview Software Pty Ltd. 2019." __disclaimer__ = ( "This example code is provided AS IS, without warranty of any " "kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the " "warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose " "and noninfringement. In no event shall Echoview Software Pty Ltd " "be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, arising " "from, out of or in connection with the use of this example code." ) __version__ = "1.0" # System Imports from typing import List # Libraries import echoview as ev import numpy as np class Operator(ev.OperatorBase): """ Biomass density estimator (Sawada index) ==================================================================== Generates a mask (bitmap) that indicates if the biomass density is low enough to obtain reliable in situ TS values. Operands --------------------- * Operand 1 - Single beam Sv mean (cell statistic) * Operand 2 - Single beam TS mean (cell statistic) * Operand 3 - Single beam Echo density (cell statistic) Notes -------------------------- This is accomplished by calculating the number of fish in the acoustic sampling volume (Nv, Sawada et al., 1993; see also Gauthier and Rose, 2001) and ratio of multiple echoes when measuring a single target (M) and then testing the resulting values against their respective threshold values (nv_threshold and m_threshold respectively). """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization: Define the M and Nv threshold values for use during the calculation. """ self.m_threshold = 0.7 self.nv_threshold = 0.04 def result_type(self, input_types: List[ev.MeasurementType]): """ Determines the type of variable from the list of input operand types. In this case we are generating a mask for singlebeam data, therefore we want SINGLE_BEAM_BOOLEAN. """ return ev.MeasurementType.SINGLE_BEAM_BOOLEAN def eval(self, inputs: List[ev.OperandInput]): """ Returns a boolean NumPy array representing which samples have a low enough biomass density for reliable in situ TS estimates. """ # Get calibration from first operand (Sv mean), assuming this is # consistent across all three operands. ref_ping = inputs[0].measurement # Get PulseDuration in seconds. tau ='PulseDuration') / 1000.0 # Get two way beam angle, converted to linear units. two_way_ba_lin = 10.0**('TwoWayBeamAngle') / 10.0) c ='SoundSpeed') # Calculate an array of range values, one for each sample of the # current ping. This makes use of NumPy's linspace method, which # calculates an evenly spaced array between the start and stop # ranges of the ping. sample_count =[0] sample_thickness = ((ref_ping.stop_range - ref_ping.start_range) / sample_count) ranges = np.linspace(ref_ping.start_range + (sample_thickness / 2), ref_ping.stop_range-(sample_thickness / 2), sample_count) # Get the ping samples from each of the three input operands, # fixing any invalid values (such as nan, inf) as we do so. sv_mean =[0] ts_mean =[1] nec =[2] # Convert the Sv and TS mean values to linear units. sv_mean = to_linear(sv_mean) ts_mean = to_linear(ts_mean) # Calculate fish density from Sv and TS mean given echo # integrator. nei = sv_mean/ts_mean # Calculate number of fish per acoustic sampling volume (Nv), # sometimes known as the Sawada index. # (nv= c*t*equivBA* range^2 * nei)/2 nv = (c*tau*two_way_ba_lin*np.square(ranges)*nei) / 2 # Ratio for multiple echoes when measuring a single target. M = ((nei - nec) / nei) # Calculate the boolean mask to return using NumPy's logical_and # method to evaluate samples where nv < nv Threshold and # M < M Threshold. # Note: Echoview doesn't support nodata for boolean variables so # set any masked out values to False. return np.logical_and(nv < self.nv_threshold, M < self.m_threshold) \ .filled(False) def to_linear(data:, out=None): """Converts the specified input to linear values""" # Equivalent to 10 ** (data / 10) but more efficient due to reusing # the same output array instead of making multiple copies. if out is not None and out.shape != data.shape: raise ValueError( 'out must be a NumPy array with the same shape as the input array') out = np.divide(data, 10, out=out) out = np.power(10, out, out=out) return out
See also
Code operator
About the Code operator
Using the Code operator