New in Echoview 3.10
for users of data from HTI echosounders

This page summarizes the new features, improvements and other changes that have been implemented Echoview 3.10 which specifically affect the use of data from HTI echosounders.

See also: New features in Echoview 3.10 for a description of changes that may affect you but are not specific to data from HTI echosounders.

File support

HTI Physical echo (.bot) file format

The Physical echo (.bot) file format is now supported by Echoview 3.10 and Echocheck and is no longer in beta release. Version 0.2 and version 1.0 files are supported.

HTI Integration output (.int) file format

The Integration output (.int) file format is now supported by Echoview and Echocheck and is no longer in beta release.

HTI Sample (.smp) file format

Support for the HTI Sample (.smp) file format has been added in beta testing in Echoview 3.10. Please report any problems and suggestions regarding support for these files to Echoview support.

See the following for more information:

Warning:   The 12kHz sampling rate used to create .smp file cannot accurately sample short pulse lengths. As a result the data in .smp files may not give the true shape of echoes. Both HTI and we strongly recommend that you do not use data from .smp files for target strength estimation. Single target detection variables derived from .smp files may be suitable for fish tracking and fish counting but you will need to view each echogram individually and make this judgment yourself.


The documentation explaining how the settings on the Calibration page of the Variable Properties dialog box affect data from HTI echosounders has been improved. See Calibration settings for HTI data.