New in Echoview 3.10

Welcome to Echoview 3.10!

Click the links below to find out more about the new features and changes that have been introduced with this release. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Echoview support.

New features and changes that may affect all Echoview users

New features and changes that affect users of data from specific echosounders

Note: Each link will take you to a subsection on this page.

Note: Each link will take you to a separate page.

Regions, cells and selections

Region editing methods

Additional region editing methods have been introduced. The new editing methods provide much greater flexibility and may save you time and/or increase editing accuracy.

You can now edit regions in three ways:

Editing method



Edit the region by moving, adding and deleting nodes and line sections (previously the only editing method)


Edit the region by redrawing parts of the region boundary (in the manner that lines are edited)


Edit the region by nudging (making indentations with a circular tool) the region boundary

You choose the editing method from a list that is displayed when you click the Edit Region tool.

See Editing regions for more information.

Undo region deletions

You can now undo the delete region command. To undo region deletion on an echogram:

  • on the Shortcut menu (right-click), click Undo Delete Region; or

  • press CTRL+Z.

Note: If you delete a region using the Regions window or the Region manager, you cannot undo the deletion.

See Deleting regions for more information.

Layer numbers in cell exports

The layer number that is displayed in analysis by cells exports is now based on an absolute reference:

  • When working in depth mode, this is zero meters (the water surface)

  • When working in range mode, this is the transducer face

This is backward compatible. For downwards pointing transducers (the default situation) there is no change in the layer numbering.

Note: This can result in the same layer in an echogram being numbered differently if you change between depth and range mode.

See About interval and layer values in export files for more information.

Polygon selections

The following changes have been made to polygon selections:

  • Selections made using the Polygon tool are no longer limited to defining a region. You can now do the same things with polygon selections that you can with other selections, including: integrating the selection; graphing the selection; picking lines; defining regions; and detecting fish tracks.

  • The Close polygon option has been added to the Shortcut (right click) menu. This will close a polygon by joining the point at which the Close polygon is selected with the starting point of the polygon.


Virtual lines introduced

Virtual lines are lines that are defined relative to another line, another virtual line, or a sounder-detected bottom. The relationship between a virtual line and the line on which it is based is dynamic, i.e. if you change the reference line the virtual line will be updated automatically. Virtual lines can be used for analysis (e.g. as exclude above and exclude below lines) but cannot be edited or selected as the active line on an echogram.

Virtual lines offer a number of benefits including:

  • They can save you time, e.g.

  • if you have defined multiple lines relative to the bottom line and subsequently have to edit the bottom line, the virtual lines will be updated automatically

  • if you work with EV files that have a standard set of relative line spacing, you can save the virtual lines in a template and they will be added to new EV files automatically

  • They eliminate the discrepancies that can occur when you manually edit lines to retain a relative relationship.

See About lines, Creating, renaming and deleting lines and New Virtual Line dialog box for more information.

Negative line depths

Lines and virtual lines can now have negative depths. To view a line with a negative depth you must set a negative Upper display limit (m) on the Display page of the Variable Properties dialog box.


GPS filtering

GPS fixes from all data file types are now filtered prior to processing (filtering was previously only applied to BI500 data files). The filtering process removes GPS fixes that are not logically possible or do not match the expected format. If you open an EV file that was last saved in an earlier version of Echoview and that EV file contains a processed cruise track, Echoview will apply the filtering criteria to the GPS fixes. If GPS fixes are filtered out, the cruise track becomes invalid and you will be prompted to reprocess the cruise track and save the EV file.

See Determining GPS fix status for more information about the filtering process.

Integration and analysis

Integration Results (for cells) dialog box

The Integration Results (for cells) dialog box now displays:

  • the PRC_NASC for that part of each analysis region that is located within the selected cell, and

  • the PRC_NASC for the remainder of the cell.

This information is only displayed if the selected cell contains analysis regions.

See Integration Results (cell) dialog box for more information.

Exclude pings with bad line status from analysis

The Exclude pings with bad line status option has been added to the Analysis page of the Variable properties dialog box. This option allows you to exclude from analyses those pings where the line status of the exclude-below line is bad.

Beam_volume_sum analysis variable

The volume_sampled analysis variable has been renamed as beam_volume_sum. This analysis variable is also now available for Sv data echograms (previously on single target data). See Beam_volume_sum for more information.

Single target detection and analysis

New single target detection operators

New single target detection operators have been introduced. The new operators provide alternative methods for detecting single targets in single beam and split beam data and allow single target detection from dual beam data for the first time in Echoview.



Single target detection  - dual beam method 1

This operator detects single targets from dual beam data. It uses a modified version of single target detection single beam (method 1) algorithm that adds beam compensation estimates based on difference the between a narrow beam and wide beam signal to the peak selection criteria.

Note: This operator is in beta testing release in Echoview 3.10.

See Single target detection (dual beam method 1).

Single target detection  - single beam method 2

This operator detects single targets from single beam data using an algorithm based on our understanding of the single target detection algorithm implemented by Simrad in the EK60 echosounder.

Note: This operator is in beta testing release in Echoview 3.10.

See Single target detection (single beam method 2) for more information.

Single target detection  - split beam method 2

This operator detects single targets from split beam data using a modified version of the single target detection single beam (method 2) algorithm. It applies beam compensation estimates based on split-beam angle data to the peak selection criteria.

Note: This operator is in beta testing release in Echoview 3.10.

See Single target detection (split beam method 2) for more information.

Improvements to the Single target detection - split beam (method 1) operator

The Single target detection - split beam (method 1) operator has been updated to allow you to choose the beam compensation model that is used. This option also exists in the new single target detection - split beam (method 2) operator. You can select:

You select the beam compensation model on the Single target detection page of the Variable Properties dialog box.

Note: Simrad LOBE beam compensation correction was used in previous versions of Echoview. This model will be selected by default. You can change the beam compensation model on the  Single target detection page of the Variable Properties dialog box.

Single target depth

Warning: All depth related information presented in Echoview 3.00 and 3.10 is the conversion of range to depth along the beam axis - it does not take the position of single targets within the beam into account. A new analysis variable Target_true_depth is available in 3.10 which is exported whenever Target_depth (or Target_range) is exported. It takes single target position within the beam into account.

See About single target depths for more information.

Single target display thickness is now relative to pulse length

In Echoview 3.00 and earlier versions, single target detections were displayed with a fixed thickness (previously height) specified in meters. In Echoview 3.10, the thickness of each single target is calculated and displayed proportional to:

  • transmitted pulse length, or

  • detected pulse length at PLDL, 3dB, 6dB, or 9dB below peak.

This may be useful in visually classifying single target or fish tracks and in visualizing the pulse lengths.

See Configuring single target display thickness for more information.

Note: Echoview 3.10 will automatically add settings to version 3.00 (or 2.25) EV files so that single targets are displayed with the same thickness (height) in meters in 3.10 as they were in 3.00.

Output empty cells option for single target exports

The Output empty cells option on the Export page of the EV File Properties dialog box now applies to Single target (and Fish track) exports (previously only to Integration exports). If you select this option, analysis variables for empty cells that describe the contents of the cell (e.g. the number of targets, target range, target depth mean) will be exported as a special export value.

See Output Empty Cells for a definition of empty cells and more information about this option.

Analysis variables exported

The target_true_depth variable is now exported to the target.csv file as part of single target exports.

Fish tracking

Invalid fish tracks

Invalid fish tracks are now included in fish track analysis exports. Valid values from these regions (e.g. start ping and stop ping) will be populated with the correct data while invalid values (e.g. anything based on the single targets in the region) will be populated with special values.

Output empty cells option for fish track exports

The Output empty cells option on the Export page of the EV File Properties dialog box now applies to Fish track (and Single target) exports (previously only to Integration exports). If you select this option, analysis variables for empty cells that describe the contents of the cell (e.g. the number of targets, target range, target depth mean) will be exported as a special export value.

See Output Empty Cells for a definition of empty cells and more information about this option.

Analysis variables exported

The Target_true_depth variable is now exported to the target.csv file when exporting an analysis of fish tracks using the database export format.

See Single target and fish track analysis variables for more information.

Working in 3D

3D Display settings

A 3D Visualization slider bar has been added to the Preferences page of the Echoview configuration dialog box which allows you choose whether rendering of scenes is done with a quality bias or a performance bias. Selecting a performance biased setting may reduce rendering times by up to 50% - the actual improvements will depend on your computer, video card and operating system.

Note: Echoview will choose an initial setting based on the amount of RAM available to your video card but you can change this at any time.

Adding raster images to scenes

You can now import raster image files and add them to a scene. This enables you to combine image files (e.g. aerial photos, graphics or photos of landmarks, side scan data, maps) with 3D objects that were created from survey data or imported into Echoview. See Import a raster image into a scene for more information.

You can also export raster images you have imported and view them in a VRML viewer, see Exporting raster images for more information.

Note: This functionality is in beta testing release for Echoview 3.10.

Adding 3D model objects to scenes

Echoview allows you to import 3D model objects and add them to scenes. You can import 3D objects as:

  • 3D objects, e.g. boats, remotely operated vehicles, geographic features

  • school groups

  • surfaces

See Importing 3D model objects for more information.

Note: This functionality is in beta testing release in Echoview 3.10. The importing of 3D objects as school groups and surfaces are in the early stages of development have been included mainly for evaluation purposes. Please contact SonarData with feedback, to report bugs, or to discuss your requirements.

Coloring 3D surfaces with raster images

An experimental feature has been added that allows you to overlay a raster image on a surface. The image will follow the contours of the surface and will be blended with the color applied to the surface.

See Color a surface using a raster image for more information.

Note: This feature is in the early stages of development and the quality of results may vary. This feature has been included mainly for evaluation purposes, please contact SonarData with feedback, to report bugs, or to discuss your requirements.

Exporting 3D objects from scenes

You can export 3D objects from scenes for analysis, viewing or editing in other software.

You can export 3D objects in the following formats:

  • .csv files that contain detailed data about the 3D object, and

  • .wrl files to view the 3D object as a 3D image in a VRML viewer

If you export a surface that has been colored using a raster image, the raster image will be ignored, i.e. the basic color of the surface will be exported.

See Export 3D objects for more information.

Viewing 3D object properties

You can now display the properties of a 3D object directly from a scene by pointing at the 3D object and on the Shortcut (right-click) menu clicking Properties.

See 3D Object Properties dialog box for more information.

See also Viewing 3D object properties for information about the properties that will be displayed for each type of 3D object.

Viewing and exporting new 3D school metrics

Additional metrics can now be displayed and exported for 3D schools. The new metrics provide additional information about the size and shape of the selected school.

See Exporting 3D Schools analysis, 3D school properties and 3D School metrics for more information.


The section of the help file covering Echoview's 3D capabilities has been extensively updated and restructured. If you are currently using 3D functionality or are contemplating using this functionality it is strongly recommended that you read the contents of the Using Echoview>Working in 3D folder to ensure you have a complete understanding of Echoview's capabilities.


Multibeam phase variables

Echoview will now derive phase variables from complex multibeam data files. The data type of these variables is received signal phase (quadrature) in radians (-p to p). Multibeam phase variables share their calibration settings with the magnitude variable derived from the same complex data file.

Changes to multibeam bottom detection algorithm

The multibeam bottom detection algorithm has been changed to improve bottom detection in multibeam echograms, see Multibeam bottom detection algorithm for a description of the new algorithm.

Synchronizing multibeam echograms

The Synchronize All Echograms command has been added to the Shortcut (right click) menu. This command is available when you have more than one multibeam echogram open and performs the following function:

  • scrolls all multibeam echograms to the same ping that is displayed on the active multibeam echogram, and

  • zooms into the same area that is displayed on the active multibeam echogram.


A number of new operators that can be applied to multibeam data have been introduced and a number of existing operators have been updated to allow them to be used with multibeam data. See the Operators section below for more information.

Virtual variables

Bitmask operator group

The Bitmask operator group has been renamed as the 'Bitmap' operator group.

New operators

The following operators have been added in Echoview 3.10.


Operator group


Deadzone estimation

Data manipulation

This operator calculates estimates of the Sv values of samples in the deadzone using techniques described in Kloser (1996) and can be used to produce biomass estimates which account for the biomass that would otherwise be obscured in the deadzone.

See Data manipulation operators and About the deadzone for more information.

Double threshold


This operator applies a double threshold filter to multibeam variables for the purpose of removing data (e.g. noise) within a specified range.

See Multibeam operators for more information.


Data manipulation

This operator returns the minimum data point values from two variables.

See Data manipulation operators for more information.


Data manipulation

This operator returns the maximum data point values from two variables.

See Data manipulation operators for more information.

Reduce pings

Data manipulation

This operator drops pings that meet specific criteria from the input variable. One application for 'Reduce ping' variables is masking out pings from other variables, e.g. masking out pings on an Sv echogram that do not contain any single target detections

See Data manipulation operators for more information.

Single target  detection - dual beam (method 1)

Single target detection

This operator detects single targets from dual beam data. It uses a modified version of single target detection single beam (method 1) algorithm that adds beam compensation estimates based on difference between a narrow beam and wide beam signal to the peak selection criteria.

Note: This operator is in beta testing release in Echoview 3.10.

See  Single target detection (dual beam method 1)

Single target  detection - single beam (method 2)

Single target detection

This operator detects single targets from single beam data using an algorithm based on our understanding single target detection algorithm implemented by Simrad in the EK60 echosounder.

Note: This operator is in beta testing release in Echoview 3.10.

See Single target detection (single beam method 2) for more information.

Single target  detection - split beam (method 2)

Single target detection

This operator detects single targets from split beam data using a modified version of the single target detection single beam (method 2) operator that applies compensation estimates based on split-beam angle data to the peak selection criteria.

Note: This operator is in beta testing release in Echoview 3.10.

See Single target detection (split beam method 2) for more information.

Target bitmap


This operator creates a bitmap of pings which contain single target detections.

See Bitmap operators for more information.

Towed body

Data manipulation

This operator adjusts ping depths using the depths of a specified line. It is useful for adjusting depths for the effects of a transducer mounted on a towed body. This operator is only useful for downward facing transducers.

Note: This operator is in beta testing release in Echoview 3.10.

 See Data manipulation operators for more information.

Changed operators


Summary of changes

Beam select

This operator now accepts a multibeam boolean variable as input.

See Multibeam operators for more information about this operator.

Convolution (all convolution operators)

The convolution algorithm has been updated to better handle zero-sum kernels.

See Convolution algorithms for more information.

Data range

This operator (previously labeled 'Range') has been updated to work with multibeam data. It can now be used to create a Multibeam boolean variable and accepts Multibeam magnitude and phase variables as operands.

See Bitmap operators for more information.


This operator has been updated to work with multibeam data. It now accepts a multibeam magnitude variable as its first operand, and multibeam Boolean variable as the second operand.

See Bitmap operators for more information.

Single target detection - split beam method 1

You can now choose the beam compensation model that is used by the single target detection - split beam (method 1) operator.  You can select from the following models:

You select the beam compensation model on the Single target detection page of the Variable Properties dialog box.

Note: The same functionality applies to the Single target detection - split beam method 2 operator introduced in Echoview 3.10.

HAC file format support

New tuple support

Support for additional tuples has been introduced to increase the type of data Echoview can share with other processing software.



U-32-16 angles (10001)

Read and write

C-32-16 angles (10011)

Read and write

Ping C-32 (10010)


Ping C-16 (10040)

Read and write

Echosounder BioSonics model 102 (100)


Channel BioSonics model 102 (1000)

Limited read support

See Support for BioSonics model 102 tuples for more information

See HAC data files for a full list of supported tuples.

Populating calibration settings in tuples

Echoview writes calibrated data to HAC files, i.e. Sv, TS and angular values that were calculated using the calibration settings that were current when the HAC file was written. Some of the calibration settings that were used for calibration are now written to the HAC file in the 901 (Generic echosounder tuple) and 9001 (generic echosounder channel) tuples. See HAC data files for more information.

Support in Echocheck

HAC files containing supported generic echosounder tuples, EK500 tuples, and BioSonics Model 102 tuples are now supported by Echocheck.


SetVariableProperty command

The SetVariableProperty scripting command has been introduced. This command allows you to set variable properties, including:

  • data threshold settings

  • calibration settings

  • analysis settings

  • grid settings

See Set variable properties (deprecated scripting model in Echoview 5.0) for more information.

Run commands

The following new run commands have been introduced.




Run a script (e.g. to set variable properties) and save the EV file without producing any output files


Export 3D objects from a scene


Export 3D schools analysis

See Using the Scripting module (deprecated scripting model for Echoview 5.0) for a full list of scripting commands.

Supported operating systems

Support for the following operating systems has changed:

Operating system

Change to support

Windows Server 2003

Support added for Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.

Windows 2000

Service pack 4 now strongly recommended.

Windows NT4

No longer supported. Microsoft ceased supporting Windows NT4 in June 2003 and as a result we no longer support Echoview on this operating system.

See Computer requirements for a full list of supported operating systems and required service packs.